Save nivleshc/bedd2c440c816ebc86dbaeddef50d500 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Name: ansible-aws-inventory-worker.yml | |
# Description: this is the worker file that called the main file (ansible-aws-inventory-main.yml) to to create an inventory of all the | |
# specific aws resources. This file, the worker file and the ansible inventory file must be placed in the same folder | |
# Prerequisites: | |
# - the worker file (ansible-aws-inventory-worker.yml) and the ansible hosts file must be present in the same folder as this file (ansible-aws-inventory-main.yml) | |
# - this script requires read access to all resources it will be querying. An AWS IAM user account must be created with the necessary permissions and with access keys enabled. | |
# At a minimum, to query all the resources mentioned above, the following permissions are required | |
# - AmazonVPCReadOnlyAccess | |
# - AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess | |
# - ElasticLoadBalancingReadOnly | |
# - AmazonRDSReadOnlyAccess | |
# - AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess | |
# | |
# The access key can then be provided to this playbook using environment variables | |
# The commands below can be used to define the environment variables | |
# export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxx" | |
# export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxx" | |
# | |
# There is currently an issue with boto unable to access us-west-3 region. Use the following command to create an additional environment variable which resolves this | |
# | |
# Bugs: | |
# 1. there is currently a bug with Ansible when using aws_s3_bucket_facts module. It is ignoring the region parameter and instead returns all buckets (instead of those for that region), | |
# no matter which region is provided. This means that the s3 inventory csv will have repeated bucket names in each region | |
# | |
# | |
# Author: Nivlesh Chandra ([email protected]) | |
# | |
# Version: 1.0 | |
# Change Log: | |
# Date Author Comments | |
# 27/03/19 Nivlesh Created script | |
# | |
# Terms: This script is provided as is and the author does not take any responsibility for any | |
# issues that might arise. Please ensure you understand the script fully before using it | |
# | |
#output vpc information | |
- name: get a list of all vpc in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_vpc_net_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_vpcs_within_region | |
when: inventory_vpc | |
- name: output vpc details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ vpc_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{vpc.vpc_id}};{{vpc.is_default}};{{vpc.state}};{{vpc.cidr_block}};{{vpc.enable_dns_hostnames}};{{vpc.enable_dns_support}};{{vpc.dhcp_options_id}};{{vpc.instance_tenancy}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_vpcs_within_region.vpcs }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: vpc | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ vpc.vpc_id }}" | |
when: inventory_vpc | |
- name: output vpc details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "vpc_id: {{vpc.vpc_id}}" | |
- "is_default: {{vpc.is_default}}" | |
- "state: {{vpc.state}}" | |
- "cidr_block: {{vpc.cidr_block}}" | |
- "enable_dns_hostnames: {{vpc.enable_dns_hostnames}}" | |
- "enable_dns_support: {{vpc.enable_dns_support}}" | |
- "dhcp_options_id: {{vpc.dhcp_options_id}}" | |
- "instance_tenancy: {{vpc.instance_tenancy}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_vpcs_within_region.vpcs }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: vpc | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ vpc.vpc_id }}" | |
when: inventory_vpc and verbose | |
#output subnet information | |
- name: get a list of all subnets in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_vpc_subnet_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_subnets_within_region | |
when: inventory_subnet | |
- name: output subnet details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ subnet_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ subnet.subnet_id }};{{ subnet.vpc_id }};{{ subnet.availability_zone }};{{ subnet.cidr_block }};{{ subnet.available_ip_address_count }};{{ subnet.default_for_az }};{{ subnet.map_public_ip_on_launch }};{{ subnet.state }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_subnets_within_region.subnets }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: subnet | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ subnet.subnet_id }}" | |
when: inventory_subnet | |
- name: output subnet details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "subnet_id: {{subnet.subnet_id}}" | |
- "vpc_id: {{subnet.vpc_id}}" | |
- "availability_zone: {{subnet.availability_zone}}" | |
- "cidr_block: {{subnet.cidr_block}}" | |
- "available_ip_address_count: {{subnet.available_ip_address_count}}" | |
- "default_for_az: {{subnet.default_for_az}}" | |
- "map_public_ip_on_launch: {{subnet.map_public_ip_on_launch}}" | |
- "state: {{subnet.state}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_subnets_within_region.subnets }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: subnet | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ subnet.subnet_id }}" | |
when: inventory_subnet and verbose | |
