#!/usr/bin/env python |
from sys import argv, stdout |
from os import system, remove, path |
from urlparse import urlparse |
import re |
import dfu |
import ssl |
import math |
import json |
import getopt |
import image3 |
import dfuexec |
import httplib |
import usbexec |
import zipfile |
import plistlib |
####################### BEGIN ASN1 DECODER ############################ |
# Author: Jens Getreu, 8.11.2014 |
##### NAVIGATE |
# The following 4 functions are all you need to parse an ASN1 structure |
# gets the first ASN1 structure in der |
def asn1_node_root(der): |
return asn1_read_length(der,0) |
# gets the next ASN1 structure following (ixs,ixf,ixl) |
def asn1_node_next(der, (ixs,ixf,ixl)): |
return asn1_read_length(der,ixl+1) |
# opens the container (ixs,ixf,ixl) and returns the first ASN1 inside |
def asn1_node_first_child(der, (ixs,ixf,ixl)): |
if ord(der[ixs]) & 0x20 != 0x20: |
raise ValueError('Error: can only open constructed types. ' |
+'Found type: 0x'+der[ixs].encode("hex")) |
return asn1_read_length(der,ixf) |
# is true if one ASN1 chunk is inside another chunk. |
def asn1_node_is_child_of((ixs,ixf,ixl), (jxs,jxf,jxl)): |
return ( (ixf <= jxs ) and (jxl <= ixl) ) or \ |
( (jxf <= ixs ) and (ixl <= jxl) ) |
# get content and verify type byte |
def asn1_get_value_of_type(der,(ixs,ixf,ixl),asn1_type): |
asn1_type_table = { |
'BOOLEAN': 0x01, 'INTEGER': 0x02, |
'BIT STRING': 0x03, 'OCTET STRING': 0x04, |
'NULL': 0x05, 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER': 0x06, |
'SEQUENCE': 0x70, 'SET': 0x71, |
'PrintableString': 0x13, 'IA5String': 0x16, |
'UTCTime': 0x17, 'ENUMERATED': 0x0A, |
'UTF8String': 0x0C, |
} |
if asn1_type_table[asn1_type] != ord(der[ixs]): |
raise ValueError('Error: Expected type was: '+ |
hex(asn1_type_table[asn1_type])+ |
' Found: 0x'+der[ixs].encode('hex')) |
return der[ixf:ixl+1] |
# get value |
def asn1_get_value(der,(ixs,ixf,ixl)): |
return der[ixf:ixl+1] |
# get type+length+value |
def asn1_get_all(der,(ixs,ixf,ixl)): |
return der[ixs:ixl+1] |
# converter |
def bitstr_to_bytestr(bitstr): |
if bitstr[0] != '\x00': |
raise ValueError('Error: only 00 padded bitstr can be converted to bytestr!') |
return bitstr[1:] |
# converter |
def bytestr_to_int(s): |
# converts bytestring to integer |
i = 0 |
for char in s: |
i <<= 8 |
i |= ord(char) |
return i |
# ix points to the first byte of the asn1 structure |
# Returns first byte pointer, first content byte pointer and last. |
def asn1_read_length(der,ix): |
first= ord(der[ix+1]) |
if (ord(der[ix+1]) & 0x80) == 0: |
length = first |
ix_first_content_byte = ix+2 |
ix_last_content_byte = ix_first_content_byte + length -1 |
else: |
lengthbytes = first & 0x7F |
length = bytestr_to_int(der[ix+2:ix+2+lengthbytes]) |
ix_first_content_byte = ix+2+lengthbytes |
ix_last_content_byte = ix_first_content_byte + length -1 |
return (ix,ix_first_content_byte,ix_last_content_byte) |
####################### END ASN1 DECODER ############################ |
serial_number = None |
cpid = None |
bdid = None |
deviceIdentifier = None |
versionMap = {} |
def getInfo(): |
global serial_number, cpid, bdid |
dev = dfu.acquire_device() |
serial_number = dev.serial_number |
print("Found:" + serial_number) |
if not "PWND:[" in serial_number: |
print "Please enable pwned DFU Mode first." |
exit(4) |
cpid_m = re.search("CPID:([0-9A-F]{4})", serial_number) |
if cpid_m == None: |
print("Could not find CPID in serial") |
exit(4) |
cpid = cpid_m.group(1) |
if bdid == None: |
bdid_m = re.search("BDID:([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])", serial_number) |
if bdid_m == None: |
print("Could not find BDID in serial") |
exit(4) |
bdid = bdid_m.group(1) |
dfu.release_device(dev) |
def getRawKeybag(der): |
if der[:4] == "3gmI": |
kbag = image3.Image3(der).getKeybag() |
return kbag # may be None |
else: |
