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Created February 10, 2009 00:58
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; pertinent MASM disassembly excerpt
loc_417925: ; CODE XREF: sub_417900:loc_417A5Dj
cmp [ebp+var_18], 1
jnz loc_417A62
push offset aPleaseEnterAPa ; "Please Enter a password "
call sub_4114AB
add esp, 4
push offset off_428B40
push 7
lea eax, [ebp+var_C]
push eax
call sub_41104B
add esp, 0Ch
movsx eax, byte ptr [ebp+var_C]
add eax, 79h
sub eax, edx
sar eax, 1
mov byte ptr [ebp+var_C], al
movsx eax, byte ptr [ebp+var_C+1]
movsx ecx, byte ptr [ebp+var_C]
add eax, ecx
shl eax, 1
mov ecx, 3
idiv ecx
sub eax, 1Eh
mov byte ptr [ebp+var_C+1], al
mov byte ptr [ebp+var_C+2], 65h
movsx eax, byte ptr [ebp+var_C+3]
movsx ecx, byte ptr [ebp+var_C+1]
lea eax, [eax+ecx+1]
sub eax, edx
sar eax, 1
mov byte ptr [ebp+var_C+3], al
movsx eax, [ebp+var_8]
movsx ecx, byte ptr [ebp+var_C+3]
add eax, ecx
movsx edx, byte ptr [ebp+var_C]
lea eax, [eax+edx+2]
mov ecx, 3
idiv ecx
mov [ebp+var_8], al
movsx eax, [ebp+var_7]
movsx ecx, [ebp+var_8]
add eax, ecx
sub eax, edx
sar eax, 1
mov [ebp+var_7], al
movsx eax, byte ptr [ebp+var_C]
cmp eax, 76h
jnz short loc_417A0B
movsx eax, byte ptr [ebp+var_C+1]
cmp eax, 74h
jnz short loc_417A0B
movsx eax, byte ptr [ebp+var_C+2]
cmp eax, 65h
jnz short loc_417A0B
movsx eax, byte ptr [ebp+var_C+3]
cmp eax, 73h
jnz short loc_417A0B
movsx eax, [ebp+var_8]
cmp eax, 70h
jnz short loc_417A0B
movsx eax, [ebp+var_7]
cmp eax, 72h
jnz short loc_417A0B
push offset aGoodJob ; "good job"
call sub_4114AB
# reimplementation in Ruby
s = ARGV[0].dup
s[0] = ((s[0] + 0x79) >> 1)
s[1] = (((s[1] + s[0]) << 1)/3)-0x1e
s[2] = 0x65
s[3] = (s[3] + s[1] + 1) >> 1
s[4] = ((s[4] + s[3] + s[0] + 2)/3)
s[5] = (s[4] + s[5]) >> 1
puts s
# generate the lexigraphically first solution (aprox.)
t = "vtespr"
s = "a"*6
s[0] = (t[0] << 1) - 0x79
s[1] = (((t[1] + 0x1e)*3)>>1)-t[0]
s[2] = 0x65
s[3] = ((t[3] << 1) - 1 - t[1])
s[4] = t[4]*3 - 2 - t[3] - t[0]
s[5] = (t[5] << 1) - t[4]
puts s
# n.b. not originally stated, but they wanted an English word as a solution
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