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Forked from sebmarkbage/Infrastructure.js
Created August 29, 2018 18:58
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let cache = new Map();
let pending = new Map();
function fetchTextSync(url) {
if (cache.has(url)) {
return cache.get(url);
if (pending.has(url)) {
throw pending.get(url);
let promise = fetch(url).then(
response => response.text()
text => {
cache.set(url, text);
pending.set(url, promise);
throw promise;
async function runPureTask(task) {
for (;;) {
try {
return task();
} catch (x) {
if (x instanceof Promise) {
await x;
} else {
throw x;
function getUserName(id) {
var user = JSON.parse(fetchTextSync('/users/' + id));
function getGreeting(name) {
if (name === 'Seb') {
return 'Hey';
return fetchTextSync('/greeting');
function getMessage() {
let name = getUserName(123);
return getGreeting(name) + ', ' + name + '!';
runPureTask(getMessage).then(message => console.log(message));
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