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Created January 3, 2023 20:19
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C# string SafeFormat method - used as a wrapper to string.Format() and passing Undefined to any missing arguments
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class StringUtils
public static string SafeFormat(string format, params object[] parameters)
const string UNDEFINED_PARAMETER_VALUE = "Undefined";
List<object> parametersList = new List<object>(parameters);
List<int> parameterIndexes = new List<int>();
// Use negative look behind to skip double {
// Capture the indexes digits after { in groups named "ParameterIndex"
const string RE_PATTERN = @"(?<!{){(?<ParameterIndex>\d+)";
Regex re = new Regex(RE_PATTERN);
MatchCollection matches = re.Matches(format);
foreach (Match match in matches)
if (parameterIndexes.Any())
int maxIndex = parameterIndexes.Max();
if (maxIndex >= parametersList.Count)
int parametersToAdd = (maxIndex - parametersList.Count) + 1;
throw new FormatException($"Invalid format {format}.It would require {parametersToAdd} more arguments to pass");
parametersList.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(UNDEFINED_PARAMETER_VALUE, parametersToAdd));
return string.Format(format, parametersList.ToArray());
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
public class StringUtilsTests
public void StringUtilsSafeFormat_FormatWithoutPlaceholders_Succeeds()
string template = "num";
string result = StringUtils.SafeFormat(template);
Assert.AreEqual("num", result);
public void StringUtilsSafeFormat_WithCorrectNumberOfArguments_Succeeds()
string template = "num {0}";
string result = StringUtils.SafeFormat(template, 1);
Assert.AreEqual("num 1", result);
public void StringUtilsSafeFormat_WithCorrectNumberOfArgumentsAndHexFormatting_Succeeds()
string template = "num {0:X}";
string result = StringUtils.SafeFormat(template, 255);
Assert.AreEqual("num FF", result);
public void StringUtilsSafeFormat_WithFewerNumberOfArguments_SucceedsAndFillsMissingArguments()
string template = "num {0}";
string result = StringUtils.SafeFormat(template);
Assert.AreEqual("num Undefined", result);
public void StringUtilsSafeFormat_WithTemplateThatWouldRequireManyArgumentsToBeAdded_Throws()
string template = "num {100}";
string result = StringUtils.SafeFormat(template);
public void StringUtilsSafeFormat_WithTemplateThatHasDoubleSquareBrackets_SucceedsAndDoesNoReplacement()
string template = "num {{1}}";
string result = StringUtils.SafeFormat(template);
Assert.AreEqual("num {1}", result);
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