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Martin Mauch nightscape

  • Regensburg, Germany
  • 12:51 (UTC +01:00)
View GitHub Profile
nightscape / Json.xtext
Last active December 27, 2022 10:30
Xtext grammar for JSON documents
grammar org.json.Json with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate json ""
'{' ((members+=Member) (',' members+=Member)*)? '}';
key=STRING ':' value=Value;
nightscape / update
Created February 21, 2011 13:47
Server side Git update hook which rejects pushes without prior pulls from master
# Find out revision of master
masterref=`git show-ref --hash --heads master`
# Find out common merge base of master and the checked in revision.
mergebase=`git merge-base $masterref $newrev`
if [[ $mergebase != $masterref && ( $refname == *development* || $refname == *feature* ) ]]
echo "Cannot push changes. Merge base is $mergebase, master is $masterref. Please type 'git pull origin master' and merge any conflicts first before$
casualjim / resque.scala
Created March 17, 2011 17:40
A resque implementation in scala with akka actors and scala-redis
package com.mojolly.backchat
package redis
package resque
import com.mojolly.backchat.redis.resque.Resque.{ResqueWorkerActor}
import net.liftweb.json._
import JsonAST._
import JsonDSL._
import com.redis.ds.{ RedisDeque, RedisDequeClient }
jorgeortiz85 / PrivateMethodCaller.scala
Created April 7, 2011 15:41
Calling private methods in Scala
// Usage:
// p(instance)('privateMethod)(arg1, arg2, arg3)
class PrivateMethodCaller(x: AnyRef, methodName: String) {
def apply(_args: Any*): Any = {
val args =[AnyRef])
def _parents: Stream[Class[_]] = Stream(x.getClass) #:::
val parents = _parents.takeWhile(_ != null).toList
val methods = parents.flatMap(_.getDeclaredMethods)
val method = methods.find(_.getName == methodName).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method " + methodName + " not found"))
antony / Xephyr.groovy
Created November 30, 2011 10:43
Running functional tests with Xephyr
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsInit")
display = ':65'
resolution = '-screen 1024x768'
target('default': "Run tests with xephyr") {
List parsedArgs = args.split() as List
exec (executable: 'Xephyr', spawn: true) {

tmux cheatsheet

As configured in my dotfiles.

start new:


start new with session name:

paulp / The Signs of Soundness
Last active June 17, 2021 06:48
The Signs of Soundness
Hello scala, my old friend
I've come to take you home again
Because a feature slowly creeping
left me plagued with doubts and weeping
and the version that was tagged in the repo
just has to go
it lacks the signs of soundness
On sleepless nights I hacked alone
applying ant and other tools of stone
Andrewpk /
Last active July 11, 2024 20:22
wtf juniper.Anyone else find it irritating that junos pulse services and pulse tray must always running in OS X regardless of whether or not you're currently connected?Yeah, me too.I added the following as aliases to my shell to fix this problem.Be sure to change your /Library/LaunchAgents/ file to reflect the `KeepAli…
# start and stop the vpn from the command line from now on with these two commands
startvpn() {
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.pulsesecure.AccessService.plist
launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/net.pulsesecure.pulsetray.plist
quitvpn() {
launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/net.pulsesecure.pulsetray.plist
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.pulsesecure.AccessService.plist
* R functions to create and manipulate Breeze matrices. This should go into
* Breeze or a sub-project of Breeze eventually.
object RFunc {
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import breeze.stats.DescriptiveStats._
kevinwright /
Last active November 16, 2024 17:40
Scaladays 2014 slides

As compiled by Kevin Wright a.k.a @thecoda

(executive producer of the movie, and I didn't even know it... clever huh?)

please, please, please - If you know of any slides/code/whatever not on here, then ping me on twitter or comment this Gist!

This gist will be updated as and when I find new information. So it's probably best not to fork it, or you'll miss the updates!

Monday June 16th