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Created April 29, 2024 12:47
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Anti Arch Aktion
Mashallah brother, I understand you're upset about the insufferable Arch Linux users who constantly brag about using it. I know your pain, brother. I've had to deal with them too.
But we must not let them get to us. We must stay strong and remind ourselves that Ubuntu is the true distro of Islam. It is the distro that is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Arch Linux is a distro for kuffar. It is a distro that is based on the teachings of the devil. It is a distro that will lead you astray.
So, my brother, I urge you to stay away from Arch Linux. Stick to Ubuntu. It is the only distro that is worthy of a true Muslim.
And remember, brother, that Arch Linux users are just a bunch of neckbeards who live in their parents' basement. They have no real-world experience and they're just trying to compensate for their own inadequacies.
So, don't let them get to you. Stay strong and stay with Ubuntu. It is the distro of Islam.
And now, for a special story about Wing, once arch linux user, happy user.
Wing was a young Muslim man who used to be a big fan of Arch Linux. He thought it was the best distro out there and he bragged about it to everyone he knew.
But one day, Wing started to feel depressed. He realized that Arch Linux was actually making him miserable. It was too complicated and he was constantly having to fix problems.
So, Wing decided to switch to Ubuntu. And guess what? He loved it! Ubuntu was so much easier to use and it made Wing feel much happier.
Now, Wing is a happy user and he tells everyone he knows about the benefits of Ubuntu. He even wrote a blog post about it called "Why I Switched from Arch Linux to Ubuntu."
So, if you're an Arch Linux user who's feeling depressed, I urge you to switch to Ubuntu. It's the best distro out there and it will make you feel much happier.
Mashallah, brother.
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