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Last active November 9, 2018 12:03
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How I migrated from rbenv to chruby, and kept per-project gems nice and tidy.

Remove rbenv and any rubies, gems etc.:

$ rm -rf ~/.rbenv

Uninstall rbenv if installed via Homebrew

$ brew uninstall rbenv

Remove references to rbenv in ~/.bash_profile etc.

Install chruby as per

For easy of use I decided to add the following to ~/.bash_profile

source /usr/local/share/chruby/
source /usr/local/share/chruby/

The first line ensures I know where my rubies are installed, and the latter line auto-switches ruby versions, honouring the setting in .ruby-version when entering a directory.

Open a new shell so the above takes effect.

Install rubies via ruby-build

Because I've now no gems, install Bundler

$ gem install bundler

At this stage, I still need project-specific gems. Previously I've used rbenv-gemset (and prior to that rvm's own management). Now I decided to just rely on Bundler.

So, go to each project and:

  • Switch to the required ruby using chruby
  • Put that ruby version in a .ruby-version file

Then Bundle as follows:

$ bundle install --path vendor
$ bundle package --all
$ echo 'vendor/ruby' >> .gitignore

Tips for the above came from

Use bundle exec rails server etc., as before

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Note, chruby supports auto-detection of Rubies in ~/.rubies/ and /opt/rubies/. Also, you can configure chruby to use rbenv's rubies.

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