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nickj nickjiunchetti

send nodes
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const [holdx1, setHoldX1] = useState(0)
const [holdx2, setHoldX2] = useState(0)
const [pressx1, setPressX1] = useState(0)
const [pressx2, setPressX2] = useState(0)
function zoomData(data) {
const dataZoom = data
const leftPress = getIndex(Math.min(pressx1, pressx2), data)
const rightPress = getIndex(Math.max(pressx1, pressx2), data)
nickjiunchetti / .js
Last active May 26, 2020 14:46
Create Col Function
function Col( {children, rows }) {
return (
<div className = {"col-" + rows}>
{ children }
return (
background(0, 0, 0);
// The ground
fill(255, 0, 0);
rect(0, 300, 400, 100);
// The sun
fill(184, 51, 51);
ellipse(80, 64, 100, 100);
// The snowman