# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- |
""" |
MoinMoin - PageEditor class |
PageEditor is used for r/w access to a wiki page (edit, rename, delete operations). |
* See comments in Page.py, most apply here, too. |
* The editor code should be modularized so we will be able to use it for any |
text/* mimetype data with some special features enabled depending on the |
mimetype (e.g. enable wiki markup help when editing wiki mimetype). |
@copyright: 2000-2004 by Juergen Hermann <[email protected]>, |
2005-2007 by MoinMoin:ThomasWaldmann, |
2007 by MoinMoin:ReimarBauer |
@license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details. |
""" |
import os, time, codecs, errno |
from MoinMoin import caching, config, wikiutil, error |
from MoinMoin.Page import Page |
from MoinMoin.widget import html |
from MoinMoin.widget.dialog import Status |
from MoinMoin.logfile import editlog, eventlog |
from MoinMoin.mail.sendmail import encodeSpamSafeEmail |
from MoinMoin.support.python_compatibility import set |
from MoinMoin.util import filesys, timefuncs, web |
from MoinMoin.events import PageDeletedEvent, PageRenamedEvent, PageCopiedEvent, PageRevertedEvent |
from MoinMoin.events import PagePreSaveEvent, Abort, send_event |
import MoinMoin.events.notification as notification |
# used for merging |
conflict_markers = ("\n---- /!\\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ----\n", |
"\n---- /!\\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----\n", |
"\n---- /!\\ '''End of edit conflict''' ----\n") |
############################################################################# |
### Javascript code for editor page |
############################################################################# |
# we avoid the "--" operator to make this XHTML happy! |
_countdown_js = """ |
%(countdown_script)s |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var countdown_timeout_min = %(lock_timeout)s |
var countdown_lock_expire = "%(lock_expire)s" |
var countdown_lock_mins = "%(lock_mins)s" |
var countdown_lock_secs = "%(lock_secs)s" |
addLoadEvent(countdown) |
</script> |
""" |
############################################################################# |
### PageEditor - Edit pages |
############################################################################# |
class PageEditor(Page): |
""" Editor for a wiki page. """ |
# exceptions for .saveText() |
class SaveError(error.Error): |
pass |
class RevertError(SaveError): |
pass |
class AccessDenied(SaveError): |
pass |
class Immutable(AccessDenied): |
pass |
class NoAdmin(AccessDenied): |
pass |
class EmptyPage(SaveError): |
pass |
class Unchanged(SaveError): |
pass |
class EditConflict(SaveError): |
pass |
class CouldNotLock(SaveError): |
pass |
def __init__(self, request, page_name, **keywords): |
""" Create page editor object. |
@param page_name: name of the page |
@param request: the request object |
@keyword do_revision_backup: if 0, suppress making a page backup per revision |
@keyword do_editor_backup: if 0, suppress saving of draft copies |
@keyword uid_override: override user id and name (default None) |
""" |
Page.__init__(self, request, page_name, **keywords) |
self._ = request.getText |
self.do_revision_backup = keywords.get('do_revision_backup', 1) |
self.do_editor_backup = keywords.get('do_editor_backup', 1) |
self.uid_override = keywords.get('uid_override', None) |
self.lock = PageLock(self) |
def mergeEditConflict(self, origrev): |
""" Try to merge current page version with new version the user tried to save |
@param origrev: the original revision the user was editing |
@rtype: bool |
@return: merge success status |
""" |
from MoinMoin.util import diff3 |
allow_conflicts = 1 |
# Get current editor text |
savetext = self.get_raw_body() |
# The original text from the revision the user was editing |
original_text = Page(self.request, self.page_name, rev=origrev).get_raw_body() |
# The current revision someone else saved |
saved_text = Page(self.request, self.page_name).get_raw_body() |
# And try to merge all into one with edit conflict separators |
verynewtext = diff3.text_merge(original_text, saved_text, savetext, |
allow_conflicts, *conflict_markers) |
if verynewtext: |
self.set_raw_body(verynewtext) |
return True |
# this should never happen, except for empty pages |
return False |
def sendconfirmleaving(self): |
""" Prevents moving away from the page without saving it. """ |
_ = self._ |
self.request.write(u'''\ |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var flgChange = false; |
function confirmleaving() { |
if ( flgChange ) |
return "%s"; |
} |
</script> |
''' % _("Your changes are not saved!")) |
def sendEditor(self, **kw): |
""" Send the editor form page. |
@keyword preview: if given, show this text in preview mode |
@keyword staytop: don't go to #preview |
@keyword comment: comment field (when preview is true) |
""" |
from MoinMoin import i18n |
from MoinMoin.action import SpellCheck |
request = self.request |
form = request.form |
_ = self._ |
raw_body = '' |
msg = None |
conflict_msg = None |
edit_lock_message = None |
preview = kw.get('preview', None) |
staytop = kw.get('staytop', 0) |
from MoinMoin.formatter.text_html import Formatter |
request.formatter = Formatter(request, store_pagelinks=1) |
# check edit permissions |
if not request.user.may.write(self.page_name): |
msg = _('You are not allowed to edit this page.') |
elif not self.isWritable(): |
msg = _('Page is immutable!') |
elif self.rev: |