dec = asn1_node_next(der, asn1_node_next(der, asn1_node_next(der, asn1_node_first_child(der, asn1_node_root(der))))) |
if dec[2] >= len(der) - 4: |
return None |
kbag_node = asn1_node_next(der, dec) |
# make sure it's an OCTET STRING |
if ord(der[kbag_node[0]]) != 0x4: |
return None |
kbag = asn1_get_value(der, kbag_node) |
dec = asn1_node_next(kbag, asn1_node_first_child(kbag, asn1_node_first_child(kbag, asn1_node_root(kbag)))) |
ivenc = asn1_get_value(kbag, dec) |
keyenc = asn1_get_value(kbag, asn1_node_next(kbag, dec)) |
return (ivenc + keyenc) |
def getKeysFromDevice(keybag): |
if 'PWND:[checkm8]' in serial_number: |
pwned = usbexec.PwnedUSBDevice() |
keys = pwned.aes(keybag, usbexec.AES_DECRYPT, usbexec.AES_GID_KEY).encode('hex') |
else: |
device = dfuexec.PwnedDFUDevice() |
keys = device.aes(keybag, dfuexec.AES_DECRYPT, dfuexec.AES_GID_KEY).encode("hex") |
return (keys[:32], keys[32:]) |
def getIdentity(manifest, restoreBehavior, identityType): |
try: |
identity = next(item for item in manifest["BuildIdentities"] if item["ApChipID"] == "0x" + cpid and item["ApBoardID"] == "0x" + bdid and item["Info"]["RestoreBehavior"] == restoreBehavior) |
except StopIteration: |
print("Error: Could not find " + identityType + " identity for CPID " + cpid + " and BDID " + bdid + " in manifest") |
exit(5) |
if identity == None: |
print("Error: Could not find " + identityType + " identity for CPID " + cpid + " and BDID " + bdid + " in manifest") |
exit(5) |
return identity |
def convertKeys(zipfile, identity, identityType, kbagOnly=False): |
output = {} |
for k,v in identity["Manifest"].items(): |
if not "Path" in v["Info"].keys(): continue |
if k == "OS": |
output["RootFS"] = {"Path": v["Info"]["Path"], "Encrypted": False} |
continue |
if not (any(v["Info"]["Path"].endswith(suffix) for suffix in ("im4p", "img3", "trustcache", "dmg")) or k == "RestoreRamDisk" or k == "KernelCache"): continue |
if identityType == 'update': |
if k == "RestoreRamDisk": k = "UpdateRamDisk" |
if k == "RestoreTrustCache": k = "UpdateTrustCache" |
kbag = getRawKeybag(zipfile.read(v["Info"]["Path"])) |
if kbag == None: |
output[k] = {"Path": v["Info"]["Path"], "Encrypted": False} |
else: |
if 'SEP' in k or kbagOnly: |
output[k] = {"Path": v["Info"]["Path"], "Encrypted": True, "KBAG": str(kbag).encode('hex')} |
else: |
iv,key = getKeysFromDevice(kbag) |
output[k] = {"Path": v["Info"]["Path"], "Encrypted": True, "IV": iv, "Key": key} |
return output |
def extractKeys(infile, outfile, outtype=0, delete=False, infodict=None): |
print("Reading manifest...") |
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(infile) |
manifest = plistlib.readPlistFromString(zip.read("BuildManifest.plist")) |
print("Reading keys...") |
output = {} |
altOutput = None |
maxlen = 11 |
for (restoreBehavior, identityType) in (('Erase','restore'), ('Update','update')): |
identity = getIdentity(manifest, restoreBehavior, identityType) |
output.update(convertKeys(zip, identity, identityType)) |
boardConfig = identity["Info"]["DeviceClass"] |
boardConfig2 = None |
otherDevices = [item for item in manifest["BuildIdentities"] if re.sub(r'^([a-z][0-9]+).*',r'\1',item["Info"]["DeviceClass"]) == re.sub(r'^([a-z][0-9]+).*',r'\1',boardConfig) and item["ApBoardID"] == "0x"+bdid and item["ApChipID"] != "0x"+cpid and item["Info"]["RestoreBehavior"] == "Erase"] |
print("Found {} other devices:".format(len(otherDevices))) |
for dev in otherDevices: |
print(" bdid {} cpid {} boardconfig {}".format(dev["ApBoardID"], dev["ApChipID"], dev["Info"]["DeviceClass"])) |
if len(otherDevices) == 1: |
altOutput = convertKeys(zip, otherDevices[0], 'restore', kbagOnly=True) |
boardConfig2 = otherDevices[0]["Info"]["DeviceClass"] |
shouldSwap = any(boardConfig.endswith(suffix) for suffix in ('uap','map','tap')) |
if shouldSwap: |
