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Last active December 13, 2022 11:54
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Homography Matrix
import cv2
import numpy as np
def get_inverse_pespective(perspective_matrix: np.array)-> np.array:
This method calculates the inverse of prespective matrix by homography.
- Takes 4 random points on the floor plane(destination_plane) and calculates the corresponding points
on the camera image plane(src_plane) using perspective matrix.
- Calculates the Homography matrix to map any point in image plane to floor plane.
perspective_matrix: 3 x 4 camera prespective matrix to convert 3d homogeneous world coordinates to
2d homogeneous camera coordinates.
3x3 homography matrix for moving from 2d homogeneous image plane to world floor plane(at z=0)
#Take 5 homogenous points on the floor(Unit is in Meters)
pts_dst = np.array([[0,0,0,1],
#Obtain respective homogenous points on the image plane
pts_src = (perspective_matrix @ pts_dst.T).T
#convert homogenous coordinates to cartesian coorndinates
pts_src_cart = np.array([[x/w, y/w] for x,y,w in pts_src])
pts_dst_cart = np.array([[x/w, y/w] for x,y,z,w in pts_dst])
#find the 3x3 Homography Matrix for transforming image plane to floor plane
H, status = cv2.findHomography(pts_src_cart, pts_dst_cart)
return H
def project_to_floor(image_coordinates: List[int], H: np.array) -> List[int]:
This method takes the Homography matrix and the 2d image cartesian coordinates. It returns the (x, y)
cartesian coordinates in 3d cartesian world coordinates on floor plane(at z=0). Notice that z coordinate is omitted
here and added inside the tracking funtion.
image_coordinates: 2d pixel coordinates (x,y)
h: 3x3 Homography matrix np.array[3x3]
floor_coordinates: List of x, y coordinates in 3d world of same pixel on floor plane i.e. (x,y,z) Considering z=0 and
ommitted here.
#adding 1 for homogenous coordinate system
x, y, w = H @ np.array([[*image_coordinates, 1]]).T
return [x/w, y/w]
p = np.random.rand(3,4)
H = get_inverse_pespective(p)
src_point = (5,10)
dst_point = project_to_floor(src_point, H)
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