# Trying to edit an old version, this is not possible via |
# the web interface, but catch it just in case... |
msg = _('Cannot edit old revisions!') |
else: |
try: |
# try to acquire edit lock |
ok, edit_lock_message = self.lock.acquire() |
if not ok: |
# failed to get the lock |
if preview is not None: |
edit_lock_message = _('The lock you held timed out. Be prepared for editing conflicts!' |
) + "<br>" + edit_lock_message |
else: |
msg = edit_lock_message |
except OSError, err: |
if err.errno == errno.ENAMETOOLONG: |
msg = _("Page name is too long, try shorter name.") |
else: |
raise |
# Did one of the prechecks fail? |
if msg: |
request.theme.add_msg(msg, "error") |
self.send_page() |
return |
# Emit http_headers after checks (send_page) |
request.disableHttpCaching(level=2) |
# check if we want to load a draft |
use_draft = None |
if 'button_load_draft' in form: |
wanted_draft_timestamp = int(form.get('draft_ts', '0')) |
if wanted_draft_timestamp: |
draft = self._load_draft() |
if draft is not None: |
draft_timestamp, draft_rev, draft_text = draft |
if draft_timestamp == wanted_draft_timestamp: |
use_draft = draft_text |
# Check for draft / normal / preview submit |
if use_draft is not None: |
title = _('Draft of "%(pagename)s"') |
# Propagate original revision |
rev = int(form['draft_rev']) |
self.set_raw_body(use_draft, modified=1) |
preview = use_draft |
elif preview is None: |
title = _('Edit "%(pagename)s"') |
else: |
title = _('Preview of "%(pagename)s"') |
# Propagate original revision |
rev = request.rev |
self.set_raw_body(preview, modified=1) |
# send header stuff |
lock_timeout = self.lock.timeout / 60 |
lock_page = wikiutil.escape(self.page_name, quote=1) |
lock_expire = _("Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s has expired!") % {'lock_page': lock_page} |
lock_mins = _("Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # minutes.") % {'lock_page': lock_page} |
lock_secs = _("Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # seconds.") % {'lock_page': lock_page} |
# get request parameters |
try: |
text_rows = int(form['rows']) |
except StandardError: |
text_rows = self.cfg.edit_rows |
if request.user.valid: |
text_rows = int(request.user.edit_rows) |
if preview is not None: |
# Check for editing conflicts |
if not self.exists(): |
# page does not exist, are we creating it? |
if rev: |
conflict_msg = _('Someone else deleted this page while you were editing!') |
elif rev != self.current_rev(): |
conflict_msg = _('Someone else changed this page while you were editing!') |
if self.mergeEditConflict(rev): |
conflict_msg = _("""Someone else saved this page while you were editing! |
Please review the page and save then. Do not save this page as it is!""") |
rev = self.current_rev() |
if conflict_msg: |
# We don't show preview when in conflict |
preview = None |
elif self.exists(): |
# revision of existing page |
rev = self.current_rev() |
else: |
# page creation |
rev = 0 |
# Page editing is done using user language |
request.setContentLanguage(request.lang) |
# Get the text body for the editor field. |
# TODO: what about deleted pages? show the text of the last revision or use the template? |
if preview is not None: |
raw_body = self.get_raw_body() |
if use_draft: |
request.theme.add_msg(_("[Content loaded from draft]"), 'info') |
elif self.exists(): |
# If the page exists, we get the text from the page. |
# TODO: maybe warn if template argument was ignored because the page exists? |
raw_body = self.get_raw_body() |
elif 'template' in request.values: |
# If the page does not exist, we try to get the content from the template parameter. |
template_page = wikiutil.unquoteWikiname(request.values['template']) |
template_page_escaped = wikiutil.escape(template_page) |
if request.user.may.read(template_page): |
raw_body = Page(request, template_page).get_raw_body() |
if raw_body: |
request.theme.add_msg(_("[Content of new page loaded from %s]") % (template_page_escaped, ), 'info') |
else: |
request.theme.add_msg(_("[Template %s not found]") % (template_page_escaped, ), 'warning') |
else: |
request.theme.add_msg(_("[You may not read %s]") % (template_page_escaped, ), 'error') |
# Make backup on previews - but not for new empty pages |
if not use_draft and preview and raw_body: |
self._save_draft(raw_body, rev) |
draft_message = None |
loadable_draft = False |
if preview is None: |
draft = self._load_draft() |
if draft is not None: |
draft_timestamp, draft_rev, draft_text = draft |
if draft_text != raw_body: |
loadable_draft = True |
page_rev = rev |
draft_timestamp_str = request.user.getFormattedDateTime(draft_timestamp) |
draft_message = _(u"'''<<BR>>Your draft based on revision %(draft_rev)d (saved %(draft_timestamp_str)s) can be loaded instead of the current revision %(page_rev)d by using the load draft button - in case you lost your last edit somehow without saving it.''' A draft gets saved for you when you do a preview, cancel an edit or unsuccessfully save.", wiki=True) % locals() |
# Setup status message |
status = [kw.get('msg', ''), conflict_msg, edit_lock_message, draft_message] |
status = [msg for msg in status if msg] |
status = ' '.join(status) |
status = Status(request, content=status) |
request.theme.add_msg(status, "dialog") |
request.theme.send_title( |
title % {'pagename': self.split_title(), }, |
page=self, |
html_head=self.lock.locktype and ( |
_countdown_js % { |
'countdown_script': request.theme.externalScript('countdown'), |
'lock_timeout': lock_timeout, |
'lock_expire': lock_expire, |
