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Created June 13, 2014 09:30
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# Original code:
# Generate realistic looking terrain using the [diamond square algorithm](
#### Generating a height map
# The height map is basically an array of numbers, each element represents
# a point on a map and each number represents the height of that grid.
class @HeightMap
# Initialise the height map with a `size` whose upper bound is inclusive (32 means an array of 33 items).
# Call the `reset` function to put the height_map into a state that is ready
# for terrain generation.
constructor: (size, options = {}) ->
@low_value = options.low_value ? 0
@high_value = options.high_value ? 255
@variability = options.variability ? 0.75
@mid_value = Math.floor((@low_value + @high_value) / 2)
@size = { width: size.width, height: size.height }
@at = @get_cell
# Pop any remaining objects from the operation queue and discard them.
# Create an empty 2D array, size × size,
# Set all the corner points to the mid value.
# Push a new object to the queue for the first diamond square step.
reset: =>
@map = for y in [[email protected]]
null for x in [[email protected]]
@set_cell 0, 0, @mid_value
@set_cell 0, @size.height, @mid_value
# Get the value of the point at [x, y].
get_cell: (x, y) ->
x = 0 if x is @size.width
# Set the value of the point at [x, y] to be v.
set_cell: (x, y, v) ->
x = 0 if x is @size.width
@map[y][x] = v
# Set the value of the cell at [x, y] to be v, but only if it isn't already set.
# This is useful when we recurse, since some adjacent points might already
# have a value set and I'd rather preserve them.
soft_set_cell: (x, y, v) ->
x = 0 if x is @size.width
@map[y][x] ||= v
# Keep calling step() until there's nothing left in the queue.
run: ->
@diamond_square 0, 0, @size.width, @size.height, @mid_value
# The diamond square algorithm works on a particular region in 2 steps:
diamond_square: (left, top, right, bottom, base_height) ->
x_centre = Math.floor (left + right) / 2
y_centre = Math.floor (top + bottom) / 2
# * The **diamond** step populates the centre point by averaging the
# values at the four corners and adding or subtracting a random amount
# of noise.
centre_point_value = Math.floor (
@get_cell(left, top) +
@get_cell(right, top) +
@get_cell(left, bottom) +
@get_cell(right, bottom)
) / 4
) - (Math.floor (Math.random() - 0.5) * base_height * 2)
@soft_set_cell(x_centre, y_centre, centre_point_value)
# * The **square** step populates the North, South, East and West points
# by averaging the North West and North East values, the South East and
# South East values, etc.
@soft_set_cell(x_centre, top, Math.floor (@get_cell(left, top) + @get_cell(right, top) ) / 2 + ((Math.random() - 0.5) * base_height))
@soft_set_cell(x_centre, bottom, Math.floor (@get_cell(left, bottom) + @get_cell(right, bottom)) / 2 + ((Math.random() - 0.5) * base_height))
@soft_set_cell(left, y_centre, Math.floor (@get_cell(left, top) + @get_cell(left, bottom)) / 2 + ((Math.random() - 0.5) * base_height))
@soft_set_cell(right, y_centre, Math.floor (@get_cell(right, top) + @get_cell(right, bottom)) / 2 + ((Math.random() - 0.5) * base_height))
# Once the centre point and the four side points are populated then,
# provided there are no smaller regions left, split the current region
# into four smaller regions and perform the diamond square algorithm
# on them.
if (right - left) > 2
base_height = Math.floor base_height * Math.pow 2.0, -@variability
@diamond_square left, top, x_centre, y_centre, base_height
@diamond_square x_centre, top, right, y_centre, base_height
@diamond_square left, y_centre, x_centre, bottom, base_height
@diamond_square x_centre, y_centre, right, bottom, base_height
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