print("Main model is {}, secondary model is {}, let's swap them".format(boardConfig, boardConfig2)) |
(boardConfig, boardConfig2) = (boardConfig2, boardConfig) |
for k,v in altOutput.items(): |
if k in ('RestoreSEP','RestoreDeviceTree'): continue |
if v['Path'] != output[k]['Path']: |
if shouldSwap: |
output[k+'2'] = output[k] |
output[k] = v |
else: |
output[k+'2'] = v |
elif len(otherDevices) > 1: |
print("error: expected to get only one 'other device'") |
exit(6) |
ProductType = None |
if deviceIdentifier is not None: |
ProductType = deviceIdentifier |
elif "Restore.plist" in zip.namelist(): |
restore = plistlib.readPlistFromString(zip.read("Restore.plist")) |
if "ProductType" in restore.keys(): |
ProductType = restore["ProductType"] |
elif "SupportedProductTypes" in restore.keys() and len(restore["SupportedProductTypes"]) == 1: |
ProductType = restore["SupportedProductTypes"][0] |
# Add Maggie if the file exists in the zip |
try: |
zip.getinfo("Firmware/Maggie/AppleMaggieFirmwareImage.im4p") |
output["AppleMaggie"] = {"Path": "Firmware/Maggie/AppleMaggieFirmwareImage.im4p", "Encrypted": False} |
except KeyError: |
pass |
maxlen = max(maxlen, max(len(k) for k in output.keys())) + 4 |
zip.close() |
file = open(outfile, "w") |
if outtype == 0: json.dump(output, file) |
elif outtype == 1: file.write(plistlib.writePlistToString(output)) |
else: |
# use manifest["ProductVersion"] unless the build ID is present in the versionMap override |
productVersion = versionMap.get(manifest["ProductBuildVersion"], manifest["ProductVersion"]) |
file.write("{{keys\n") |
file.write(" | {} = {}\n".format("Version".ljust(maxlen), productVersion)) |
file.write(" | {} = {}\n".format("Build".ljust(maxlen), manifest["ProductBuildVersion"])) |
file.write(" | {} = {}\n".format("Device".ljust(maxlen), infodict["identifier"] if infodict != None else (ProductType if ProductType != None else "?"))) |
file.write(" | {} = {}\n".format("Codename".ljust(maxlen), identity["Info"]["BuildTrain"])) |
if 'BasebandFirmware' in identity["Manifest"]: |
file.write(" | {} = {}\n".format("Baseband".ljust(maxlen), re.sub(r'^Firmware/.*-([0-9.]+)\.\w+\.bbfw$', r'\1', identity["Manifest"]["BasebandFirmware"]["Info"]["Path"]))) |
file.write(" | {} = {}\n".format("DownloadURL".ljust(maxlen), infodict["url"] if infodict != None else "?")) |
file.write("\n") |
output["GlyphPlugin"] = output["BatteryPlugin"] |
if 'BatteryPlugin2' in output: |
output["GlyphPlugin2"] = output["BatteryPlugin2"] |
def niceBoardConfig(bc): |
return (bc.upper() |
.replace('UAP','uAP') |
.replace('MAP','mAP') |
.replace('SAP','sAP') |
.replace('TAP','tAP') |
.replace('BAP','bAP') |
) |
if boardConfig2: |
file.write(" | {} = {}\n".format('Model'.ljust(maxlen), niceBoardConfig(boardConfig))) |
file.write(" | {} = {}\n".format('Model2'.ljust(maxlen), niceBoardConfig(boardConfig2))) |
file.write("\n") |
del output["BatteryPlugin"] |
for k in ["RootFS", "RootFS2", "UpdateRamDisk", "UpdateRamDisk2", "RestoreRamDisk", "RestoreRamDisk2"]: |
if k not in output.keys(): continue |
v = output[k] |
if k == "RestoreRamDisk": wk = "RestoreRamdisk" |
elif k == "UpdateRamDisk": wk = "UpdateRamdisk" |
elif k == "RestoreRamDisk2": wk = "RestoreRamdisk2" |
elif k == "UpdateRamDisk2": wk = "UpdateRamdisk2" |
else: wk = k |
file.write(" | " + wk.ljust(maxlen) + " = " + path.basename(v["Path"]).replace(".dmg", "") + "\n") |
if v["Encrypted"]: |
if "KBAG" in v.keys(): |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "IV").ljust(maxlen) + " = Unknown\n | " + (wk + "Key").ljust(maxlen) + " = Unknown\n") |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "KBAG").ljust(maxlen) + " = " + v["KBAG"] + "\n\n") |
else: |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "IV").ljust(maxlen) + " = " + v["IV"] + "\n") |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "Key").ljust(maxlen) + " = " + v["Key"] + "\n\n") |