#output internet gateway information | |
- name: get a list of all internet gateway in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_vpc_igw_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_igws_within_region | |
when: inventory_igw | |
- name: output igw details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ igw_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ igw.internet_gateway_id }};{{ igw.attachments[0].vpc_id | default('') }};{{ igw.attachments[0].state | default('') }};{{ igw.tags }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_igws_within_region.internet_gateways }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: igw | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ igw.internet_gateway_id }}" | |
when: inventory_igw | |
- name: output igw details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "gateway_id: {{ igw.internet_gateway_id }}" | |
- "attached to: {{ igw.attachments[0].vpc_id }}" | |
- "state: {{ igw.attachments[0].state }}" | |
- "tags: {{ igw.tags }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_igws_within_region.internet_gateways }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: igw | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ igw.internet_gateway_id }}" | |
when: inventory_igw and verbose | |
#output cgw information | |
- name: get a list of all cgw in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_customer_gateway_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_cgws_within_region | |
when: inventory_cgw | |
- name: output cgw details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ cgw_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ cgw.customer_gateway_id }};{{ cgw.bgp_asn }};{{ cgw.ip_address }};{{ cgw.state }}; {{ cgw.type }};{{ cgw.tags }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_cgws_within_region.customer_gateways }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: cgw | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ cgw.customer_gateway_id }}" | |
when: inventory_cgw | |
- name: output cgw details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "customer_gateway_id: {{ cgw.customer_gateway_id }}" | |
- "bgp_asn: {{ cgw.bgp_asn }}" | |
- "ip_address: {{ cgw.ip_address }}" | |
- "state: {{ cgw.state }}" | |
- "type: {{ cgw.type }}" | |
- "tags: {{ cgw.tags }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_cgws_within_region.customer_gateways }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: cgw | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ cgw.customer_gateway_id }}" | |
when: inventory_cgw and verbose | |
#output vgw information | |
- name: get a list of all vgw in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_vpc_vgw_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_vgws_within_region | |
when: inventory_vgw | |
- name: output vgw details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ vgw_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ vgw.vpn_gateway_id }};{{ vgw.state }};{{ vgw.type }};{{ vgw.attachments | default('') }};{{ vgw.tags }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_vgws_within_region.virtual_gateways }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: vgw | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ vgw.vpn_gateway_id }}" | |
when: inventory_vgw | |
- name: output vgw details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "vpn_gateway_id: {{ vgw.vpn_gateway_id }}" | |
- "state: {{ vgw.state }}" | |
- "type: {{ vgw.type }}" | |
- "attachments: {{ vgw.attachments | default('') }}" | |
- "tags: {{ vgw.tags }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_vgws_within_region.virtual_gateways }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: vgw | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ vgw.vpn_gateway_id }}" | |
when: inventory_vgw and verbose | |
#output ami information | |
- name: get a list of all ami in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_ami_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
owners: "{{owner_id | int }}" | |
register: all_amis_within_region | |
when: inventory_ami | |
- name: output ami details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ ami_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ami.image_id}};{{ami.name}};{{ami.creation_date}};{{ami.state}};{{ami.public}};{{ami.description}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_amis_within_region.images }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: ami | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ ami.image_id }}" | |
when: inventory_ami | |
- name: output ami details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "image_id: {{ami.image_id}}" | |
- "name: {{ami.name}}" | |
- "creation_date: {{ami.creation_date}}" | |
- "state: {{ami.state}}" | |
- "is_public: {{ami.public}}" | |
- "description: {{ami.description}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_amis_within_region.images }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: ami | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ ami.image_id }}" | |
when: inventory_ami and verbose | |
#output eip information | |
- name: get a list of all eip in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_eip_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_eips_within_region | |
