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Created March 24, 2009 14:03
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#[email protected]
[13:59] slainer68: My question : i've got in my class a "case my_object ... when String ... when Array ...". How should I test this with a mock ?
[13:59] slainer68: I've tested with my_object = mock("my_object", :class => String) but that does not work.
[13:59] pd: slainer68: i wouldn't mock at all, pass a real string or a real array
[14:00] slainer68: pd: that would be okay with a simple class, but in my case i need to use a mock because i'm testing a Net::HTTP class
[14:00] slainer68: my class got : case http_response when Net::HTTPSuccess ...
[14:01] pd: i see
[14:04] pd: slainer68: so mock('foo', :class => String) will change the .class response, but String===that_obj still doesn't work
[14:04] pd: uhh i don't see any good way around that
[14:04] pd: besides changing implementation to care about interface instead of class
[14:05] slainer68: pd: i see
[14:06] nevans a rejoint le canal.
[14:07] pd: slainer68: meh, i guess checking response.code instead of by class, but it eliminates the pretty names
[14:10] slainer68: thanks pd
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