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Forked from kscottz/
Created March 9, 2021 20:27
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Generate a depth map from a "Magic Eye" random dot autostereogram.
from SimpleCV import Image, Display, Color
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import numpy as np
import cv2
import copy
import sys
# caclulate the value of a row
# using the integral image
def idxToSum(x1,x2,y,integral):
# assume x2 > x1
p3 = integral[y+1,x2+1]
p2 = integral[y+1,x1-1]
p1 = integral[y,x2+1]
p0 = integral[y,x1-1]
val = p3-p2-p1+p0
return val
def integralWindow(x1,y1,x2,y2, integral):
p3 = integral[y2,x2]
p2 = integral[y2,x1]
p1 = integral[y1,x2]
p0 = integral[y1,x1]
val = p3-p2-p1+p0
return val
def findOptimalWindow(img, integral, minSplit=4, maxSplit=16):
maxWin = img.width / minSplit
minWin = img.width / maxSplit
vals = []
for i in range(minWin,maxWin):
left = integralWindow(0,0,i,img.height,integral)
right = integralWindow(0,i,2*i,img.height,integral)
return np.where(np.array(vals)==np.min(vals))[0][0]
def doMagicEye(img, integral, window, samplesz,queue):
dmap = np.zeros([img.width-window,img.height],dtype='int32')
# really wish I could get rid of this iteration
for vidx in range(1,img.height-1): # for each row
if vidx%10==0:
print "row {0}".format(vidx)
for hidx in range(1,img.width-window-1): #for each pixel in the row
# get the sum of a horz chunk
sample = idxToSum(hidx,hidx+samplesz,vidx,integral)
# try and grok this, go thru a search window, calc the abs diff of sums
# between or sample and the test window, toss in a list
vals = [np.abs(sample-idxToSum(hidx+sidx,hidx+sidx+samplesz,vidx,integral)) for sidx in range(int(window*0.5),window-samplesz) ]
# find the minimum match
best = np.where(np.array(vals)==np.min(vals))[0]
# offset is the hidx of the current window
dmap[hidx][vidx] = best[-1] # if we get > 1 use the furthest one
# create the raw out
def parallelizeMatching(numProc, img, integral, window, samplesz):
#create queues
queues = [Queue() for i in range(0,numProc)]
#spit the images and set up the processes
processes = [Process(target=doMagicEye,
for i in range(0,numProc)]
# and go!
[p.start() for p in processes]
# get the chunks from the process
chunks = [q.get() for q in queues]
dmap = np.zeros([img.width-window,img.height],dtype='int32')
# reassmble the chunks
for i,chunk in zip(range(0,numProc),chunks):
dmap[:,i*img.height/numProc:(i+1)*img.height/numProc] = chunk
#kill the processes
[p.terminate() for p in processes]
return dmap
if __name__ == "__main__":
if( len(sys.argv) > 3 or len(sys.argv) < 2 ):
print "USAGE: DeMagicEye <infile> <outfile_stem>"
ifile = str(sys.argv[1])
stub = str(sys.argv[2])
searchWndw = 1.1
if( len(sys.argv) == 4 ):
searchWndw = float(sys.argv[3])
img = Image(ifile)
#img = img.scale(1)
# create the integral image
integral = cv2.integral(img.getGrayNumpyCv2())
# find our search window and make it big
window = int(searchWndw*findOptimalWindow(img,integral))
print searchWndw
print "image: {0}x{1}".format(img.width,img.height)
print "window: {0}".format(window)
# how big of a signal we match on
samplesz = window / 10
print "sample: {0}".format(samplesz)
numProc = 4
dmap = parallelizeMatching(numProc, img, integral, window, samplesz)
result = Image(dmap)'{0}RAW.png'.format(stub))
# create the cleaned up output
result = result.medianFilter().equalize().invert().blur(window=(5,5))'{0}Equalized.png'.format(stub))
sbs = img.sideBySide(result)'{0}.png'.format(stub))
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