when: inventory_eip | |
- name: output eip details to file when eip is not associated to a resource | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ eip_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ eip.allocation_id | default('') }};;{{ eip.domain }};;;;{{eip.public_ip}};{{eip.public_ipv4_pool}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_eips_within_region.addresses }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: eip | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ eip.allocation_id }}" | |
when: inventory_eip and (eip.association_id is not defined) | |
- name: output eip details to file when eip is associated to a resource | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ eip_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ eip.allocation_id | default('') }};{{ eip.association_id }};{{ eip.domain }};{{ eip.instance_id}};{{eip.network_interface_id}};{{eip.private_ip_address}};{{eip.public_ip}};{{eip.public_ipv4_pool}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_eips_within_region.addresses }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: eip | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ eip.allocation_id }}" | |
when: inventory_eip and (eip.association_id is defined) | |
- name: output eip details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "{{ all_eips_within_region }}" | |
when: inventory_eip and verbose | |
#output snapshot information | |
- name: get a list of all snapshots in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_snapshot_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
filters: | |
owner-id: "{{ owner_id | int}}" | |
register: all_snapshots_within_region | |
when: inventory_snapshot | |
- name: output snapshot details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ snapshot_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{snapshot.snapshot_id}};{{snapshot.owner_id}};{{snapshot.start_time}};{{snapshot.progress}};{{snapshot.state}};{{snapshot.encrypted}};{{snapshot.volume_id}};{{snapshot.volume_size}};{{snapshot.description}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_snapshots_within_region.snapshots }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: snapshot | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ snapshot.snapshot_id }}" | |
when: inventory_snapshot | |
- name: output snapshot details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "snapshot_id: {{snapshot.snapshot_id}}" | |
- "owner_id: {{snapshot.owner_id}}" | |
- "start_time: {{snapshot.start_time}}" | |
- "progress: {{snapshot.progress}}" | |
- "state: {{snapshot.state}}" | |
- "encrypted: {{snapshot.encrypted}}" | |
- "volume_id: {{snapshot.volume_id}}" | |
- "volume_size: {{snapshot.volume_size}}" | |
- "description: {{snapshot.description}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_snapshots_within_region.snapshots }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: snapshot | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ snapshot.snapshot_id }}" | |
when: inventory_snapshot and verbose | |
#output volume information | |
- name: get a list of all volumes in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_vol_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
filters: | |
volume-type: | |
- gp2 | |
- io1 | |
- st1 | |
- sc1 | |
- standard | |
register: all_volumes_within_region | |
when: inventory_volume | |
- name: output volume details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ volume_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{volume.id}};{{volume.type}};{{volume.size}};{{volume.iops}};{{volume.encrypted}};{{volume.status}};{{volume.region}};{{volume.zone}};{{volume.create_time}};{{volume.attachment_set.attach_time}};{{volume.attachment_set.instance_id}};{{volume.attachment_set.device}};{{volume.attachment_set.delete_on_termination}};{{volume.attachment_set.status}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_volumes_within_region.volumes }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: volume | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ volume.id }}" | |
when: inventory_volume | |
- name: output volumes details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "volume_id: {{volume.id}}" | |
- "volume_type: {{volume.type}}" | |
- "size: {{volume.size}}" | |
- "iops: {{volume.iops}}" | |
- "encrypted: {{volume.encrypted}}" | |
- "status: {{volume.status}}" | |
- "region: {{volume.region}}" | |
- "zone: {{volume.zone}}" | |
- "create_time: {{volume.create_time}}" | |
- "attach_time: {{volume.attachment_set.attach_time}}" | |
- "attached_to; {{volume.attachment_set.instance_id | default('')}}" | |
- "attached as: {{volume.attachment_set.device | default('')}}" | |
- "delete_on_termination: {{volume.attachment_set.delete_on_termination}}" | |
- "volume_status: {{volume.attachment_set.status}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_volumes_within_region.volumes }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: volume | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ volume.id }}" | |
when: inventory_volume and verbose | |
#output route table information | |
- name: get a list of all route tables in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_vpc_route_table_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_routetables_within_region | |
