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  • Save ninjapanzer/aa81db16bae54431c41010e622d577b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ninjapanzer/aa81db16bae54431c41010e622d577b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This bash script creates a gource video. Requires gource and libav (can install with brew).
touch combined.txt
for item in "${ARRAY[@]}" ; do
# git clone $URL
# cd $REPO && git fetch --all && git rebase && cd ..
gource --output-custom-log ./output.txt ./$REPO
sed -i -r "s#\(.*\)\|#\1|/$ORG/$REPO#" ./output.txt
cat combined.txt output.txt > temp.txt && cat temp.txt > combined.txt
rm -f temp.txt output.txt
cat combined.txt | sort -n > output.txt
rm -f combined.txt
gource -1920x1080 -s .1 --stop-at-end --multi-sampling --highlight-users --highlight-dirs --auto-skip-seconds 1 --file-filter \.png --dir-colour 8b91a2 --highlight-colour ffffff --key --bloom-multiplier 2.0 --bloom-intensity 1.5 --hide bloom,mouse,filenames,root --seconds-per-day 1 --dir-name-depth 1 -r 25 -o - output.txt | avconv -y -r 25 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -b 65536K output-with-dirs.mp4
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