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Forked from dominikwilkowski/
Created April 24, 2024 23:30
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ANSI codes for cli controled output

ANSI escape codes

ANSI escape codes can be printed to a shell to as instructions. The below is a list of codes I have used often in my CLI programs and I find myself looking up over and over again.

A great article about it can be found here.



Font color

8 Colors

code description
\u001b[30m Black font color
\u001b[31m Red font color
\u001b[32m Green font color
\u001b[33m Yellow font color
\u001b[34m Blue font color
\u001b[35m Magenta font color
\u001b[36m Cyan font color
\u001b[37m White font color

16 Colors

code description
\u001b[30;1m Bright Black font color
\u001b[31;1m Bright Red font color
\u001b[32;1m Bright Green font color
\u001b[33;1m Bright Yellow font color
\u001b[34;1m Bright Blue font color
\u001b[35;1m Bright Magenta font color
\u001b[36;1m Bright Cyan font color
\u001b[37;1m Bright White font color

256 colors

code description
\u001b[38;5; + n + m + n Standard font color where n can be a number between 0-7
\u001b[38;5; + n + m + n High intensity font color where n can be a number between 8-15
\u001b[38;5; + n + m + n Rainbow font color where n can be a number between 16-231
\u001b[38;5; + n + m + n Gray font color where n can be a number between 232-255

Background colors

8 Colors

code description
\u001b[40m Black background color
\u001b[41m Red background color
\u001b[42m Green background color
\u001b[43m Yellow background color
\u001b[44m Blue background color
\u001b[45m Magenta background color
\u001b[46m Cyan background color
\u001b[47m White background color

16 Colors

code description
\u001b[40;1m Bright Black background color
\u001b[41;1m Bright Red background color
\u001b[42;1m Bright Green background color
\u001b[43;1m Bright Yellow background color
\u001b[44;1m Bright Blue background color
\u001b[45;1m Bright Magenta background color
\u001b[46;1m Bright Cyan background color
\u001b[47;1m Bright White background color

256 colors

code description
\u001b[48;5; + n + m + n Standard background color where n can be a number between 0-7
\u001b[48;5; + n + m + n High intensity background color where n can be a number between 8-15
\u001b[48;5; + n + m + n Rainbow background color where n can be a number between 16-231
\u001b[48;5; + n + m + n Gray background color where n can be a number between 232-255


code description
\u001b[0m Reset all styles
\u001b[1m Bold
\u001b[4m Underline
\u001b[7m Reversed

Cursor movements

code description
\u001b[ + n + A Move Up by n rows
\u001b[ + n + B Move Down by n rows
\u001b[ + n + C Move Right by n columns
\u001b[ + n + D Move Left by n columns
\u001b[ + n + E Move cursor to beginning of line, n lines down
\u001b[ + n + F Move cursor to beginning of line, n lines up
\u001b[ + n + G Move cursor to column n
\u001b[ + n + ; + m + H Move cursor to row n column m
\u001b[{s} Save the current cursor position
\u001b[{u} Restore the cursor to the last saved position


code description
\u001b[0J clears from cursor until end of screen
\u001b[1J clears from cursor to beginning of screen
\u001b[2J clears entire screen
\u001b[0K clears from cursor to end of line
\u001b[1K clears from cursor to start of line
\u001b[2K clears entire line
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