Here are the steps to run the development version of popupcad on a Mac OSX (Yosemite).
yes | conda create -n popupcad_env python=3.4
source activate popupcad_env
yes | conda install numpy scipy matplotlib
yes | conda install shapely pyopengl sympy scipy pyyaml lxml
yes | conda remove pyqt qt
yes | pip install pyqtgraph pycollada
yes | pip install -i pyside
yes | pip install ezdxf numpy-stl pypoly2tri
yes | conda install jupyter seaborn
Was getting this error
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/nickgravish/anaconda/envs/popupcad_env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/PySide/, 2):
Library not loaded: libpyside.cpython-34m.1.2.dylib
Realized that the pip install of pyside was not running the post_install script. Needs to be run manually to connect up all the links correctly.