- KL-E11 最強?モバイルPCラベラー | 俺的NO1 - 楽天ブログ
- Printer: Casio KL-E11 | OpenPrinting - The Linux Foundation
- 個人的Linux: CASIO KP-C10(smart egg)を動かす
- PEGG snapshot
- Linux用のドライバ
- プリンタードライバー ソフトウェアダウンロード | 電子文具 | お客様サポート | CASIO
- Windows 10まではインストール可能(Windows 11ではコア分離の関係でドライバーが動作しない)
- メモリ整合性やコア分離はなぜ必要か? - Microsoft コミュニティ
- 印刷ソフト ソフトウェアダウンロード | 電子文具 | お客様サポート | CASIO
- ラベル印刷ソフト BA-100
- PCラベルユーティリティ BA-P20
- KL-E11 | 取扱説明書 | 電子文具 | お客様サポート | CASIO
- KPシリーズ用ロール紙 XT-13P | CASIO
- KL-E11 対応テープ | CASIO
- ネームランドのテープが(サイズが合えば)使えるっぽい
- [PS5] Eventual DualSense (DS5) emulation · Issue #672 · matlo/GIMX
- DualSense絡みの情報
- jfedor2/paaas: PlayStation controller authentication as a service
- Ryochan7/DS4Windows: Like those other ds4tools, but sexier
- nefarius (Benjamin Höglinger-Stelzer) ViGEmBusなんかの作者
- Project-Alpaca/Alpaca: Absolutely Legit P*********n Arcade-style Controller for All
- fraca7/dsremap: Input remapping for the Dual Shock 4
- ZRtmWrJqXcjbqBLIMBYMCeUw/Logitech-G923-Linux-Kernel-Driver: This project is intended to add support for the Logitech G923 steering wheel to the Linux kernel.
- quantus/xbox-one-controller-protocol: Xbox One Controller Protocol description
- medusalix/xone: Linux kernel driver for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S accessories
- A writeup on how to interact with the Xbox One driver on Windows directly
- atar-axis/xpadneo: Advanced Linux Driver for Xbox One Wireless Controller (shipped with Xbox One S)
- Xbox One Controller Protocol Notes.md
- XBox One Wireless Controller Protocol
- IvanVojtko/logitech-linux-rpm-led: Enable RPM LED indicator on Logitech G29 steering wheel in Linux
- nondebug/g29-wheel-demo: WebHID + Logitech G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel demo
- fsegouin/g29-usb: Read data from Logitech G29 wheel
- artis101/beamng-logitech-g29-leds: A Node.js program that allows Logitech G29 steering wheel users to fully utilize the built-in revlights in conjunction with the BeamNG.drive game.
- jfedor2/wheel-adapter: PS5 adapter for old Logitech wheels
- sonik-br/xid_wheel_adapter: Logitech racing wheel adapter for Xbox
- ZRtmWrJqXcjbqBLIMBYMCeUw/Logitech-G923-Linux-Kernel-Driver: This project is intended to add support for the Logitech G923 steering wheel to the Linux kernel.
- naldin/DFGT_Clutch: Arduino software to make a clutch to Logitech DFGT wheel
- armandoiglesias/g29Shifter: Implementing interface between a G29 Shifter and Arduino so it can be used standalone without a logitech wheel
- berarma/oversteer: Steering Wheel Manager for GNU/Linux
- sillyhatday/G920-shifter-stand-alone: Logitech G920 shifter to work as it's own USB device
- dumbie/LogitechWheelHelper: Logitech Wheel Helper allows you to change global settings that still work but are no longer visible in the modern Logitech drivers for devices like the G29 and G920.
- Vooges/Logitech-USB-Shifter: This project will allow you to use a Logitech G29/G920 shifter as a standalone USB device.
- GeekyDeaks/g29-load-cell: DIY load cell modification for the logitech G29 pedal set
- Pro MicroだけでG29エミュ mathijsvandenberg/g29emu: Logitech G29 emulator for PS4 using Arduino
- berarma/new-lg4ff: Experimental Logitech force feedback module for Linux
- GP2040-CE
- cmumme/XboxWheelCompatibility: A simple tool to make using unsupported Xbox racing wheels work on Windows 10/11.
- juan518munoz/PicoSwitch-WirelessGamepadAdapter: Use any bluetooth gamepad on your Nintendo Switch with a Raspberry Pi Pico W.
- Mystfit/ESP32-BLE-CompositeHID: Bluetooth LE Gamepad + Mouse + Keyboard library for the ESP32
- lemmingDev/ESP32-BLE-Gamepad: Bluetooth LE Gamepad library for the ESP32
- Alia5/GlosSI: Tool for using Steam-Input controller rebinding at a system level alongside a global overlay
- csutorasa/XOutput: DirectInput to XInput wrapper
- dmadison/ArduinoXInput: XInput library for USB capable Arduino boards
- emoose/Xb2XInput: XB2X: User-mode Windows driver for Xbox OG controllers, supporting both XInput and DirectInput.
- RobertDaleSmith/USBRetro: USBRetro: Robust USB host controller input for retro consoles.
- OpenVizsla
- openvizsla/ov_ftdi: FT2232H-based USB sniffer
- ボード OpenVizsla v3.x USB Protocol Analyzer PCBA | openvizsla-pcba-v3.4
- 使われてるFT2232Hは多機能なUSBシリアル変換らしい FT2232H(2ch)高速USBシリアル変換モジュールキット - FT2232HX - Strawberry
- AristoChen/usb-proxy: A USB proxy based on raw-gadget and libusb
- ラズパイとusb-proxyを使ったUSBプロトコルアナライザ #RaspberryPi - Qiita
- 利用例 USB Raw Gadgetを使ってラズパイをUSBモデムにしてPS2のゲームのモデム対戦をTCP/IP上で行う #RaspberryPi - Qiita