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Created October 6, 2021 00:23
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Sangria Snippets
// When using an Input field in which you would like to enforce validation at query validation time
// via.... types, you will need a custom JSON marshaller, as well as a `ScalarType` to allow for...
// custom scalar types to be used as an Input. This does not come up as often for custom output types
// as `.toString` allows for most complex types to be easily serialized as a `String`
object LocaleSupport {
import io.circe.Decoder
private val VIOLATION_MESSAGE = "Invalid Locale Provided"
// Custom Java Exception
final case class InvalidLocaleException(
private val message: String = VIOLATION_MESSAGE,
private val cause: Throwable = None.orNull
) extends Exception(message, cause)
// Sangria Violation
case object LocaleViolation extends ValueCoercionViolation(VIOLATION_MESSAGE)
// Implement however
def parseLocale(s: String): Either[LocaleViolation.type, Locale] = ???
// JSON decoding
implicit val decodeLocale: Decoder[Locale] = Decoder.decodeString.emapTry{ s => {
val res = parseLocale(s)
res match {
case Right(l) => Success(l)
case Left(_) => Failure(new InvalidLocaleException)
implicit val LocaleType: ScalarType[Locale] = ScalarType[Locale]("Locale",
coerceOutput = (d, _) => d.toString,
coerceUserInput = {
case s: String => parseLocale(s)
case _ => Left(LocaleViolation)
coerceInput = {
case sangria.ast.StringValue(s, _, _, _, _) => parseLocale(s)
case _ => Left(LocaleViolation)
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