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Forked from turadg/Send Chrome to OmniFocus.scpt
Created January 1, 2012 23:48
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OmniFocus integrations
-- from
tell front window of application "OmniFocus"
set theTrees to selected trees of content
if (count of theTrees) < 1 then
set theTrees to selected trees of sidebar
end if
if (count of theTrees) < 1 then
end if
set theSelection to value of item 1 of theTrees
if class of theSelection is folder then
set theURI to "omnifocus:///folder/" & id of theSelection
set theNote to ""
else if class of theSelection is project then
set theURI to "omnifocus:///project/" & id of theSelection
set theNote to ""
set theURI to "omnifocus:///task/" & id of theSelection
set theNote to note of theSelection
set theProjectName to name of containing project of theSelection
end if
set theName to name of theSelection
tell application "Evernote"
set newNote to create note with text theURI & return & theNote
set title of newNote to theName
set source URL of newNote to theURI
if (count of theProjectName) > 0 then
if (not (tag named theProjectName exists)) then
make tag with properties {name:theProjectName}
end if
set theTag to tag named theProjectName
assign theTag to newNote
end if
open note window with newNote
end tell
end try
end tell
on openQuickEntry(theTitle, theTaskNote)
tell application "OmniFocus" to tell default document
tell quick entry
set theTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:theTitle}
select {theTask}
set note of theTask to theTaskNote
set note expanded of last tree to true
tell application "System Events" to keystroke tab
end tell
end tell
end openQuickEntry
-- Chrome handling based on post by iNik:
on fromGoogleChrome()
set theTitle to ""
set theTaskNote to ""
tell application "Google Chrome"
-- activate
tell window 1 to tell active tab
set oldClipboard to text of (the clipboard)
log result
copy selection
set theTitle to title
set theURL to URL
set theTaskNote to theURL
set newClipboard to text of (the clipboard)
log result
if newClipboard is not equal to oldClipboard then
set theTaskNote to theTaskNote & (return) & (return) & newClipboard
end if
end tell
end tell
openQuickEntry(theTitle, theTaskNote)
end fromGoogleChrome
-- Make a new Omnifocus task from the current selection in Evernote
-- The note title becomes the task title, and a link is provided back to the Evernote note
on fromEvernote()
set theTitle to ""
set theTaskNote to ""
tell application "Evernote"
set noteList to selection
set currentEvernote to item 1 of noteList
set theTitle to title of currentEvernote
set theTaskNote to note link of currentEvernote
if (theTaskNote is missing value) then
repeat 6 times
delay 0.25
set theTaskNote to note link of currentEvernote
if (theTaskNote is not missing value) then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if (theTaskNote is missing value) then
display dialog "Sync was needed and is taking a while; dismiss me when sync is complete"
set theTaskNote to note link of currentEvernote
end if
end if
if (source URL of currentEvernote is not missing value) then
set theTaskNote to source URL of currentEvernote & (return) & (return) & theTaskNote
end if
end tell
openQuickEntry(theTitle, theTaskNote)
end fromEvernote
-- on fromFirefox()
-- set theTitle to ""
-- set theTaskNote to ""
-- tell application "Firefox"
-- activate
-- tell application "System Events"
-- keystroke "l" using {command down}
-- keystroke "c" using {command down}
-- end tell
-- set theTaskNote to text of (the clipboard)
-- set theTitle to name of front window
-- end tell
-- openQuickEntry(theTitle, theTaskNote)
-- end fromFirefox
on fromSafari()
set theTitle to ""
set theTaskNote to ""
tell application "Safari"
set theTitle to name of current tab of front window as string
set theTaskNote to URL of current tab of front window as string
end tell
openQuickEntry(theTitle, theTaskNote)
end fromSafari
on fromUnknown(theFrontApp)
set theTitle to ""
set theTaskNote to ""
-- FIXME: don't need to tell theFrontApp anything right now;
-- for possible future hax
tell application theFrontApp
set theTitle to name of front window
set theTaskNote to ""
on error errMsg
-- display dialog "ERROR: " & errMsg
-- skip trying to set task title
set theTitle to ""
set theTaskNote to ""
end try
end tell
openQuickEntry(theTitle, theTaskNote)
end fromUnknown
tell application "System Events"
set theFrontApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
if theFrontApp = "Evernote" then
set result to my fromEvernote()
else if theFrontApp = "Safari" then
set result to my fromSafari()
else if theFrontApp = "Google Chrome" then
set result to my fromGoogleChrome()
-- else if theFrontApp = "Firefox" then
-- set result to my fromFirefox()
set result to my fromUnknown(theFrontApp)
end if
end tell
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