'lock_mins': lock_mins, |
'lock_secs': lock_secs, |
}) or '', |
editor_mode=1, |
allow_doubleclick=1, |
) |
request.write(request.formatter.startContent("content")) |
# Generate default content for new pages |
if not raw_body: |
raw_body = _('Describe %s here.') % (self.page_name, ) |
# send form |
request.write('<form id="editor" method="post" action="%s#preview" onSubmit="flgChange = false;">' % ( |
request.href(self.page_name) |
)) |
# yet another weird workaround for broken IE6 (it expands the text |
# editor area to the right after you begin to type...). IE sucks... |
# http://fplanque.net/2003/Articles/iecsstextarea/ |
request.write('<fieldset style="border:none;padding:0;">') |
request.write(unicode(html.INPUT(type="hidden", name="action", value="edit"))) |
# Send revision of the page our edit is based on |
request.write('<input type="hidden" name="rev" value="%d">' % (rev, )) |
# Create and send a ticket, so we can check the POST |
request.write('<input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="%s">' % wikiutil.createTicket(request)) |
# Save backto in a hidden input |
backto = request.values.get('backto') |
if backto: |
request.write(unicode(html.INPUT(type="hidden", name="backto", value=backto))) |
# button bar |
button_spellcheck = '<input class="button" type="submit" name="button_spellcheck" value="%s" onClick="flgChange = false;">' % _('Check Spelling') |
save_button_text = _('Save Changes') |
cancel_button_text = _('Cancel') |
if self.cfg.page_license_enabled: |
request.write('<p><em>', _( |
"""By hitting '''%(save_button_text)s''' you put your changes under the %(license_link)s. |
If you don't want that, hit '''%(cancel_button_text)s''' to cancel your changes.""", wiki=True) % { |
'save_button_text': save_button_text, |
'cancel_button_text': cancel_button_text, |
'license_link': wikiutil.getLocalizedPage(request, self.cfg.page_license_page).link_to(request), |
}, '</em></p>') |
request.write(''' |
<input class="button" type="submit" name="button_save" value="%s" onClick="flgChange = false;"> |
<input class="button" type="submit" name="button_preview" value="%s" onClick="flgChange = false;"> |
''' % (save_button_text, _('Preview'), )) |
if not (request.cfg.editor_force and request.cfg.editor_default == 'text'): |
request.write(''' |
<input id="switch2gui" style="display: none;" class="button" type="submit" name="button_switch" value="%s"> |
''' % (_('GUI Mode'), )) |
if loadable_draft: |
request.write(''' |
<input class="button" type="submit" name="button_load_draft" value="%s" onClick="flgChange = false;"> |
<input type="hidden" name="draft_ts" value="%d"> |
<input type="hidden" name="draft_rev" value="%d"> |
''' % (_('Load Draft'), draft_timestamp, draft_rev)) |
request.write(''' |
%s |
<input class="button" type="submit" name="button_cancel" value="%s"> |
<input type="hidden" name="editor" value="text"> |
''' % (button_spellcheck, cancel_button_text, )) |
# Trivial Change-checkbox to the top of the page, shows up only if user has JavaScript enabled. It's "linked" with the bottom's box (checking one checks both) |
if self.cfg.mail_enabled: |
request.write(''' |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
<!-- |
function toggle_trivial(CheckedBox) |
{ |
TrivialBoxes = document.getElementsByName("trivial"); |
for (var i = 0; i < TrivialBoxes.length; i++) |
TrivialBoxes[i].checked = CheckedBox.checked; |
} |
document.write('<input type="checkbox" name="trivial" id="chktrivialtop" value="1" %(checked)s onclick="toggle_trivial(this)">'); |
document.write('<label for="chktrivialtop">%(label)s</label>'); |
//--> |
</script> ''' % { |
'checked': ('', 'checked')[form.get('trivial', '0') == '1'], |
'label': _("Trivial change"), |
}) |
from MoinMoin.security.textcha import TextCha |
request.write(TextCha(request).render()) |
# Add textarea with page text |
self.sendconfirmleaving() |
lang = self.pi.get('language', request.cfg.language_default) |
if not text_rows: |
# if no specific value is given for editor height, but 0, we |
# compute the rows from the raw_body line count plus some |
# extra rows for adding new text in the editor. Maybe this helps |
# with the "double slider" usability issue, esp. for devices like |
# the iphone where you can't operate both sliders. |
current_rows = len(raw_body.split('\n')) |
text_rows = max(10, int(current_rows * 1.5)) |
request.write( |
u'''\ |
<div id='editor-textarea-div'><textarea id="editor-textarea" name="savetext" lang="%(lang)s" dir="%(dir)s" rows="%(rows)d" cols="80" |
onChange="flgChange = true;" onKeyPress="flgChange = true;">\ |
%(text)s\ |
</textarea></div>''' % { |
'lang': lang, |
'dir': i18n.getDirection(lang), |
'rows': text_rows, |
'text': wikiutil.escape(raw_body) |
}) |
request.write("<p>") |
request.write(_("Comment:"), |
' <input id="editor-comment" type="text" name="comment" value="%s" size="80" maxlength="200"' |
' onChange="flgChange = true;" onKeyPress="flgChange = true;">' % ( |
wikiutil.escape(kw.get('comment', ''), 1), )) |
request.write("</p>") |
# Category selection |
filterfn = self.cfg.cache.page_category_regexact.search |
cat_pages = request.rootpage.getPageList(filter=filterfn) |
cat_pages.sort() |
cat_pages = [wikiutil.pagelinkmarkup(p) for p in cat_pages] |
cat_pages.insert(0, ('', _('<No addition>'))) |
request.write("<p>") |
request.write(_('Add to: %(category)s') % { |
'category': unicode(web.makeSelection('category', cat_pages)), |
}) |
if self.cfg.mail_enabled: |
request.write(''' |
