- My dataset consists of health tweets by news agencies. It consists of approximately 463410 words. I am using it to understand the top topics tweeted by the news agency on the health domain. All the files were concatenated to a single one. You can get more information of the dataset here: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Health+News+in+Twitter
- A word cloud was created based on the top words after removing some common prepositions.
- A pie chart is created.
- Hovering and selection are enabled. A dark red/brown color can be seen in the pie chart that highlights the data when you hover over data in the word cloud. You can click multiple words for selecting multiple sections on the pie chart. Similarly when you hover over pie chart sections of the word cloud are highlighted.
- Done on both visualization
- Drop down provided for both visualizations.
Some code for selector, tooltip were reused from my previous assignment submissions.