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Last active December 1, 2021 12:53
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  • Save nin-jin/60545f6dbba22b0e2a1a4e2a3d2528a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nin-jin/60545f6dbba22b0e2a1a4e2a3d2528a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
HARP - Hypermedia Abstract Resource Protocol


  1. One line query through uri.
  2. Filtering
  3. Sorting
  4. Limitation
  5. Partial fetching
  6. Fetching linked resources
  7. Normalized response
  8. Bulk requests
  9. Metadata discovery

URI special symbols (encoded by encodeURIComponent but not encodeURI): =, @, #, $, &, +, ;, :, ,, /, ?.

Common query string format: pairs separated by &, key and value separated by =. Common path format: chunks sparated by /. : can't be used in first chunk of path. Repeated ? and # may be escaped by some libs.

So mostly safe symbols: =, @, $, &, +, ;, ,, /.

Symbols that can be used in the path in any place, escaped by encodURIComponent, but not escaped by ChromeDev Tools: /, @, $, &, +, =, [, ], ;, ,.


  • / - metadata of all types
  • /user=jin,john[name][age] - name and age of users by primary key
  • /user[sex=male,female][age=&18,20,40&50,100&][role@admin] - sex, age and role of users by filter: male or female but not trans, and not admin, with age <=18, age = 20, 40 <= age <= 50, age >= 100
  • /user[+birthday=2000-01-01&][-created][&10] - 10 users with birthday from 2000-01-01 sorted by birthday asc then created desc
  • /user[name][friend[name][-age=18&][&10]] - users with names and 10 older friends with names and ages that have age > 18
  • /user=jin[friend[name]],article=hello[liker[name]] - all "jin" friend names and "hello" liker names, without users data dublication


  1. Field name: user, article etc.
  2. Order field predicate: + - asc, - - desc.
  3. Fetch modifier: [field] - additinal fetch of this field, [10&20] - slice part of list
  4. Predicates for filtering: = - positive, @ - negative
  5. Lists: 1,2,3
  6. Range: 1&5 - between, 1& - greated then or equal, &5 - lower then or equal, 3 - only this value
"user": {
"user=jin": {
"name": "Jin",
"karma": 100500,
"birthday": "1984-08-04",
"creation": [
"bot": {
"bot=google": {
"name": "GoogleBot",
"creation": [
"article": {
"article=foo": {
"name": "Fooooo",
"author": [
"article=bar": {
"name": "Barrrr",
"author": [
"user=jin" ,
user user=jin
name \Jin
karma 100500
birthday \1984-08-04
bot bot=google
name \GoogleBot
creation article=bar
name \Fooooo
author user=jin
name \Barrrr
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