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Forked from AmazingTurtle/
Created October 21, 2021 00:35
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restore access to unifi controller

Restore access to a unifi controller

When you are unable to login to the unifi controller or forgot admin password, you can restore access using SSH and manipulating mongodb directly.


Do not uninstall unifi controller - most of the data is not stored in mongodb. In case you thought a mongodb backup would be sufficient, you may have fucked up already, just like me. However I managed to write this "tutorial" for anyone to not run into the same trap.


1. Generate password

Use to generate a new password. Use sha512 / crypt(3) / $6$ with the any salt you like (I used 9Ter1EZ9$lSt6 in the example below, but it really doesn't matter).

I have generated a dummy password for you if you want to leave this step out. It is Ch4ngeM3VeryQu!ck:


2. SSH to controller

SSH to the server running the unifi controller. In my case it's running on a raspberry pi.

3. Connect to mongodb

By default unifi comes with mongodb running on port 27117. To connect to it, use the mongo cli tool. Make sure it is installed.

Connect using the following command:

mongo --port 27117

When connected to mongo, execute the following commands to switch the database and verify the installation

use ace;
show collections;

It should show a list of collections, e.g. account, admin, alarm, broadcastgroup, ....

4. Fix

It is very likely that you got here because of power/data loss. You want to check if admins are still in the database. To do so, execute the following command in the mongo cli:


If the result is blank or you don't remember your password, there's two ways. Make sure to replace variables before executing commands.

4.1. Change password of existing user

db.admin.update({ name: "<YOUR-NAME-GOES-HERE>" }, { $set: { "x_shadow": "<PASSWORD-HASH-FROM-STEP-1-GOES-HERE>" } });

4.2. Create a new user

db.admin.insert({ "email" : "<YOUR-EMAIL-GOES-HERE>", "last_site_name" : "default", "name" : "<YOUR-NAME-GOES-HERE>", "time_created" : NumberLong(100019800), "x_shadow" : "<PASSWORD-HASH-FROM-STEP-1-GOES-HERE>" })

5. Get admin id


Will output something like this:

> db.admin.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d0a2e7e8f01c49af4cbe3cd"), "email" : "...", ... }

Take the contents of _id, in this case it is 5d0a2e7e8f01c49af4cbe3cd. You should remember it for the next steps.

6. Fix permissions

You will need to attach the admin role using db.privilege to the newly created user. The privilege belongs to an admin and a site_id.

Make sure to get your site_ids using the following command:

It will show something like this:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d07b088280f9002d7676c87"), "name" : "super", "key" : "super", "attr_hidden_id" : "super", "attr_hidden" : true, "attr_no_delete" : true, "attr_no_edit" : true }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d07b088280f9002d7676c88"), "name" : "default", "desc" : "Default", "attr_hidden_id" : "default", "attr_no_delete" : true }

Once you know the ids of your sites, you can continue with creating privilege entries. You will need the admin id from step 5.

Use the following command for each site you got from

db.privilege.insert({ "admin_id" : "<ADMIN-ID-GOES-HERE>", "permissions" : [ ], "role" : "admin", "site_id" : "<SITE-ID-GOES-HERE>" });

Optionally verify that all privileges have been created using the following command:

> db.privilege.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d0bb7573d70717df47d5af6"), "admin_id" : "5d0a2e7e8f01c49af4cbe3cd", "permissions" : [ ], "role" : "admin", "site_id" : "5d07b088280f9002d7676c87" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d0bb7573d70717df47d5af7"), "admin_id" : "5d0a2e7e8f01c49af4cbe3cd", "permissions" : [ ], "role" : "admin", "site_id" : "5d07b088280f9002d7676c88" }

7. Test

Now you're all set. You eventually want to restart the unifi controller using service unifi restart. You can login now. Good Luck.

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