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Last active May 6, 2024 08:56
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High Performance Batched updates in Firestore

Batched updates in Firestore

This short script shows how to do a batched update of a very large data set in firestore.

The scenario is I have a large set of products, and a 'pool' of product codes that need to be assigned to them. This script loads the list of UPC codes from a firebase database, then updates a firestore collection, updating every doc with a UPC code. For each product, the next code docID is assigned (so it's reall a pointer to the code, not the code itself), then the code is updated to signify that is has been assigned.

The script pages through the product database 100 docs at a time, and assignes the update to a Promise array, then launches the array before recursing.

Keywords: recursion, batch updates, firebase, firestore

const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const serviceAccount = require('./firebase-service-account.json');
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: '',
const fsdb = admin.firestore();
const rtdb = admin.database();
let srcRef = rtdb.ref('upc-codes'); // a simple k/v store of UPC codes
let dstRef = fsdb.collection('products'); // a collection of products that need a UPC code asigned
(async function main() {
const upcSnap = await srcRef.once('value'); //grab all the UPC doc IDs
let upcIDs = []; //then stick them in an arry for easy access/iteration
upcSnap.forEach(id => {
let nextStart = 0; // track what page we're on
const PAGE_SIZE = 100; //fetch 100 products at a time
let docCounter = 0; // track what index we need out of upc array
const recurse = nextStart => {
.then(nextSnap => {
const promAry = []; //an array to hold the batch update promises => { // loop through page of products
let id = upcIDs[docCounter]; // grab a UPC doc id
// assign upc to product
let prom = docSnap.ref.update({ upc: id }).then(() => {
// then set the upc ID value to FALSE, signifying it is assigned (for future products assignments)
promAry.push(prom); // add batch update to array of promises
docCounter += 1; //increment doc counter
}); // finished looping through this page
Promise.all(promAry).then(res => { //fire off all the updates
if ( === PAGE_SIZE) { // if the docs.lenth < PAGE_SIZE, we're on the last page!
nextStart =[ - 1].data().id; // set the next page start
setTimeout(() => {
recurse(nextStart); //do it all again
}, 10); // do in a set timeout so as to not run out of stack space if the promise array is too big
} else {
return; // were done!
.catch(err => {
console.log('error outer!', err);
recurse(0); // kick it all off
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