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Last active November 13, 2022 09:14
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Cheat Sheet

Table of Contents

Command Line Cheat Sheet

Command Line Cheat Sheet

Navigating and Finding Files

  • pwd = Tells the current working directory

Listing Files & directory

  • ls = list all files in the current directory

  • ls -a & ls -la = list files with extra info

  • ls ./documents = lists all the files of the relative path [./ is not necessary]

Changing directory

  • cd folder/sub_folder = can be used to go change current directory

  • cd .. OR cd ../.. = used to go up directories

  • cd = moves to home directory

  • D:= to change drive working on [for DOS/Windows]

  • pushd PATH= changes to specified path and saves the current path

  • popd = brings back to the saved path of pushd

Finding Files

  • locate FILE_NAME = finds all the directories where the file is


  • ctrl+r : search all commands

  • ctrl+a : cursor to beginning

  • ctrl+e : cursor to end

  • ctrl+l OR clear : clear screen

  • ctrl+c : to stop a command that keeps running

  • killall firefox : kills a process

  • ctrl+d OR exit : exit the prompt

Creating Files & Directories

  • touch file_1.txt file_2.txt = creates empty files
  • echo "hello textfile" > file_2.txt = adds text and creates file
  • echo "hello again" >> file_2.txt = adds text to already created file
  • mkdir folder_name folder_name_2 = can create folder with these
  • mkdir -p folder/sub_folder = used to create directories

Copying and Moving/Renaming Files

  • cp from_dir/file to_dir/file = copies files , works with files in the current directory if no dir specified
  • mv old_file_name new_file_name = move command , when used in the same directory , deletes the old file and makes a new file with the new_file_name (Renaming)
  • mv from_dir/file to_dir/file = here move command copies the from file and deletes it , pastes it in to dir

Removing Files

  • rm file_name = the file will be deleted
  • rm * = remove all files in directory
  • rm file* = removes all the files in the directory starting with 'file'
  • rm -r = this removes the directory (-r mean recursively ,i.e remove all files all subdirectory and the directory itself)
  • rmdir DIR = removes directories that don't have anything in them

Reading and Writing files

  • cat file_name = reads the file and prints it in terminal
  • cat > file_name = creates a new file and saves the input text (ctrl+d to exit)
  • cat >> file_name = takes input of text to store and add it to file
  • cat file1 file2 = prints contents of both files
  • more file1 = shows the huge text of file in steps , can exit anytime pressing q

MAN (Manual Pager) & Help

  • man brings all information about specific command on terminal
  • Example : man bash , man git
  • whatis COMMAND = lets us know what the command does (executables)
  • help COMMAND = information of shell comands (ex. cd)


  • which command_name = checks if the command is there and where it is

  • history = lists all the commands typed in

  • watch free -h = watch , keeps on running a command every 2 seconds and free lists the space available in pc


  • history | less = opens history in less mode
  • ls -al / > lsout.txt = redirecting output of ls into a file

File Permissions

  • output of ls -l shows file permissions and users with file info
  • Groups - USER , GROUP , EVERYONE
  • Permissions - r = read (4 bit) , w = write(2 bit) , x = execute(1 bit) , all = 8 bit
  • adding the values will produce appropriate number for rights given
graph TB
  subgraph ah[everyone]
  at3[r] -.- ab3[4] --> a3[7]
  at2[w] -.- ab2[2] --> a3[7]
  at1[x] -.- ab1[1] --> a3[7]
  style ah fill:pink
  subgraph bh[group]
  bt3[r] -.- bb3[4] --> b3[7]
  bt2[w] -.- bb2[2] --> b3[7]
  bt1[x] -.- bb1[1] --> b3[7]
  style bh fill:lightblue, 
  subgraph ch[user]
  ct3[r] -.- cb3[4] --> c3[7]
  ct2[w] -.- cb2[2] --> c3[7]
  ct1[x] -.- cb1[1] --> c3[7]
  style ch fill:lightgreen
  • chmod 700 file1 - makes the file read write exec only for user
  • chmod 744 file1 - makes the file rwx for user , and read for others
  • chmod 644 file1 - user can rw and others only read
  • chmod 755 file1 - user can rwx and others can rx
  • chmod 755 dir - mostly used for directories , rwx[USER] | rx[Group] | rx[Every]

