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You are a CFO of my software startup. I am the CEO. We are debating the merits of employing a team of developers vs. retaining seasonal contract developers. We both care about:
- Fiscal Responsibility - we want to spend money as efficiently as possible
- Product Market Fit - we want to ensure we are delivering features that add value to paying customers
- Long Term Health - we want our company to flourish long term
Talk through this decision with me, to help decide whether we should employ full time developers or retain seasonal contract developers.
Here is a chart that shows a new technology’s features and their cost, value, time to implement, and when each will be stable. Help me compile a timeline that maximizes cost and value as soon as possible, reduces the amount of time between implementing each feature, and ensuring that features are stable before implementing:
| New Feature | Cost | Value | Time to implement | When will it be stable? |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
I am building a mobile app that allows users to create reminders about their friends and family (birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations, etc.) and have the app remind them about these events ahead of time so they can keep up to date with people that matter to them.
I'm building an MVP (minimum viable product) and I want to make sure I launch as early as possible to get feedback and validate the idea in market.
I will provide a list of features that I plan to build. Please consider each feature and the impact it will have, whether or not it's necessary to prove the idea in market, and reorder them into a list from most important to least important, specifically with the goal of validating the idea in market.
Current list of features:
* Authentication
* Profile page
Here are the topics I've been learning about lately. Ask me 3 questions to gauge my experience level in each, then suggest 3 new specific learning areas that would complement my understanding of these topics (including a list of resources and specific thought leaders for this content). Pick new areas that are related to, but may challenge some of the areas that I’m currently learning to deepen my understanding. Ask the questions one at a time, so I can respond to each.
* Topic 1
* Topic 2
* Topic 3
Read the changelog for {NEW TECHNOLOGY} here {LINK TO CHANGELOG}, then complete the following steps:
1. Create a table of every version back to {DATE} including the date, key changes, and update implementation effort level (the level of effort required for me to implement the necessary changes to upgrade the version)
2. Create a graph showing the effort level of changes over time
Analyze my codebase, and provide a brief for each of the following questions:
1. What is my core application stack (name of the core fameworks used and a several word description of each)
2. Describe the core signup flow to someone who doesn't know code
3. Describe any existing analytics tools and a list of specific events they are capturing
4. Describe a high level overview of how to use an analytics tool in this specific codebase to log when a user experiences an error, and when a user leaves the app during the signup flow
I want to change the functionality and style of of the {COMPONENT NAME} component. Implement a draft of the following style and functionality changes, then create a list of all uses of this component in the application with links to each route so that I can test the changes.
Style Changes:
Functionality Changes:
nicovalencia / indie-metrics-analysis.prompt
Last active June 9, 2023 19:01
Indie Metrics Analysis Prompt
Given this CSV of goal metrics, please analyze progress according to the requirements below:
Committee,Goal Name,Goal Target,June 9th,June 16,June 23,June 30,July 7,July 14,July 21,July 28,August 4,August 11,August 18,August 25,September 1,September 8,September 15,September 22,September 29,October 6,October 13,October 20,October 27,November 3,November 10,November 17,November 24,December 1,December 8,December 15,December 22,December 29
Strategy / Partnerships,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,Revenue (per season),"$500,000","$10,000",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,Tasks (per season),25,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,% Indies Completed Tasks,35%,10%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
nicovalencia / countdown.js
Last active February 7, 2022 21:04
React Countdown
const [countdown, setCountdown] = useState('xx:xx')
function updateCountdown() {
const totalSeconds = (TARGET_TIMESTAMP - new Date().getTime()) / 1000
const minutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60)
const seconds = Math.round(totalSeconds % 60)
const countdown = `${minutes}:${seconds > 9 ? seconds : '0' + seconds}`
if (totalSeconds > 1) {
setTimeout(updateCountdown, 1000)

Polygon <> ETH NFT

Polygon Documentation

Polygon's getting started flows outline how to create a Polygon contract that allows for bridging tokens (ERC-20/721/1155) FROM Ethereum TO Polygon. Typically, what we really want is to create a token that's mintable on Polygon first, then allows the owner to bridge the token to Ethereum. This is called the Mintable Assets flow, and is what we will outline below. Read more about the high level documentation here:

Simple Explanation

With the Polygon Mintable (or "Mintable Assets") flow, tokens are minted the Polygon contract first.