when: inventory_routetable | |
- name: output route table details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ routetable_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ routetable.id }};{{ routetable.vpc_id }};{{ routetable.routes }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_routetables_within_region.route_tables }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: routetable | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ routetable.id }}" | |
when: inventory_routetable | |
- name: output route table details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "routetable_id: {{ routetable.id }} " | |
- "vpc_id: {{ routetable.vpc_id }}" | |
- "routes: {{ routetable.routes }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_routetables_within_region.route_tables }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: routetable | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ routetable.id }}" | |
when: inventory_routetable and verbose | |
#output security group information | |
- name: get a list of all security groups in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_group_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_securitygroups_within_region | |
when: inventory_securitygroup | |
- name: output security group details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ securitygroup_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ securitygroup.group_name }};{{ securitygroup.group_id }};{{ securitygroup.vpc_id }};{{ securitygroup.description }};{{ securitygroup.ip_permissions }};{{ securitygroup.ip_permissions_egress }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_securitygroups_within_region.security_groups }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: securitygroup | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ securitygroup.group_id }}" | |
when: inventory_securitygroup | |
- name: output security group details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "group_name: {{ securitygroup.group_name }}" | |
- "group_id: {{ securitygroup.group_id }}" | |
- "vpc_id: {{ securitygroup.vpc_id }}" | |
- "description: {{ securitygroup.description }}" | |
- "ingress: {{ securitygroup.ip_permissions }}" | |
- "egress: {{ securitygroup.ip_permissions_egress }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_securitygroups_within_region.security_groups }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: securitygroup | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ securitygroup.group_id }}" | |
when: inventory_securitygroup and verbose | |
#output network acl information | |
- name: get a list of all nacls in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_vpc_nacl_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_nacls_within_region | |
when: inventory_nacl | |
- name: output nacl details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ nacl_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ nacl.nacl_id }};{{ nacl.vpc_id }};{{ nacl.is_default }};{{ nacl.subnets }};{{ nacl.ingress }};{{ nacl.egress }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_nacls_within_region.nacls }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: nacl | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ nacl.nacl_id }}" | |
when: inventory_nacl | |
- name: output nacl details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "nacl_id: {{ nacl.nacl_id }}" | |
- "vpc_id: {{ nacl.vpc_id }}" | |
- "is_default: {{ nacl.is_default }}" | |
- "subnets associated with: {{ nacl.subnets }}" | |
- "ingress: {{ nacl.ingress }}" | |
- "egress: {{ nacl.egress }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_nacls_within_region.nacls}}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: nacl | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ nacl.nacl_id }}" | |
when: inventory_nacl and verbose | |
#output EC2 information | |
- name: get a list of all ec2 instances in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_instance_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_ec2_instances_within_region | |
when: inventory_ec2 | |
- name: output ec2 instance details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ ec2_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ ec2instance.instance_id }};{{ ec2instance.tags.Name | default('') }};{{ ec2instance.instance_type }};{{ ec2instance.image_id }};{{ ec2instance.private_ip_address }};{{ ec2instance.placement.availability_zone }};{{ ec2instance.public_ip_address | default('') }};{{ ec2instance.subnet_id }};{{ ec2instance.source_dest_check }};{{ ec2instance.security_groups }};{{ ec2instance.vpc_id }};{{ ec2instance.launch_time }};{{ ec2instance.state.name }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_ec2_instances_within_region.instances }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: ec2instance | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ ec2instance.instance_id }}" | |
when: inventory_ec2 | |
- name: output ec2 instance details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "instance_id: {{ ec2instance.instance_id }}" | |
- "instance_name: {{ ec2instance.tags.Name | default('') }}" | |
- "instance_type: {{ ec2instance.instance_type }}" | |
- "image_id: {{ ec2instance.image_id }}" | |