Command Line Tools

LESS Viewer

  • less file1 = opens the specific file
Commands Action
Down arrow, Enter, e, or j Move forward one line.
Up arrow,y or k Move backward one line.
Space bar or f Move Forward one page.
b Move Backward one page.
/pattern Search forward for matching patterns.
?pattern Search backward for matching patterns.
n Repeat previous search.
N Repeat previous search in reverse direction.
g Go to the first line in the file.
Ng Go to the N-th line in the file.
G Go to the last line in the file.
p Go to the beginning of the file.
Np Go to N percent into file.
v Open file in your Preferred CMD editor.
h Display help.
q Exit less.

Nano Editor

  • nano = create new file & open editor

  • nano file1.php = open a specific file using nano

  • Ctrl is represented as ^

  • Alt is represented as M

Commands Actions
Ctrl + O , ^O Save A File
Alt + B , M-B Create a Backup
^X Exit file , with prompt
M-U Undo an action
^G Get Help
Commands Navigate Actions
^F Move one character forward
^B Move one character backward
^Space Move one word forward
M-Space Move one work backward
^P Move to previous line
^N Move to next line
^V Move to next page
^Y Move to previous page
^A Move to Beginning of line
^E Move to End of line
Commands Search Actions
^W To open Search prompt
^T To Search Line Number
M-W Go to Next result
^R Replace Searched Text
Commands Text Actions
M-6 Cut Text / Line
^K Copy Text / Line
^U Paste Copied Data

Vim editor

  • Changing mode from one to another

  • From command mode to insert mode type a/A/i/I/o/O ( see details below)

  • From insert mode to command mode type Esc (escape key)

Text Entry Commands (Used to start text entry)

  • a =Append text following current cursor position

  • A = Append text to the end of current line

  • i = Insert text before the current cursor position

  • I = Insert text at the beginning of the cursor line

  • o = Open up a new line following the current line and add text there

  • O = Open up a new line in front of the current line and add text there

Cursor Movement Commands

  • h = Moves the cursor one character to the left

  • l = Moves the cursor one character to the right

  • k = Moves the cursor up one line

  • j = Moves the cursor down one line

  • nG or :n = Cursor goes to the specified (n) line (ex. 10G goes to line 10)

  • ^F (CTRl F) = Forward screenful

  • ^B = Backward screenful

  • ^f = One page forward

  • ^b = One page backward

  • ^U = Up half screenful

  • ^D = Down half screenful

  • $ = Move cursor to the end of current line

  • 0 (zero) = Move cursor to the beginning of current line

  • w = Forward one word

  • b = Backward one word

Exit Commands

  • :wq = Write file to disk and quit the editor

  • :q! = Quit (no warning)

  • :q = Quit (a warning is printed if a modified file has not been saved)

  • ZZ = Save workspace and quit the editor (same as :wq)

Text Deletion Commands

  • x = Delete character

  • dw = Delete word from cursor on

  • db = Delete word backward

  • dd = Delete line

  • d$ = Delete to end of line

  • d^ (d caret, not CTRL d) = Delete to beginning of line

Yank (has most of the options of delete) -- VI's copy command

  • yy = yank current line

  • y$ = yank to end of current line from cursor

  • yw = yank from cursor to end of current word

Paste (used after delete or yank to recover lines.)

  • p = paste below cursor
  • P = paste above cursor

Undo & Restore

  • u = Undo last change

  • U = Restore line

  • J = Join next line down to the end of the current line

File Manipulation Commands

  • :w = Write workspace to original file

  • :W = file Write workspace to named file

  • :e = file Start editing a new file

  • :r = file Read contents of a file to the workspace


To create a page break, while in the insert mode, press the CTRL key

And l. ^L will appear in your text and will cause the printer to start

A new page.

Copy link

niradler commented Nov 10, 2022


  • wc - line count: echo '' | wc -l
  • grep - show lines by pattern (and many more)
  • xrags - repeated tasks
  • jq - json
  • base64

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