<input type="checkbox" name="trivial" id="chktrivial" value="1" %(checked)s onclick="toggle_trivial(this)"> |
<label for="chktrivial">%(label)s</label> |
''' % { |
'checked': ('', 'checked')[form.get('trivial', '0') == '1'], |
'label': _("Trivial change"), |
}) |
request.write(''' |
<input type="checkbox" name="rstrip" id="chkrstrip" value="1" %(checked)s> |
<label for="chkrstrip">%(label)s</label> |
''' % { |
'checked': ('', 'checked')[form.get('rstrip', '0') == '1'], |
'label': _('Remove trailing whitespace from each line') |
}) |
request.write("</p>") |
badwords_re = None |
if preview is not None: |
if 'button_spellcheck' in form or 'button_newwords' in form: |
badwords, badwords_re, msg = SpellCheck.checkSpelling(self, request, own_form=0) |
request.write("<p>%s</p>" % msg) |
request.write('</fieldset>') |
request.write("</form>") |
# QuickHelp originally by Georg Mischler <[email protected]> |
markup = self.pi['format'] or request.cfg.default_markup |
try: |
parser = wikiutil.searchAndImportPlugin(self.request.cfg, "parser", markup) |
except wikiutil.PluginMissingError: |
parser = wikiutil.searchAndImportPlugin(self.request.cfg, "parser", "plain") |
quickhelp = getattr(parser, 'quickhelp', None) |
if quickhelp: |
request.write(request.formatter.div(1, id="editor-help")) |
request.write(_(quickhelp, wiki=True)) |
request.write(request.formatter.div(0)) |
if preview is not None: |
if staytop: |
content_id = 'previewbelow' |
else: |
content_id = 'preview' |
self.send_page(content_id=content_id, content_only=1, hilite_re=badwords_re) |
request.write(''' |
<script src="/moin_static193/js/codemirror.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea('editor-textarea', { |
height: "500px", |
parserfile: ["parserst.js"], |
tabMode: "spaces", |
stylesheet: ["/moin_static193/css/rstcolors.css"], |
path: "/moin_static193/js/" |
}); |
</script> |
''') |
request.write(request.formatter.endContent()) |
request.theme.send_footer(self.page_name) |
request.theme.send_closing_html() |
def sendCancel(self, newtext, rev): |
""" User clicked on Cancel button. |
If edit locking is active, delete the current lock file. |
@param newtext: the edited text (which has been cancelled) |
@param rev: not used!? |
""" |
request = self.request |
_ = self._ |
self._save_draft(newtext, rev) # shall we really save a draft on CANCEL? |
self.lock.release() |
backto = request.values.get('backto') |
if backto: |
pg = Page(request, backto) |
request.http_redirect(pg.url(request)) |
else: |
request.theme.add_msg(_('Edit was cancelled.'), "error") |
self.send_page() |
def copyPage(self, newpagename, comment=u''): |
""" Copy the current version of the page (keeping the backups, logs and attachments). |
@param comment: Comment given by user |
@rtype: unicode |
@return: success flag, error message |
""" |
request = self.request |
_ = self._ |
if not newpagename: |
return False, _("You can't copy to an empty pagename.") |
if not self.request.user.may.write(newpagename): |
return False, _('You are not allowed to copy this page!') |
newpage = PageEditor(request, newpagename) |
pageexists_error = _("""'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.''' |
Try a different name.""", wiki=True) % (wikiutil.escape(newpagename), ) |
# Check whether a page with the new name already exists |
if newpage.exists(includeDeleted=1): |
return False, pageexists_error |
# Get old page text |
savetext = self.get_raw_body() |
oldpath = self.getPagePath(check_create=0) |
newpath = newpage.getPagePath(check_create=0) |
# Copy page |
# NOTE: might fail if another process created newpagename just |
try: |
filesys.copytree(oldpath, newpath) |
self.error = None |
savetext = u"## page was copied from %s\n%s" % (self.page_name, savetext) |
Page.__init__(self, request, newpagename) |
self._write_file(savetext, "SAVENEW", comment) |
event = PageCopiedEvent(request, newpage, self, comment) |
send_event(event) |
return True, None |
except OSError, err: |
# Try to understand what happened. Maybe its better to check |
# the error code, but I just reused the available code above... |
if newpage.exists(includeDeleted=1): |
return False, pageexists_error |
else: |
return False, _('Could not copy page because of file system error: %s.') % unicode(err) |
def renamePage(self, newpagename, comment=u''): |
""" Rename the current version of the page (making a backup before deletion |
and keeping the backups, logs and attachments). |
@param comment: Comment given by user |
@rtype: unicode |
@return: success flag, error message |
""" |
request = self.request |
_ = self._ |
if not (request.user.may.delete(self.page_name) |
and request.user.may.write(newpagename)): |
msg = _('You are not allowed to rename this page!') |
raise self.AccessDenied, msg |
if not newpagename: |
return False, _("You can't rename to an empty pagename.") |
newpage = PageEditor(request, newpagename) |
pageexists_error = _("""'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.''' |
Try a different name.""", wiki=True) % (wikiutil.escape(newpagename), ) |
# Check whether a page with the new name already exists |
if newpage.exists(includeDeleted=1): |
return False, pageexists_error |
# Get old page text |
savetext = self.get_raw_body() |
oldpath = self.getPagePath(check_create=0) |
newpath = newpage.getPagePath(check_create=0) |
# Rename page |
# NOTE: might fail if another process created newpagename just |
# NOW, while you read this comment. Rename is atomic for files - |
# but for directories, rename will fail if the directory |
# exists. We should have global edit-lock to avoid this. |
# See http://docs.python.org/lib/os-file-dir.html |
try: |
