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Last active July 16, 2019 15:18
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package main
import (
func maxHeap (input []int) {
l := len(input)
for i := l/2 - 1; i>=0; i-- {
heapify(input, i, l)
func heapify (input []int, i int, n int) {
largest := i
l := 2 * i + 1
r := 2 * i + 2
if l < n && input[l] > input[i] {
largest = l
if r < n && input[r] > input[largest] {
largest = r
if i != largest {
// swap them
temp := input[largest]
input[largest] = input[i]
input[i] = temp
// heapify the changed child tree
heapify(input, largest, n)
func main() {
input := []int{0, 4, 10, 3 ,5, 1, 3, 11, 6, 12, 7}
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