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El Brento ninthwalker

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# Map WoW Item Id to Name
# set these to your own values
$importPath = "C:\temp\your_id_list.csv"
$exportPath = "C:\temp\wow_id_to_name_export.csv"
$csvHeader = "yourCSVHeaderFromIdList"
$client_id = "your client id"
$client_secret = "your client secret"
# get client info from:
ninthwalker / server-logs-viewer.php
Created April 4, 2018 07:50 — forked from larmedina75/server-logs-viewer.php
This script presents the latest lines of your LAMP server log files, emulating the tail() function. Layout is nice and responsive. I chose to include inline the CSS and JS to have the ease-of-use of a single, "drop-in", file. If your site is hosted on a Gandi Simplehosting server, it should just work out of the box.
@name Server Logs Viewer
@description View the latest lines of your Nginx server logs in your browser.
@author Luis Medina ([email protected])
@date 17.06.2016
Based on original script by Alexandre Plennevaux (