os.rename(oldpath, newpath) |
self.error = None |
# Save page text with a comment about the old name |
savetext = u"## page was renamed from %s\n%s" % (self.page_name, savetext) |
newpage.saveText(savetext, 0, comment=comment, extra=self.page_name, action='SAVE/RENAME', notify=False) |
# delete pagelinks |
arena = newpage |
key = 'pagelinks' |
cache = caching.CacheEntry(request, arena, key, scope='item') |
cache.remove() |
# clean the cache |
for formatter_name in self.cfg.caching_formats: |
arena = newpage |
key = formatter_name |
cache = caching.CacheEntry(request, arena, key, scope='item') |
cache.remove() |
event = PageRenamedEvent(request, newpage, self, comment) |
send_event(event) |
return True, None |
except OSError, err: |
# Try to understand what happened. Maybe its better to check |
# the error code, but I just reused the available code above... |
if newpage.exists(includeDeleted=1): |
return False, pageexists_error |
else: |
return False, _('Could not rename page because of file system error: %s.') % unicode(err) |
def revertPage(self, revision, comment=u''): |
""" Reverts page to the given revision |
@param revision: revision to revert to |
@type revision: int |
""" |
_ = self.request.getText |
if not self.request.user.may.revert(self.page_name): |
# no real message necessary, cannot happen if |
# user doesn't try to exploit us |
raise self.RevertError('not allowed') |
elif revision is None: |
# see above |
raise self.RevertError('cannot revert to current rev') |
else: |
revstr = '%08d' % revision |
pg = Page(self.request, self.page_name, rev=revision) |
msg = self.saveText(pg.get_raw_body(), 0, extra=revstr, action="SAVE/REVERT", notify=False, comment=comment) |
# Remove cache entry (if exists) |
pg = Page(self.request, self.page_name) |
key = self.request.form.get('key', 'text_html') # XXX see cleanup code in deletePage |
caching.CacheEntry(self.request, pg, key, scope='item').remove() |
caching.CacheEntry(self.request, pg, "pagelinks", scope='item').remove() |
# Notify observers |
e = PageRevertedEvent(self.request, self.page_name, revision, revstr) |
send_event(e) |
return msg |
def deletePage(self, comment=None): |
""" Delete the current version of the page (making a backup before deletion |
and keeping the backups, logs and attachments). |
@param comment: Comment given by user |
@rtype: unicode |
@return: success flag, error message |
""" |
request = self.request |
_ = self._ |
success = True |
if not (request.user.may.write(self.page_name) |
and request.user.may.delete(self.page_name)): |
msg = _('You are not allowed to delete this page!') |
raise self.AccessDenied, msg |
try: |
msg = self.saveText(u"deleted\n", 0, comment=comment or u'', deleted=True, notify=False) |
msg = msg.replace( |
_("Thank you for your changes. Your attention to detail is appreciated."), |
_('Page "%s" was successfully deleted!') % (wikiutil.escape(self.page_name), )) |
event = PageDeletedEvent(request, self, comment) |
send_event(event) |
except self.SaveError, message: |
# XXX do not only catch base class SaveError here, but |
# also the derived classes, so we can give better err msgs |
success = False |
msg = "SaveError has occured in PageEditor.deletePage. We need locking there." |
# delete pagelinks |
arena = self |
key = 'pagelinks' |
cache = caching.CacheEntry(request, arena, key, scope='item') |
cache.remove() |
# clean the cache |
for formatter_name in self.cfg.caching_formats: |
arena = self |
key = formatter_name |
cache = caching.CacheEntry(request, arena, key, scope='item') |
cache.remove() |
return success, msg |
def _get_local_timestamp(self): |
""" Returns the string that can be used by the TIME substitution. |
@return: str with a timestamp in it |
""" |
now = time.time() |
# default: UTC |
zone = "Z" |
u = self.request.user |
# setup the timezone |
if u.valid and u.tz_offset: |
tz = u.tz_offset |
# round to minutes |
tz -= tz % 60 |
minutes = tz / 60 |
hours = minutes / 60 |
minutes -= hours * 60 |
# construct the offset |
zone = "%+0.2d%02d" % (hours, minutes) |
# correct the time by the offset we've found |
now += tz |
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", timefuncs.tmtuple(now)) + zone |
def _expand_variables(self, text): |
""" Expand @VARIABLE@ in `text`and return the expanded text. |
@param text: current text of wikipage |
@rtype: string |
@return: new text of wikipage, variables replaced |
""" |
# TODO: Allow addition of variables via wikiconfig or a global wiki dict. |
request = self.request |
now = self._get_local_timestamp() |
u = request.user |
obfuscated_email_address = encodeSpamSafeEmail(u.email) |
signature = u.signature() |
variables = { |
'PAGE': self.page_name, |
'TIMESTAMP': now, |
'TIME': "<<DateTime(%s)>>" % now, |
'DATE': "<<Date(%s)>>" % now, |
'ME': u.name, |
'USERNAME': signature, |
'USER': "-- %s" % signature, |
'SIG': "-- %s <<DateTime(%s)>>" % (signature, now), |
'EMAIL': "<<MailTo(%s)>>" % (obfuscated_email_address) |
} |
if u.valid and u.name: |
if u.email: |
variables['MAILTO'] = "<<MailTo(%s)>>" % u.email |
# Users can define their own variables via |
# UserHomepage/MyDict, which override the default variables. |
userDictPage = u.name + "/MyDict" |
if userDictPage in request.dicts: |
variables.update(request.dicts[userDictPage]) |
for name in variables: |
text = text.replace('@%s@' % name, variables[name]) |
return text |