- "private_ip_address: {{ ec2instance.private_ip_address }}" | |
- "availability_zone: {{ ec2instance.placement.availability_zone }}" | |
- "public_ip_address: {{ ec2instance.public_ip_address | default('') }}" | |
- "subnet_id: {{ ec2instance.subnet_id }}" | |
- "souce_dest_check: {{ ec2instance.source_dest_check }}" | |
- "security_groups: {{ ec2instance.security_groups }}" | |
- "vpc_id: {{ ec2instance.vpc_id }}" | |
- "launch_time: {{ ec2instance.launch_time }}" | |
- "state: {{ ec2instance.state.name }}" | |
ignore_errors: yes | |
loop: "{{ all_ec2_instances_within_region.instances }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: ec2instance | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ ec2instance.instance_id }}" | |
when: inventory_ec2 and verbose | |
#output classic ELB information | |
- name: get a list of all classic elb in {{ aws_region }} | |
ec2_elb_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_classic_elbs_within_region | |
when: inventory_elb | |
- name: output classic elb details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ elb_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};classic;{{ elb.name }};{{ elb.dns_name }};{{ elb.zones }};{{ elb.subnets }};{{ elb.vpc_id }};{{ elb.instances }};{{ elb.scheme }};{{ elb.security_groups }};{{ elb.listeners }};{{ elb.state | default('')}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_classic_elbs_within_region.elbs }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: elb | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ elb.name }}" | |
when: inventory_elb | |
- name: output classic elb details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "elb_type: classic" | |
- "elb_name: {{ elb.name }}" | |
- "elb_dns_name: {{ elb.dns_name }}" | |
- "elb_zones: {{ elb.zones }}" | |
- "elb_subnets: {{ elb.subnets }}" | |
- "elb_vpc_id: {{ elb.vpc_id }}" | |
- "elb_instances: {{ elb.instances }}" | |
- "elb_scheme: {{ elb.scheme }}" | |
- "elb_security_groups: {{ elb.security_groups }}" | |
- "elb_listeners: {{ elb.listeners }}" | |
- "elb_state: {{ elb.state | default('') }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_classic_elbs_within_region.elbs }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: elb | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ elb.name }}" | |
when: inventory_elb and verbose | |
#output application ELB information | |
- name: get a list of all application elb in {{ aws_region }} | |
elb_application_lb_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_app_elbs_within_region | |
when: inventory_elb | |
- name: output application elb details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ elb_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};application;{{ elb.load_balancer_name }};{{ elb.dns_name }};;;;;;{{ elb.security_groups }};;{{ elb.state }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_app_elbs_within_region.load_balancers }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: elb | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ elb.load_balancer_name }}" | |
when: inventory_elb | |
- name: output application elb details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "elb_type: application" | |
- "elb_name: {{ elb.load_balancer_name }}" | |
- "elb_dns_name: {{ elb.dns_name }}" | |
- "elb_instances:" | |
- "elb_scheme:" | |
- "elb_security_groups: {{ elb.security_groups }}" | |
- "elb_listeners:" | |
- "elb_state: {{ elb.state }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_app_elbs_within_region.load_balancers }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: elb | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ elb.load_balancer_name }}" | |
when: inventory_elb and verbose | |
#output RDS instance information | |
- name: get a list of all rds instances in {{ aws_region }} | |
rds_instance_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_rds_instances_within_region | |
when: inventory_rds_instance | |
- name: output rds instance details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ rds_instance_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{rds_instance.db_instance_identifier}};{{rds_instance.availability_zone}};{{rds_instance.allocated_storage}};{{rds_instance.auto_minor_version_upgrade}};{{rds_instance.availability_zone}};{{rds_instance.backup_retention_period}};{{rds_instance.db_instance_class}};{{rds_instance.db_instance_port}};{{rds_instance.db_instance_status}};{{rds_instance.db_parameter_groups}};{{rds_instance.db_security_groups}};{{rds_instance.db_subnet_group}};{{rds_instance.engine}};{{rds_instance.engine_version}};{{rds_instance.preferred_backup_window}};{{rds_instance.preferred_maintenance_window}};{{rds_instance.publicly_accessible}};{{rds_instance.storage_type}};{{rds_instance.vpc_security_groups}};{{rds_instance.tags}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_rds_instances_within_region.instances }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: rds_instance | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ rds_instance.db_instance_identifier }}" | |
when: inventory_rds_instance | |
- name: output rds instance details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "{{ all_rds_instances_within_region }}" | |
- "db_instance_identifier: {{rds_instance.db_instance_identifier}}" | |