elif k == "RootFS" and manifest["ProductVersion"][0] != "1": |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "IV").ljust(maxlen) + " = ?\n") |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "Key").ljust(maxlen) + " = ?\n\n") |
else: |
file.write(" | " + (wk + ("Key" if wk == "RootFS" else "IV")).ljust(maxlen) + " = Not Encrypted\n\n") |
del output[k] |
for k,v in sorted(output.items(), key=lambda k: (k[0].lower(), k[1])): |
if k.replace('2','') in ("RestoreSEP", "RestoreDeviceTree", "RestoreTrustCache", "UpdateTrustCache", "StaticTrustCache", "RestoreLogo"): continue |
if k == "KernelCache": wk = "Kernelcache" |
elif k == "KernelCache2": wk = "Kernelcache2" |
elif k == "SEP": wk = "SEPFirmware" |
elif k == "SEP2": wk = "SEPFirmware2" |
elif k == "AOP": wk = "AOPFirmware" |
elif k == "AOP2": wk = "AOPFirmware2" |
elif k == "Liquid": wk = "LiquidDetect" |
else: wk = k |
file.write(" | " + wk.ljust(maxlen) + " = " + path.basename(v["Path"]).replace(".dmg", "") + "\n") |
if v["Encrypted"]: |
if "KBAG" in v.keys(): |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "IV").ljust(maxlen) + " = Unknown\n | " + (wk + "Key").ljust(maxlen) + " = Unknown\n") |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "KBAG").ljust(maxlen) + " = " + v["KBAG"] + "\n\n") |
else: |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "IV").ljust(maxlen) + " = " + v["IV"] + "\n") |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "Key").ljust(maxlen) + " = " + v["Key"] + "\n\n") |
else: |
file.write(" | " + (wk + "IV").ljust(maxlen) + " = Not Encrypted\n\n") |
file.write("}}") |
file.close() |
if delete: |
print("Cleaning up...") |
remove(infile) |
print("Keys saved to " + outfile) |
def parseVersionMap(path): |
versionMap = {} |
with open(path, "r") as f: |
for line in f: |
build, _, version = line.strip().partition(" ") |
versionMap[build] = version |
return versionMap |
def usage(): |
print("Usage: " + argv[0] + " <-i <input>|-d <identifier>> [-jpw] [-v <version>] [-b <bdid>] [options] [-a] [-o <output>] [-m <model>]") |
print("Extracts iOS encryption keys from an IPSW using a physical device's AES engine.") |
print("") |
print("Required arguments:") |
print(" -d, --device <identifier> Device identifier to download IPSW for") |
print(" -i, --input <input> Local IPSW file to read from") |
print(" -o, --output <output> Location to store output keys") |
print("") |
print("Optional arguments:") |
print(" -a, --auto-name Automatically name output based on version and device, and save in folder at <output> if specified") |
print(" -b, --bdid <BDID>|* Use a custom board ID instead of the current device's BDID") |
print(" -h, --help Show this help prompt") |
print(" -j, --json Store output as JSON file") |
print(" -p, --plist Store output as property list file") |
print(" -v, --version <version> Version of iOS to download (without this, downloads all versions and implies -a)") |
print(" -w, --wiki Format output for iPhone Wiki upload") |
print(" -m, --model <model> Device model (like iPhone8,4) to include in wiki format") |
print(" --version-map <file> Path to a file listing build IDs and version numbers (like '17A5547d 13.0 beta 5')") |
def getext(t): |
if t == 0: return "json" |
elif t == 1: return "plist" |
else: return "wiki" |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
if len(argv) == 1: |
usage() |
exit(0) |
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hi:o:d:v:ajpwb:m:", ["device=", "input=", "output=", "auto-name", "json", "plist", "version=", "wiki", "help", "bdid=", "model=", "version-map="]) |
inputName = None |
inputDevice = None |
inputVersion = None |
outputName = None |
outputType = None |
autoName = False |
versionMapPath = None |
for o, a in optlist: |
if o == "-j" or o == "--json": |
if outputType == None: outputType = 0 |
else: |
print("Error: Only one of -j, -p, -w can be specified.") |
