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Created June 28, 2016 10:18
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BOA [05:25:44] ==> Skynet Agent v.BOA-3.1.1 welcomes you aboard!
BOA [05:25:48] ==> Octopus Satellite Instance Upgrade in progress...
BOA [05:25:48] ==> This Octopus URL address is
BOA [05:25:48] ==> This Octopus PHP version is 5.6
BOA [05:25:48] ==> This Octopus System is Debian/wheezy x86_64
BOA [05:25:56] ==> UPGRADE A: Shared platforms code v.005 (new) will be created
mesg: /dev/pts/1: Operation not permitted
BOA [05:26:46] ==> UPGRADE B: Downloading drush micro-8-15-06-2016...
BOA [05:26:53] ==> UPGRADE B: Installing Aegir Provision backend...
BOA [05:26:53] ==> UPGRADE B: Downloading Drush and Provision extensions...
BOA [05:26:58] ==> UPGRADE B: Hostmaster STATUS: Upgrade in progress...
BOA [05:28:25] ==> UPGRADE B: Hostmaster STATUS: Upgrade completed
BOA [05:28:25] ==> UPGRADE B: Aegir upgrade test result: OK
BOA [05:28:30] ==> UPGRADE B: Updating Letsencrypt cert for Hostmaster...
BOA [05:28:31] ==> UPGRADE B: Enhancing Aegir UI, please wait...
BOA [05:30:00] ==> UPGRADE A: Aegir Satellite Instance upgrade completed
mesg: /dev/pts/1: Operation not permitted
BOA [05:30:56] ==> UPGRADE C: Shared platforms code v.005 (new) will be created
BOA [05:31:00] ==> DISTRO: Drupal 7.44.1 D.005 installed
BOA [05:31:00] ==> DISTRO: Drupal 7.44.1 S.005 installed
BOA [05:31:00] ==> DISTRO: Drupal 7.44.1 P.005 installed
BOA [05:31:00] ==> UPGRADE C: Running Platforms Verify tasks, please wait...
BOA [05:31:04] ==> UPGRADE A: Platforms installed
BOA [05:31:04] ==> UPGRADE A: Cleaning up various dot files, please wait...
BOA [05:31:05] ==> UPGRADE A: Creating LE vhost for Hostmaster, please wait...
BOA [05:34:41] ==> Final post-upgrade cleaning, one moment...
BOA [05:35:30] ==> BYE!
cp: cannot remove `/home/o1.web/.drush/php.ini': Operation not permitted
sed: cannot rename /home/o1.web/.drush/sedhzSprl: Operation not permitted
sed: cannot rename /home/o1.web/.drush/sedQKdZBn: Operation not permitted
sed: cannot rename /home/o1.web/.drush/sed1Je29p: Operation not permitted
sed: cannot rename /home/o1.web/.drush/sedU0uQSr: Operation not permitted
sed: cannot rename /home/o1.web/.drush/seduIKz8t: Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of `/home/o1.web/.drush/php.ini': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of `/home/o1.web/.drush/php.ini': Operation not permitted
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