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Last active June 4, 2023 20:49
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This for loop:

for (let i = 0, getI = () => i; i < 3; i++)

unrolls to:

let i_initial = 0, getI_initial = () => i_initial;
  let i_iteration0 = i_initial;
  // TEST: i_iteration0 < 3 --> TRUE

  let getI_iteration0 = getI_initial;

    let i_iteration1 = i_iteration0;
    let getI_iteration1 = getI_iteration0;
    // TEST: i_iteration1 < 3 --> TRUE

      let i_iteration2 = i_iteration1;
      let getI_iteration2 = getI_iteration1;
      // TEST: i_iteration2 < 3 --> TRUE
        let i_iteration3 = i_iteration2;
        let getI_iteration3 = getI_iteration2;

        // TEST: i_iteration3 < 3 --> FALSE
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Ah I understand the initialisation is a bit subtle indeed. Thanks a lot for sharing this simple but tricky case Nicolò, much insightful!

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