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Last active January 9, 2023 16:53
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What are Web Components?

Web Components are a new browser feature that provides a standard component model for the Web — WICG/web-components


A web native alternative to, eg. React and Vue.

Allow you to build encapsulated, reusable components

The underlying web standards are:

  • Custom Elements
  • Shadow DOM
  • HTML Templates (<template>)

What are the benefits?

  • Based on web standards (so a safe bet in the long run)
  • Usable directly in HTML (unlike JSX, which has to be compiled)
  • Framework agnostic (you can build components that can be used with any UI framework)
  • Can be used as a progressive enhancement
  • Lightweight and performant (can avoid the need for loading a framework)
  • Multiple <slot>s per component - ie. not just children


Custom elements must have a dash in their name (eg. <my-component>)

Why? No native HTML element has (or will have) a dash in it, so this avoids the risk of name clashes with new HTML elements in future.

Is anyone actually using them?




What is a Custom Element?

What is an HTML template?

What is Shadow DOM?

What is Declarative Shadow DOM?


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