def normalizeText(self, text, **kw): |
""" Normalize text |
Make sure text uses '\n' line endings, and has a trailing |
newline. Strip whitespace on end of lines if needed. |
You should normalize any text you enter into a page, for |
example, when getting new text from the editor, or when setting |
new text manually. |
@param text: text to normalize (unicode) |
@keyword stripspaces: if 1, strip spaces from text |
@rtype: unicode |
@return: normalized text |
""" |
if text: |
lines = text.splitlines() |
# Strip trailing spaces if needed |
if kw.get('stripspaces', 0): |
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines] |
# Add final newline if not present, better for diffs (does |
# not include former last line when just adding text to |
# bottom; idea by CliffordAdams) |
if not lines[-1] == u'': |
# '' will make newline after join |
lines.append(u'') |
text = u'\n'.join(lines) |
return text |
def _save_draft(self, text, rev, **kw): |
""" Save an editor backup to the drafts cache arena. |
@param text: draft text of the page |
(if None, the draft gets removed from the cache) |
@param rev: the revision of the page this draft is based on |
@param kw: no keyword args used currently |
""" |
request = self.request |
if not request.user.valid or not self.do_editor_backup: |
return None |
arena = 'drafts' |
key = request.user.id |
cache = caching.CacheEntry(request, arena, key, scope='wiki', use_pickle=True) |
if cache.exists(): |
cache_data = cache.content() |
else: |
cache_data = {} |
pagename = self.page_name |
if text is None: |
try: |
del cache_data[pagename] |
except: |
pass |
else: |
timestamp = int(time.time()) |
cache_data[pagename] = (timestamp, rev, text) |
cache.update(cache_data) |
def _load_draft(self): |
""" Get a draft from the drafts cache arena. |
@rtype: unicode |
@return: draft text or None |
""" |
request = self.request |
if not request.user.valid: |
return None |
arena = 'drafts' |
key = request.user.id |
cache = caching.CacheEntry(request, arena, key, scope='wiki', use_pickle=True) |
pagename = self.page_name |
try: |
cache_data = cache.content() |
return cache_data.get(pagename) |
except caching.CacheError: |
return None |
def copy_underlay_page(self): |
# renamed from copypage to avoid conflicts with copyPage |
""" Copy a page from underlay directory to page directory """ |
src = self.getPagePath(use_underlay=1, check_create=0) |
dst = self.getPagePath(use_underlay=0, check_create=0) |
if src and dst and src != dst and os.path.exists(src): |
try: |
os.rmdir(dst) # simply remove empty dst dirs |
# XXX in fact, we should better remove anything we regard as an |
# empty page, maybe also if there is also an edit-lock or |
# empty cache. revisions subdir... |
except: |
pass |
if not os.path.exists(dst): |
filesys.copytree(src, dst) |
self.reset() # reinit stuff |
def _write_file(self, text, action='SAVE', comment=u'', extra=u'', deleted=False): |
""" Write the text to the page file (and make a backup of old page). |
@param text: text to save for this page |
@param deleted: if True, then don't write page content (used by deletePage) |
@rtype: int |
@return: mtime_usec of new page |
""" |
request = self.request |
_ = self._ |
was_deprecated = self.pi.get('deprecated', False) |
self.copy_underlay_page() |
# remember conflict state |
self.setConflict(wikiutil.containsConflictMarker(text)) |
# Write always on the standard directory, never change the |
# underlay directory copy! |
pagedir = self.getPagePath(use_underlay=0, check_create=0) |
revdir = os.path.join(pagedir, 'revisions') |
cfn = os.path.join(pagedir, 'current') |
clfn = os.path.join(pagedir, 'current-locked') |
cltfn = os.path.join(pagedir, 'current-locked.tmp') |
# !!! these log objects MUST be created outside the locked area !!! |
# The local log should be the standard edit log, not the |
# underlay copy log! |
pagelog = self.getPagePath('edit-log', use_underlay=0, isfile=1) |
llog = editlog.EditLog(request, filename=pagelog, |
uid_override=self.uid_override) |
# Open the global log |
glog = editlog.EditLog(request, uid_override=self.uid_override) |
if not os.path.exists(pagedir): # new page, create and init pagedir |
os.mkdir(pagedir) |
if not os.path.exists(revdir): |
os.mkdir(revdir) |
f = file(cfn, 'w') |
f.write('%08d\n' % 0) |
f.close() |
got_lock = False |
retry = 0 |
try: |
while not got_lock and retry < 100: |
retry += 1 |
try: |
filesys.rename(cfn, clfn) |
got_lock = True |
except OSError, err: |
got_lock = False |
if err.errno == 2: # there was no 'current' file |
time.sleep(0.1) |
else: |
raise self.CouldNotLock, _("Page could not get locked. Unexpected error (errno=%d).") % err.errno |
if not got_lock: |
raise self.CouldNotLock, _("Page could not get locked. Missing 'current' file?") |
# increment rev number of current(-locked) page |
f = file(clfn) |
revstr = f.read() |
f.close() |
try: |
rev = int(revstr) |
except ValueError, err: |
raise self.SaveError, _("Unable to determine current page revision from the 'current' file. The page %s is damaged and cannot be edited right now.") % self.page_name |
if not was_deprecated: |
if self.do_revision_backup or rev == 0: |
rev += 1 |
revstr = '%08d' % rev |
# write the current page rev to a temporary file |
try: |
f = file(cltfn, 'w') |
f.write(revstr+'\n') |
f.close() |
except IOError, err: |
try: |
os.remove(cltfn) |
except: |
pass # we don't care for errors in the os.remove |
# throw a nicer exception |
if err.errno == errno.ENOSPC: |
