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Created December 21, 2021 18:35
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standard-version configuration file to bump version in gradle projects (build.gradle)
const versionRegex = /version = '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'/;
const gradleFileUpdater = {
filename: 'build.gradle',
updater: {
readVersion: contents => {
const match = contents.match(versionRegex);
if (match && match[1]) {
return match[1];
throw Error('Could not read version from build.gradle');
writeVersion: (contents, version) => contents.replace(versionRegex, `version = '${version}'`)
module.exports = {
header: '# Changelog',
types: [
type: 'feat',
section: 'πŸš€ Features'
type: 'fix',
section: 'πŸ› Bug Fixes'
type: 'ci',
section: 'πŸ”„ CI/CD'
type: 'build',
section: 'πŸ“¦ Build'
type: 'chore',
'hidden': true
type: 'docs',
section: 'πŸ“– Documentation'
type: 'style',
section: 'πŸ’…πŸΌ Style'
type: 'refactor',
section: 'πŸ›  Refactorings'
type: 'perf',
'hidden': '↗️ Performance'
type: 'test',
section: 'βœ… Tests'
packageFiles: [gradleFileUpdater],
bumpFiles: [gradleFileUpdater]
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