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Created June 1, 2010 02:26
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RBNodeColor: enum {
black = 0
red = 1
RBNode: class <K, V> {
color := RBNodeColor black
left, right, parent: This<K, V>
key: K
value: V
key: func() -> K { key }
value: func() -> V { value }
init: func(=key, =value, =parent) {}
grandparent: func -> This<K, V> {
if (parent)
return parent parent
return null
uncle: func -> This<K, V> {
gp := grandparent()
if (gp == null)
return null
if (gp left == this)
return gp right
return gp left
isLeft?: func -> Bool { (parent && parent left == this) }
isRight?: func -> Bool { (parent && parent right == this) }
isBlack?: func -> Bool { (color == RBNodeColor black) }
isRed?: func -> Bool { (color == RBNodeColor red) }
walk: func (fn: Func(RBNode<K,V>)) {
if (left) {
left walk(fn)
if (right) {
right walk(fn)
RBTree: class <K, V> {
root: RBNode<K, V> = null
comparator: Func (K, K) -> Int
init: func(comp: Func (K, K) -> Int) {
comparator = comp
get: func (key: K) -> V {
node := root
while (node) {
cmp := comparator(key as K, node key as K)
"get - comparison result: %d" format(cmp) println()
if (cmp == 0)
return node value
else if (cmp < 0)
node = node left
node = node right
return null
put: func (key: K, value: V) {
node := RBNode<K, V> new(key, value, null)
parent: RBNode<K, V> = null
follower := root
cmp: Int = 0
while (follower) {
parent = follower
cmp = comparator(key as K, follower key as K)
"put - comparison result: %d" format(cmp) println()
if (cmp < 0) {
follower = follower left
} else if (cmp > 0) {
follower = follower right
} else {
follower value = value
if (parent) {
node parent = parent
cmp := comparator(node key as K, parent key as K)
if (cmp < 0)
parent left = node
parent right = node
} else {
root = node
node color = RBNodeColor red
while (node) {
// mostly based on the wikipedia page and this page:
if (node parent == null) {
// case 1
node color = RBNodeColor black
} else if (node parent isBlack?()) {
// case 2
} else {
// case 3
uncle := node uncle()
if (uncle && uncle isRed?()) {
node parent color = RBNodeColor black
uncle color = RBNodeColor black
gpar := node grandparent()
gpar color = RBNodeColor red
node = gpar
} else {
// case 4
gpar := node grandparent()
if (node isRight?() && node parent isLeft?()) {
__rotateLeft(node parent)
node = node left
} else if (node isLeft?() && node parent isRight?()) {
__rotateRight(node parent)
node = node right
// case 5
gpar = node grandparent()
node parent color = RBNodeColor black
gpar color = RBNodeColor red
if (node isLeft?() && node parent isLeft?()) {
} else if (node isRight?() && node parent isRight?()) {
__rotateLeft: func (node: RBNode<K, V>) {
right := node right
node right = right left
if (node right)
node right parent = node
right parent = node parent
if (node parent == null) {
root = right
} else {
if (node isLeft?()) {
node parent left = right
} else { // right
node parent right = right
right left = node
node parent = right
__rotateRight: func (node: RBNode<K, V>) {
left := node left
node left = left right
if (node left)
node left parent = node
left parent = node parent
if (node parent == null) {
root = left
} else {
if (node isLeft?()) {
node parent left = left
} else { // right
node parent right = left
left right = node
node parent = left
walkFn: func(n: RBNode<Int, Int>) {
color: String = n isBlack?() ? "black" : "red"
if (n isLeft?())
"left: %d %s" format(n key(), color) println()
else if (n isRight?())
"right: %d %s" format(n key(), color) println()
"root: %d %s" format(n key(), color) println()
"value: %d" format(n value()) println()
compareFn: func (left, right: Int) {
result: Int = (left - right)
"comparing %d and %d - result: %d" format(left, right, result) println()
return result
main: func {
woop := RBTree<Int, Int> new(compareFn)
woop put(1, 100)
woop put(2, 200)
woop put(3, 300)
woop put(4, 400)
woop put(5, 500)
woop put(6, 600)
woop put(7, 700)
woop put(8, 800)
woop put(9, 900)
woop put(10, 1000)
woop put(7, 12345)
woop root walk(walkFn)
"%d" format(woop get(5)) println()
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