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Created August 15, 2011 11:20
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markdown compilation

markdown reference


works in tumblr with markdown editor enabled
requires multimarkdown

sentence with footnote[^1].
[^1]: this is the footnote, note colon + space.

Sentence with footnote1.

line breaks

end a line with two spaces and return.

showing code

code can shown inline with `backticks` or

		indented one level within text
			you may indent further

to show a backtick within inline code,
enclose it within a pair or triplet of backticks.

info and reference

markdown syntax: documentation

multimarkdown syntax guide: extends stuff, includes footnotes functionality

introductory article: lots of links

daring fireball: markdown's home


markdownify: html to markdown converter

markdown css: stylesheet for additional prettiness

web editor/dingus: there are a few of these
php markdown dingus // markdown dingus

applications/plugins for mac os

markdown quicklook plugin:
plugin to quicklook/preview markdown files

how to install quicklook plugin:
copy into ~/Library/Quicklook or /Library/Quicklook

marked: live preview for text editors2

byword: markdown/text editor

readown: markdown viewer

elements: dropbox/markdown text editor for iOS


# h1
## h2
### h3 you may 'close' hashes ###
#### h4 (thru h6)

this is also an h1

this is also an h2

> blockquote style one la la la  
i am still part of this blockquote

> another style of marking up  
> blockquotes. this is email style  
> quoting. blockquotes can be nested.

these are all unordered lists:

	* proto		- proto		+ proto
	* exo		- exo		+ exo
	* auxo		- auxo		+ auxo

these are all ordered lists:

	1. proto	1. proto	1. proto
	2. exo		4. exo		+ exo
	3. auxo		3. auxo		+ auxo

horizontal rules: (three or more)

	* * *



	- - -


a link:

	[link text]( "title")

	[link text no title](

	<[email protected]> will obfuscate your link a bit

an image:

	![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "optional title")

	![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg)


	*hello* or _hello_ produces italicized [em] text

	**hello** or __hello__ produces bold [strong] text

	\*how to surround text with actual asterisks\*

markdown provides backslash escapes for the following characters:

	\   backslash
	`   backtick
	*   asterisk
	_   underscore
	{}  curly braces
	[]  square brackets
	()  parentheses
	#   hash mark
	+   plus sign
	-   minus sign (hyphen)
	.   dot !   exclamation mark


  1. This is the footnote, note colon + space.

  2. holy crap this rules

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