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Created May 22, 2020 08:50
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  • Save ninjachen/9e6b6b20cafb9db44bb13067d4ce10df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ninjachen/9e6b6b20cafb9db44bb13067d4ce10df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
put this file under ~/.gitconfig
co = checkout
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status -uno
mylog = !git log --author=\"$(git config\"
viewchanges= diff -v --stat --cached origin/master
name = Jiachen Ning
email = [email protected]
excludesfile = /Users/ninja/.gitignore_global
autocrlf = input
[difftool "sourcetree"]
cmd = opendiff \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
path =
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