raise self.SaveError, _("Cannot save page %s, no storage space left.") % self.page_name |
else: |
raise self.SaveError, _("An I/O error occurred while saving page %s (errno=%d)") % (self.page_name, err.errno) |
# atomically put it in place (except on windows) |
else: |
filesys.rename(cltfn, clfn) |
if not deleted: |
# save to page file |
pagefile = os.path.join(revdir, revstr) |
f = codecs.open(pagefile, 'wb', config.charset) |
# Write the file using text/* mime type |
f.write(self.encodeTextMimeType(text)) |
f.close() |
mtime_usecs = wikiutil.timestamp2version(os.path.getmtime(pagefile)) |
# set in-memory content |
self.set_raw_body(text) |
else: |
mtime_usecs = wikiutil.timestamp2version(time.time()) |
# set in-memory content |
self.set_raw_body(None) |
# reset page object |
self.reset() |
# write the editlog entry |
# for now simply make 2 logs, better would be some multilog stuff maybe |
if self.do_revision_backup: |
# do not globally log edits with no revision backup |
# if somebody edits a deprecated page, log it in global log, but not local log |
glog.add(request, mtime_usecs, rev, action, self.page_name, None, extra, comment) |
if not was_deprecated and self.do_revision_backup: |
# if we did not create a new revision number, do not locally log it |
llog.add(request, mtime_usecs, rev, action, self.page_name, None, extra, comment) |
finally: |
if got_lock: |
filesys.rename(clfn, cfn) |
# add event log entry |
elog = eventlog.EventLog(request) |
elog.add(request, 'SAVEPAGE', {'pagename': self.page_name}, 1, mtime_usecs) |
return mtime_usecs, rev |
def saveText(self, newtext, rev, **kw): |
""" Save new text for a page. |
@param newtext: text to save for this page |
@param rev: revision of the page |
@keyword trivial: trivial edit (default: 0) |
@keyword extra: extra info field (e.g. for SAVE/REVERT with revno) |
@keyword comment: comment field (when preview is true) |
@keyword action: action for editlog (default: SAVE) |
@keyword index: needs indexing, not already handled (default: 1) |
@keyword deleted: if True, then don't save page content (used by DeletePage, default: False) |
@keyword notify: if False (default: True), don't send a PageChangedEvent |
@rtype: unicode |
@return: error msg |
""" |
request = self.request |
_ = self._ |
self._save_draft(newtext, rev, **kw) |
action = kw.get('action', 'SAVE') |
deleted = kw.get('deleted', False) |
notify = kw.get('notify', True) |
#!!! need to check if we still retain the lock here |
#!!! rev check is not enough since internal operations use "0" |
# expand variables, unless it's a template or form page |
if not wikiutil.isTemplatePage(request, self.page_name): |
newtext = self._expand_variables(newtext) |
msg = "" |
if not request.user.may.save(self, newtext, rev, **kw): |
msg = _('You are not allowed to edit this page!') |
raise self.AccessDenied, msg |
elif not self.isWritable(): |
msg = _('Page is immutable!') |
raise self.Immutable, msg |
elif not newtext: |
msg = _('You cannot save empty pages.') |
raise self.EmptyPage, msg |
elif rev != 0 and rev != self.current_rev(): |
# check if we already saved that page |
other = False |
pagelog = self.getPagePath('edit-log', use_underlay=0, isfile=1) |
next_line = None |
for line in editlog.EditLog(request, pagelog).reverse(): |
if int(line.rev) == int(rev): |
break |
if not line.is_from_current_user(request): |
other = True |
next_line = line |
if next_line and next_line.is_from_current_user(request): |
saved_page = Page(request, self.page_name, rev=int(next_line.rev)) |
if newtext == saved_page.get_raw_body(): |
msg = _("You already saved this page!") |
return msg |
else: |
msg = _("You already edited this page! Please do not use the back button.") |
raise self.EditConflict, msg |
msg = _("""Someone else saved this page while you were editing! |
Please review the page and save then. Do not save this page as it is!""") |
raise self.EditConflict, msg |
elif newtext == self.get_raw_body(): |
msg = _('You did not change the page content, not saved!') |
self.lock.release() |
raise self.Unchanged, msg |
else: |
from MoinMoin.security import parseACL |
# Get current ACL and compare to new ACL from newtext. If |
# they are not the sames, the user must have admin |
# rights. This is a good place to update acl cache - instead |
# of wating for next request. |
acl = self.getACL(request) |
if (not request.user.may.admin(self.page_name) and |
parseACL(request, newtext).acl != acl.acl and |
action != "SAVE/REVERT"): |
msg = _("You can't change ACLs on this page since you have no admin rights on it!") |
raise self.NoAdmin, msg |
presave = PagePreSaveEvent(request, self, newtext) |
results = send_event(presave) |
for result in results: |
if isinstance(result, Abort): |
# XXX: this should return a list of messages to the sorrounding context |
# XXX: rather than dumbly concatenate them. Fix in the future. |
msg = msg + result.reason |
# save only if no error occurred (msg is empty) and no abort has been requested |
if not msg: |
# set success msg |
msg = _("Thank you for your changes. Your attention to detail is appreciated.") |
# determine action for edit log |
if action == 'SAVE' and not self.exists(): |
action = 'SAVENEW' |
comment = kw.get('comment', u'') |
extra = kw.get('extra', u'') |
trivial = kw.get('trivial', 0) |
# write the page file |
mtime_usecs, rev = self._write_file(newtext, action, comment, extra, deleted=deleted) |
self._save_draft(None, None) # everything fine, kill the draft for this page |
if notify: |
# send notifications |
from MoinMoin import events |