- "availability_zone: {{rds_instance.availability_zone}}" | |
- "allocated_storage: {{rds_instance.allocated_storage}}" | |
- "auto_minor_version_upgrade: {{rds_instance.auto_minor_version_upgrade}}" | |
- "availability_zone: {{rds_instance.availability_zone}}" | |
- "backup_retention_period: {{rds_instance.backup_retention_period}}" | |
- "instance_class: ;{{rds_instance.db_instance_class}}" | |
- "db_instance_port: {{rds_instance.db_instance_port}}" | |
- "db_instance_status: {{rds_instance.db_instance_status}}" | |
- "db_parameter_groups: {{rds_instance.db_parameter_groups}}" | |
- "db_security_groups: {{rds_instance.db_security_groups}}" | |
- "db_subnet_group: {{rds_instance.db_subnet_group}}" | |
- "engine: {{rds_instance.engine}}" | |
- "engine_version: {{rds_instance.engine_version}}" | |
- "preferred_backup_window: {{rds_instance.preferred_backup_window}}" | |
- "preferred_maintenance_window: {{rds_instance.preferred_maintenance_window}}" | |
- "publicly_accessible: {{rds_instance.publicly_accessible}}" | |
- "storage_type: {{rds_instance.storage_type}}" | |
- "security_groups: {{rds_instance.vpc_security_groups}}" | |
- "tags: {{rds_instance.tags}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_rds_instances_within_region.instances }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: rds_instance | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ rds_instance.db_instance_identifier }}" | |
when: inventory_rds_instance and verbose | |
#output RDS snapshot information | |
- name: get a list of all rds snapshots {{ aws_region }} | |
rds_snapshot_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_rds_snapshots_within_region | |
when: inventory_rds_snapshot | |
- name: output rds snapshot details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ rds_snapshot_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{rds_snapshot.db_snapshot_identifier}};{{rds_snapshot.snapshot_create_time}};{{rds_snapshot.snapshot_type}};{{rds_snapshot.db_instance_identifier}};{{rds_snapshot.encrypted}};{{rds_snapshot.percent_progress}};{{rds_snapshot.allocated_storage}};{{rds_snapshot.availability_zone}};{{rds_snapshot.tags}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_rds_snapshots_within_region.snapshots }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: rds_snapshot | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ rds_snapshot.db_snapshot_identifier }}" | |
when: inventory_rds_snapshot | |
- name: output rds snapshot details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "db_snapshot_identifier: {{rds_snapshot.db_snapshot_identifier}}" | |
- "snapshot_create_time: {{rds_snapshot.snapshot_create_time}}" | |
- "snapshot_type: {{rds_snapshot.snapshot_type}}" | |
- "db_instance_identifier: {{rds_snapshot.db_instance_identifier}}" | |
- "encrypted: {{rds_snapshot.encrypted}}" | |
- "percent_progress: {{rds_snapshot.percent_progress}}" | |
- "allocated_storage: {{rds_snapshot.allocated_storage}}" | |
- "availability_zone: {{rds_snapshot.availability_zone}}" | |
- "tags: {{rds_snapshot.tags}}" | |
loop: "{{ all_rds_snapshots_within_region.snapshots }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: rds_snapshot | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ rds_snapshot.db_snapshot_identifier }}" | |
when: inventory_rds_snapshot and verbose | |
#output s3 information | |
- name: get a list of s3 buckets in {{ aws_region }} | |
aws_s3_bucket_facts: | |
region: "{{ aws_region }}" | |
register: all_s3_buckets_within_region | |
when: inventory_s3 | |
- name: output s3 bucket details to file | |
lineinfile: | |
state: present | |
create: yes | |
path: "{{ s3_outputfile }}" | |
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ s3.name }};{{ s3.creation_date }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_s3_buckets_within_region.ansible_facts.buckets }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: s3 | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ s3.name }}" | |
when: inventory_s3 | |
- name: output s3 bucket details to screen | |
debug: | |
msg: | |
- "s3_name: {{ s3.name }}" | |
- "s3_creation_date: {{ s3.creation_date }}" | |
loop: "{{ all_s3_buckets_within_region.ansible_facts.buckets }}" | |
loop_control: | |
loop_var: s3 | |
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ s3.name }}" | |
when: inventory_s3 and verbose |
Here's a working version:
#output vpc information
name: get a list of all vpc in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_vpcs_within_region
when: inventory_vpcname: output vpc details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ vpc_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{vpc.vpc_id}};{{vpc.is_default}};{{vpc.state}};{{vpc.cidr_block}};{{vpc.enable_dns_hostnames}};{{vpc.enable_dns_support}};{{vpc.dhcp_options_id}};{{vpc.instance_tenancy}}"
loop: "{{ all_vpcs_within_region.vpcs }}"
loop_var: vpc
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ vpc.vpc_id }}"
when: inventory_vpcname: output vpc details to screen
- "vpc_id: {{vpc.vpc_id}}"
- "is_default: {{vpc.is_default}}"
- "state: {{vpc.state}}"
- "cidr_block: {{vpc.cidr_block}}"
- "enable_dns_hostnames: {{vpc.enable_dns_hostnames}}"
- "enable_dns_support: {{vpc.enable_dns_support}}"
- "dhcp_options_id: {{vpc.dhcp_options_id}}"