exit(1) |
elif o == "-p" or o == "--plist": |
if outputType == None: outputType = 1 |
else: |
print("Error: Only one of -j, -p, -w can be specified.") |
exit(1) |
elif o == "-w" or o == "--wiki": |
if outputType == None: outputType = 2 |
else: |
print("Error: Only one of -j, -p, -w can be specified.") |
exit(1) |
elif o == "-d" or o == "--device": |
inputDevice = a |
elif o == "-i" or o == "--input": |
inputName = a |
elif o == "-o" or o == "--output": |
outputName = a |
elif o == "-v" or o == "--version": |
inputVersion = a |
elif o == "-a" or o == "--auto-name": |
autoName = True |
elif o == "-h" or o == "--help": |
usage() |
exit(0) |
elif o == "-b" or o == "--bdid": |
bdid = a |
elif o == "-m" or o == "--model": |
deviceIdentifier = a |
elif o == '--version-map': |
versionMapPath = a |
if outputType == None: outputType = 0 |
if inputName == None and inputDevice == None: |
print("Error: No input file or device specified.") |
exit(1) |
if outputName == None and autoName == False: |
print("Error: No output file specified.") |
exit(1) |
if inputName != None and inputDevice != None: |
print("Error: Only one of -i, -d can be specified.") |
exit(1) |
if inputName != None and inputVersion != None: |
print("Error: -v cannot be used in conjunction with -i.") |
exit(1) |
infoDict = None |
getInfo() |
if inputName == None: |
def getFile(url): |
uri = urlparse(url) |
con = httplib.HTTPSConnection(uri.netloc, context=ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)) |
con.request("GET", uri.path) |
res = con.getresponse() |
if math.floor(res.status / 100) != 2: |
print(res.status) |
return None |
retval = res.read() |
con.close() |
return retval |
firmwares_json = getFile("https://api.ipsw.me/v4/device/" + inputDevice) |
if firmwares_json == None: |
print("Error: Unknown device type " + inputDevice) |
exit(2) |
firmwares = json.loads(firmwares_json) |
if firmwares == None: |
print("Error: Could not decode firmwares json") |
exit(2) |
if inputVersion == None: |
print("Warning: -v was not specified, downloading all versions available. This will take a long time. Did you mean to specify -v?") |
for firm in firmwares["firmwares"]: |
print("Downloading iOS " + firm["version"] + " (" + firm["buildid"] + ") for device " + firm["identifier"] + "...") |
system("curl -o firmware.ipsw -L --progress-bar " + firm["url"]) |
extractKeys("firmware.ipsw", outputName + "/" + firm["identifier"] + "_" + firm["version"] + "_" + firm["buildid"] + "_Keys.json", outtype=outputType, delete=True, infodict=firm) |
exit(0) |
try: |
firm = next(item for item in firmwares["firmwares"] if item["version"] == inputVersion) |
except StopIteration: |
print("Error: Unknown version " + inputVersion + " for device " + inputDevice) |
exit(3) |
if firm == None: |
print("Error: Unknown version " + inputVersion + " for device " + inputDevice) |
exit(3) |
print("Downloading iOS " + firm["version"] + " (" + firm["buildid"] + ") for device " + firm["identifier"] + "...") |
system("curl -o firmware.ipsw -L --progress-bar " + firm["url"]) |
inputName = "firmware.ipsw" |
infoDict = firm |
if autoName: outputName = (outputName + "/" if outputName != None else "") + firm["identifier"] + "_" + firm["version"] + "_" + firm["buildid"] + "_Keys." + getext(outputType) |
elif autoName: |
if re.match("iP\w+?[0-9a-z._,]+?[0-9.]+_[0-9]+[A-Z][0-9]+_Restore.ipsw", path.basename(inputName)): |
m = re.match("(iP\w+?[0-9a-z._,]+?[0-9.]+_[0-9]+[A-Z][0-9]+)_Restore.ipsw", path.basename(inputName)) |
outputName = m.group(1) + "_Keys." + getext(outputType) |
else: outputName = outputName + "/" + inputName.replace(".ipsw", "") + "_Keys." + getext(outputType) |
if versionMapPath: |
versionMap = parseVersionMap(versionMapPath) |
extractKeys(inputName, outputName, outtype=outputType, delete=inputDevice != None, infodict=infoDict) |