if trivial: |
e = events.TrivialPageChangedEvent(self.request, self, comment) |
else: |
e = events.PageChangedEvent(self.request, self, comment) |
results = events.send_event(e) |
recipients = set() |
for result in results: |
if isinstance(result, notification.Success): |
recipients.update(result.recipients) |
if recipients: |
info = _("Notifications sent to:") |
msg = msg + "<p>%s %s</p>" % (info, ", ".join(recipients)) |
# Update page trail with the page we just saved. |
# This is needed for NewPage macro with backto because it does not |
# send the page we just saved. |
request.user.addTrail(self) |
# remove lock (forcibly if we were allowed to break it by the UI) |
# !!! this is a little fishy, since the lock owner might not notice |
# we broke his lock ==> but revision checking during preview will |
self.lock.release(force=not msg) # XXX does "not msg" make any sense? |
return msg |
class PageLock: |
""" PageLock - Lock pages """ |
# TODO: race conditions throughout, need to lock file during queries & update |
def __init__(self, pageobj): |
""" |
""" |
self.pageobj = pageobj |
self.page_name = pageobj.page_name |
request = pageobj.request |
self.request = request |
self._ = self.request.getText |
self.cfg = self.request.cfg |
# current time and user for later checks |
self.now = int(time.time()) |
self.uid = request.user.valid and request.user.id or request.remote_addr |
# get details of the locking preference, i.e. warning or lock, and timeout |
self.locktype = None |
self.timeout = 10 * 60 # default timeout in minutes |
if self.cfg.edit_locking: |
lockinfo = self.cfg.edit_locking.split() |
if 1 <= len(lockinfo) <= 2: |
self.locktype = lockinfo[0].lower() |
if len(lockinfo) > 1: |
try: |
self.timeout = int(lockinfo[1]) * 60 |
except ValueError: |
pass |
def acquire(self): |
""" Begin an edit lock depending on the mode chosen in the config. |
@rtype: tuple |
@return: tuple is returned containing 2 values: |
* a bool indicating successful acquiry |
* a string giving a reason for failure or an informational msg |
""" |
if not self.locktype: |
# we are not using edit locking, so always succeed |
return 1, '' |
_ = self._ |
#!!! race conditions, need to lock file during queries & update |
self._readLockFile() |
bumptime = self.request.user.getFormattedDateTime(self.now + self.timeout) |
timestamp = self.request.user.getFormattedDateTime(self.timestamp) |
owner = self.owner_html |
secs_valid = self.timestamp + self.timeout - self.now |
# do we own the lock, or is it stale? |
if self.owner is None or self.uid == self.owner or secs_valid < 0: |
# create or bump the lock |
self._writeLockFile() |
msg = [] |
if self.owner is not None and -10800 < secs_valid < 0: |
mins_ago = secs_valid / -60 |
msg.append(_( |
"The lock of %(owner)s timed out %(mins_ago)d minute(s) ago," |
" and you were granted the lock for this page." |
) % {'owner': owner, 'mins_ago': mins_ago}) |
if self.locktype == 'lock': |
msg.append(_( |
"Other users will be ''blocked'' from editing this page until %(bumptime)s.", |
wiki=True) % {'bumptime': bumptime}) |
else: |
msg.append(_( |
"Other users will be ''warned'' until %(bumptime)s that you are editing this page.", |
wiki=True) % {'bumptime': bumptime}) |
msg.append(_( |
"Use the Preview button to extend the locking period." |
)) |
result = 1, '\n'.join(msg) |
else: |
mins_valid = (secs_valid+59) / 60 |
if self.locktype == 'lock': |
# lout out user |
result = 0, _( |
"This page is currently ''locked'' for editing by %(owner)s until %(timestamp)s," |
" i.e. for %(mins_valid)d minute(s).", |
wiki=True) % {'owner': owner, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'mins_valid': mins_valid} |
else: |
# warn user about existing lock |
result = 1, _( |
"""This page was opened for editing or last previewed at %(timestamp)s by %(owner)s.<<BR>> |
'''You should ''refrain from editing'' this page for at least another %(mins_valid)d minute(s), |
to avoid editing conflicts.'''<<BR>> |
To leave the editor, press the Cancel button.""", wiki=True) % { |
'timestamp': timestamp, 'owner': owner, 'mins_valid': mins_valid} |
return result |
def release(self, force=0): |
""" Release lock, if we own it. |
@param force: if 1, unconditionally release the lock. |
""" |
if self.locktype: |
# check that we own the lock in order to delete it |
#!!! race conditions, need to lock file during queries & update |
self._readLockFile() |
if force or self.uid == self.owner: |
self._deleteLockFile() |
def _filename(self): |
""" Get path and filename for edit-lock file. """ |
return self.pageobj.getPagePath('edit-lock', isfile=1) |
def _readLockFile(self): |
""" Load lock info if not yet loaded. """ |
_ = self._ |
self.owner = None |
self.owner_html = wikiutil.escape(_("<unknown>")) |
self.timestamp = 0 |
if self.locktype: |
try: |
entry = editlog.EditLog(self.request, filename=self._filename()).next() |
except StopIteration: |
entry = None |
if entry: |
self.owner = entry.userid or entry.addr |
self.owner_html = entry.getEditor(self.request) |
self.timestamp = wikiutil.version2timestamp(entry.ed_time_usecs) |
def _writeLockFile(self): |
""" Write new lock file. """ |
self._deleteLockFile() |
try: |
editlog.EditLog(self.request, filename=self._filename(), force_ip=True).add( |
self.request, wikiutil.timestamp2version(self.now), 0, "LOCK", self.page_name) |
except IOError: |
pass |
def _deleteLockFile(self): |
""" Delete the lock file unconditionally. """ |
try: |
os.remove(self._filename()) |
except OSError: |
pass |