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Created December 26, 2014 12:12
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solution for ADCTF2014 wtfregexp
import random
f = open("", "r")
reg = f.readlines()[0]
reg = reg[reg.index('/')+1:-3]
clauses = []
maxi = 0
for l in reg.split(','):
l = l[3:-1].replace("[01]", ".")
if '(' not in l: continue
front = 0
end = 0
while l[front] == '.':
front += 1
a = int(l[l.index("(")+3])
b = int(l[l.index(")")-1])
mid = l.index("|") - l.index("(") - 4
while l[len(l)-end-1] == '.':
end += 1
v1 = front+1
v2 = front+mid+1
if not a: v1 = -v1
if not b: v2 = -v2
clauses.append((v1, v2))
# string has to start with 01
clauses.append((-1, -1))
clauses.append((2, 2))
# Papadimitriou's random walk algorithm for 2-SAT:
# 1. Pick any assignment of variables
# 2. While there are unfulfilled clauses
# 2.1 pick one of them at random
# 2.2 pick one of the variables of the clause at random
# 2.3 flip the value for that variable
# Polynomial runtime with high probability (O(n^2 * m)) here
s = ["0"]*256
def fulfilled(v):
return v > 0 and s[v-1] == '1' or v < 0 and s[-v-1] == '0'
while 1:
wrong = []
for a, b in clauses:
if not fulfilled(a) and not fulfilled(b):
wrong += [a,b]
if not wrong:
fix = random.choice(wrong)
if fix > 0:
s[fix-1] = '1'
s[-fix-1] = '0'
assert fulfilled(fix)
print "".join(chr(int("".join(s[i*8:i*8+8]),2)) for i in xrange(len(s)/8))
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