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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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  • Django 1.7 EOL ~1yr after product release (1.8 is LTS) - migration should be easy docs
  • Testing - planned? Core features should be covered before release.
  • Moving controllers into their own apps?
  • Performance overhead by generating new dicts all the time? Maybe stroing json or using serialization? docs
  • Approach the communication between frontend and backend as a RESTful API that it is. Create API specs and docs. Suggestion: some tool overview


Style issues

  • Shadowing builtins (file, dict, etc)
  • Shadowing from outer scope
  • Using depreciated tools - md5
  • A lot of @staticmethod - necessary for loading/using modules?
  • redirect (e.g. in build_template) should not redirect to a page that can redirect back to it without checking whether there's an inf. recursion happening (happened to me) -- could be harder to debug in production.
  • Often dictionary creation could be rewritten with dictionary literal.
  • PEP8 standard (small issues): Double quoted string for docstrings, line alignment, line length etc
  • Too broad exception clauses - PITA to debug
  • No docs
  • No typehints pycharm docs

Django practices and tools

  • Using HttpResponse instead of JsonResponse doc - why?
  • Not using reverse for urls where possible
  • (Security) hardcoded passwords in repository (solution: (also insecure passwords)
  • Mixing class based and function based views - not consistent


  • Not separated into local, dev, production
  • Things like LOGIN_URL should be defined in settings


  • Too permissive gitignore (potential config/settings in repo) - local proposal
  • No local development setup - will make deployment and development easier
  • No separated requirements.txt - same as above
  • No makefiles - makes running local commands easier
  • Unused requirements? (mysql comes to mind)
  • Old(?) quickbase related things? For migrations?
  • Test data - creating a new instance without any data is harder than it should be. Useful for demo purposes too
  • Benefits of keeping old migrations during development? AFAIK there aren't any.

General data gathering/displaying structure?

+-----------+    GET     +----------------+
|   Data    | <--------> |   web/model/*  |
+-----------+            +-------+--------+
+--------+   +---------+   +-----v------+  
|  JSON  <---> Django  <---> Database   |  
+---^----+   +---------+   +------------+  
|   Angular/Frontend   |                   

Development suggestions

Short term (before release) suggestions

  • Write tests covering logging in, urls, core models.
  • Mandatory style tests before committing changes. To catch at least syntax errors and similar things.
  • Mandatory docs w/ type hinting for new functions/methods.
  • Additional logging docs right now you'll get HTTP 500 errors in some cases and won't see any additional info. Also while on topic of logging, drop the print statements.
  • Django Forms for basic things like registration.

Long term

  • Go back and write docs for all functions
  • Improve logging in non-critical functions
  • Handle errors between frontend and backend
  • Multiple apps maybe?
  • Tests for everything
  • Move to django forms completely
  • Figure out angular testing
  • I'd move "model" to a separate directory or an app, to separate the API part and the data gathering part.
  • Other minor suggestions
  • Tools for project management that would be used by management for having a clear overview of features, bugs and expected ETAs. Pros for developers: Easier communication, clearer work schedule, clearer deadlines, integration with github depending on the tool possible. Integrate with travis-ci, coveralls.
  • Move to git-flow development and committ structure instead of staging>master. and a tutorial
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