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Created July 6, 2015 15:22
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SHows how to set up infinate scroll on a site using getPage and getResources
&parents=`[[!getUrlParam? &name=`parent`]]`
<div id="ajaxloader" style="display:none;"><center><img src="assets/img/ajax-loader.gif" width="40px" heigh="40px"/></center></div>
var currentPage = 1; // We start at page 1, of course.
connectorUrl = '[[~127]]?page=PAGEHERE&parent=[[*id]]'; // A generated URL to the CategoryAjax resource
itemsHolder = $('#items'); // The dom element that will contain the items
run = true;
function lastAddedLiveFunc(){
run = false;
$.get(connectorUrl.replace('PAGEHERE', currentPage + 1), function(data){
if ($.trim(data) == '') { // result empty? Hide ajax loader and prevent additional calls from being made.
run = false;
else { // Increment page ID, append markup to the holder and hide spinner
run = true;
// Detect window scroll and attempt to run lastAddedLiveFunc
var wintop = $(window).scrollTop(), docheight = $(document).height(), winheight = $(window).height();
var scrolltrigger = 0.95;
if ((wintop/(docheight-winheight)) > scrolltrigger) {
if (run == true) {
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