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Nick Snyder nicksnyder

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ethack /
Last active February 25, 2025 06:39
Scripts that simulate typing the clipboard contents. Useful when pasting is not allowed.

It "types" the contents of the clipboard.

Why can't you just paste the contents you ask? Sometimes pasting just doesn't work.

  • One example is in system password fields on OSX.
  • Sometimes you're working in a VM and the clipboard isn't shared.
  • Other times you're working via Remote Desktop and again, the clipboard doesn't work in password boxes such as the system login prompts.
  • Connected via RDP and clipboard sharing is disabled and so is mounting of local drives. If the system doesn't have internet access there's no easy way to get things like payloads or Powershell scripts onto it... until now.


The Windows version is written in AutoHotKey and easily compiles to an executable. It's a single line script that maps Ctrl-Shift-V to type the clipboard.

evadne / gist:4544569
Last active August 14, 2023 05:04
Todd Laney’s enhancements to Sticky Headers + UICollectionViewFlowLayout
// StickyHeaderLayout.h
// Wombat
// Created by Todd Laney on 1/9/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 ToddLa. All rights reserved.
// Modified from THANKS!
neilj / gist:1532562
Created December 29, 2011 07:22
Sugared DOM: Better Than Templates
var el = ( function () {
var doc = document;
var directProperties = {
'class': 'className',
className: 'className',
defaultValue: 'defaultValue',
'for': 'htmlFor',
html: 'innerHTML',
0xc010d / ReCodeSign
Created November 14, 2011 22:38
Codesign an iOS app, with a different distribution certificate and mobileprovisioning file.
- Copy the delivered ipa into a directory to work in.
- export PlistBuddy="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy" to get the PlistBuddy tool to your shell. If it is not added, all references to PlistBuddy
will need to be written as the full path.
- Take the delivered App.ipa and unzip it using the unzip command. This should produce a Payload directory containing the app and its
- Enter the command "codesign -d --entitlements :enterprise.plist Payload/" This pulls the entitlements out of the app, and
prints them to a plist, without a leading "blob" of data. Pay particular attention to the colon before the enterprise.plist file name.
jonah-williams /
Created April 30, 2011 17:46
Command line iOS project builds and over-the-air distribution
# command line OTA distribution references and examples