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Forked from magnetikonline/
Created November 6, 2018 19:26
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Bash array usage cheatsheet.

Bash array usage cheatsheet

Create array

# empty

# with elements
myArray=("first" "second" "third item" "fourth")

	"third item"

Get elements

# all elements (space delimited)
$ echo ${myArray[@]}

# all elements (seperate words)
$ echo "${myArray[@]}"

# all elements (single word, separated by first character of IFS)
$ echo "${myArray[*]}"

# specific element
$ echo "${myArray[1]}"

# two elements, starting at second item
$ echo "${myArray[@]:1:2}"

# keys (indicies) of an array
$ echo "${!myArray[@]}"

Append element


Get length

# element count
$ echo "${#myArray[@]}"

# length of specific element (string length)
$ echo "${#myArray[1]}"


for arrayItem in "${myArray[@]}"; do
	echo "$arrayItem"

Pass to function

Note: Named reference to another variable (local -n) only supported with Bash 4.3.x or above.

function myFunction {

	local -n givenList=$1
	echo "${givenList[@]}"

itemList=("first" "second" "third")
myFunction itemList


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