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Forked from traut/decode-gpg.lua
Last active November 19, 2024 04:39
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local gpgGroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("customGpg", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufReadPre", "FileReadPre" }, {
pattern = "*.gpg",
group = gpgGroup,
callback = function()
-- Make sure nothing is written to shada file while editing an encrypted file.
vim.opt_local.shada = nil
-- We don't want a swap file, as it writes unencrypted data to disk
vim.opt_local.swapfile = false
-- Switch to binary mode to read the encrypted file
vim.opt_local.bin = true
-- Save the current 'ch' value to a buffer-local variable
vim.b.ch_save =
vim.cmd "set ch=2"
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufReadPost", "FileReadPost" }, {
pattern = "*.gpg",
group = gpgGroup,
callback = function()
vim.cmd "'[,']!gpg --decrypt 2> /dev/null"
-- Switch to normal mode for editing
vim.opt_local.bin = false
-- Restore the 'ch' value from the buffer-local variable = vim.b.ch_save
vim.cmd "unlet b:ch_save"
vim.cmd(":doautocmd BufReadPost " .. vim.fn.expand "%:r")
-- Convert all text to encrypted text before writing
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufWritePre", "FileWritePre" }, {
pattern = "*.gpg",
group = gpgGroup,
command = "'[,']!gpg --default-recipient-self -ae 2>/dev/null",
-- Undo the encryption so we are back in the normal text, directly
-- after the file has been written.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufWritePost", "FileWritePost" }, {
pattern = "*.gpg",
group = gpgGroup,
command = "u",
-- Return an empty table to satisfy plugin loader requirements
return {}
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Great! Though I needed a small fix, see

Keep it up :)

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