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Created August 18, 2022 05:24
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Godot code for getting mouse and keyboard input while window is not focused
using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class GlobalInput : Godot.Node
private Dictionary<int, string> keyWatches = new Dictionary<int, string>();
private Dictionary<int, bool> keyStates = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
delegate void key_event(string key, bool pressed);
public override void _Process(float delta) {
foreach (int keyCode in keyWatches.Keys) {
bool state = IsKeyPressed(keyCode);
if (state != keyStates[keyCode]) {
keyStates[keyCode] = state;
EmitSignal("key_event", keyWatches[keyCode], state);
public void watch_key_raw(int key_code, string key_name) {
if (!keyWatches.ContainsKey(key_code)) {
keyWatches.Add(key_code, key_name);
keyStates.Add(key_code, false);
public Vector2 get_mouse_position() {
return GetCursorPosition();
public bool is_mouse_button_pressed(int button_index) {
if (!buttonMap.ContainsKey(button_index)) return false;
return IsKeyPressed(buttonMap[button_index]);
public bool is_key_pressed(int scancode) {
return false;
public bool is_key_pressed_raw(int key_code) {
return IsKeyPressed(key_code);
static Dictionary<int, int> buttonMap = new Dictionary<int, int>() {
{(int)ButtonList.Left, 0x1},
{(int)ButtonList.Right, 0x2},
{(int)ButtonList.Middle, 0x4},
{(int)ButtonList.Xbutton1, 0x5},
{(int)ButtonList.Xbutton2, 0x6}
public struct POINT
public int X;
public int Y;
public static implicit operator Vector2(POINT point)
return new Vector2(point.X, point.Y);
public static extern bool GetCursorPos(out POINT lpPoint);
public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(UInt16 virtualKeyCode);
public static Vector2 GetCursorPosition()
POINT lpPoint;
GetCursorPos(out lpPoint);
return lpPoint;
public static bool IsKeyPressed(int code) {
return GetAsyncKeyState((UInt16)code) != 0;
// Source:
extends Node
# This is used by setting the GlobalInput C# script as a singleton
func _ready():
GlobalInput.watch_key_raw(0xA0, "shift_left")
GlobalInput.connect("key_event", self, "_on_key")
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
$Label.text = var2str(GlobalInput.get_mouse_position())
$Label2.text = "yes" if GlobalInput.is_mouse_button_pressed(BUTTON_LEFT) else "no"
var shift = GlobalInput.is_key_pressed_raw(0x10)
var left_shift = GlobalInput.is_key_pressed_raw(0xA0)
var right_shift = GlobalInput.is_key_pressed_raw(0xA1)
$Label3.text = ("yes " if shift else "no ") + ("left" if left_shift else "") + ("right" if right_shift else "")
func _on_key(key, pressed):
print("KEY! ", key, pressed)
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