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Created May 5, 2020 08:30
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A not yet working Scala implementation of Sequential Random Sampling from Vitter
// Translated from
// TODO: The returns were yields and the entire algorithm should create a Seq or Iterable of Ints
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
object SequentialRandomSampling {
val negalphainv = -13
def skip(_k: Int, _N: Int) {
var k = _k
var N = _N
var qu1 = N - k + 1
var S = 0
var threshold = -negalphainv * k
var kinv = 1 / k
var Vprime = Math.pow(Math.random(), kinv)
var X = 0.0
while (k > 1 && threshold < N) {
println(s"calculating skip for k = ${k} and N = ${N} in Method D")
val kmin1inv = 1 / (k - 1)
breakable {
while (true) {
breakable {
while (true) {
X = N * (1 - Vprime)
S = Math.floor(X).toInt
if (S < qu1) {
Vprime = Math.pow(Math.random(), kinv)
val y1 = Math.pow(Math.random() * N / qu1, kmin1inv)
Vprime = y1 * (1 - X / N) * (qu1 / (qu1 - S))
if (Vprime <= 1) {
var y2 = 1
var top = N - 1
var bottom: Int = 0
var limit: Int = 0
if (k - 1 > S) {
bottom = N - k
limit = N - S
} else {
bottom = N - S - 1
limit = qu1
for (t <- (N - 1 until limit step -1)) {
y2 = (y2 * top) / bottom
top -= 1
bottom -= 1
if (N / (N - X) >= y1 * Math.pow(y2, kmin1inv)) {
Vprime = Math.pow(Math.random(), kmin1inv)
Vprime = Math.pow(Math.random(), kinv)
return S
N -= S + 1
k -= 1
kinv = kmin1inv
qu1 -= S
threshold += negalphainv
if (k > 1) { // Method A
var top = N - k
while (k >= 2) {
val V = Math.random()
var quot = top / N
S = 0
while (quot > V) {
S += 1
top -= 1
N -= 1
quot *= top / N
return S
N -= 1
k -= 1
return Math.floor(N * Math.random());
} else {
return Math.floor(N * Vprime)
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