- "instance_tenancy: {{vpc.instance_tenancy}}"
loop: "{{ all_vpcs_within_region.vpcs }}"
loop_var: vpc
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ vpc.vpc_id }}"
when: inventory_vpc and verbose#output subnet information
name: get a list of all subnets in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_subnets_within_region
when: inventory_subnetname: output subnet details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ subnet_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ subnet.subnet_id }};{{ subnet.vpc_id }};{{ subnet.availability_zone }};{{ subnet.cidr_block }};{{ subnet.available_ip_address_count }};{{ subnet.default_for_az }};{{ subnet.map_public_ip_on_launch }};{{ subnet.state }}"
loop: "{{ all_subnets_within_region.subnets }}"
loop_var: subnet
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ subnet.subnet_id }}"
when: inventory_subnetname: output subnet details to screen
- "subnet_id: {{subnet.subnet_id}}"
- "vpc_id: {{subnet.vpc_id}}"
- "availability_zone: {{subnet.availability_zone}}"
- "cidr_block: {{subnet.cidr_block}}"
- "available_ip_address_count: {{subnet.available_ip_address_count}}"
- "default_for_az: {{subnet.default_for_az}}"
- "map_public_ip_on_launch: {{subnet.map_public_ip_on_launch}}"
- "state: {{subnet.state}}"
loop: "{{ all_subnets_within_region.subnets }}"
loop_var: subnet
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ subnet.subnet_id }}"
when: inventory_subnet and verbose#output internet gateway information
name: get a list of all internet gateway in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_igws_within_region
when: inventory_igwname: output igw details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ igw_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ igw.internet_gateway_id }};{{ igw.attachments[0].vpc_id | default('') }};{{ igw.attachments[0].state | default('') }};{{ igw.tags }}"
loop: "{{ all_igws_within_region.internet_gateways }}"
loop_var: igw
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ igw.internet_gateway_id }}"
when: inventory_igwname: output igw details to screen
- "gateway_id: {{ igw.internet_gateway_id }}"
- "attached to: {{ igw.attachments[0].vpc_id }}"
- "state: {{ igw.attachments[0].state }}"
- "tags: {{ igw.tags }}"
loop: "{{ all_igws_within_region.internet_gateways }}"
loop_var: igw
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ igw.internet_gateway_id }}"
when: inventory_igw and verbose#output ami information
name: get a list of all ami in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
owners: "{{owner_id | int }}"
register: all_amis_within_region
when: inventory_aminame: output ami details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ ami_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ami.image_id}};{{ami.name}};{{ami.creation_date}};{{ami.state}};{{ami.public}};{{ami.description}}"
loop: "{{ all_amis_within_region.images }}"
loop_var: ami
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ ami.image_id }}"
when: inventory_aminame: output ami details to screen
- "image_id: {{ami.image_id}}"
- "name: {{ami.name}}"
- "creation_date: {{ami.creation_date}}"
- "state: {{ami.state}}"
- "is_public: {{ami.public}}"
- "description: {{ami.description}}"
loop: "{{ all_amis_within_region.images }}"
loop_var: ami
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ ami.image_id }}"
when: inventory_ami and verbose#output eip information
name: get a list of all eip in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_eips_within_region
when: inventory_eipname: output eip details to file when eip is not associated to a resource
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ eip_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ eip.allocation_id | default('') }};;{{ eip.domain }};;;;{{eip.public_ip}};{{eip.public_ipv4_pool}}"
loop: "{{ all_eips_within_region.addresses }}"
loop_var: eip
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ eip.allocation_id }}"
when: inventory_eip and (eip.association_id is not defined)name: output eip details to file when eip is associated to a resource
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ eip_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ eip.allocation_id | default('') }};{{ eip.association_id }};{{ eip.domain }};{{ eip.instance_id}};{{eip.network_interface_id}};{{eip.private_ip_address}};{{eip.public_ip}};{{eip.public_ipv4_pool}}"
loop: "{{ all_eips_within_region.addresses }}"
loop_var: eip
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ eip.allocation_id }}"
when: inventory_eip and (eip.association_id is defined)name: output eip details to screen
- "{{ all_eips_within_region }}"
when: inventory_eip and verbose#output snapshot information
name: get a list of all snapshots in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
owner-id: "{{ owner_id | int}}"
register: all_snapshots_within_region
when: inventory_snapshotname: output snapshot details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ snapshot_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{snapshot.snapshot_id}};{{snapshot.owner_id}};{{snapshot.start_time}};{{snapshot.progress}};{{snapshot.state}};{{snapshot.encrypted}};{{snapshot.volume_id}};{{snapshot.volume_size}};{{snapshot.description}}"
loop: "{{ all_snapshots_within_region.snapshots }}"
loop_var: snapshot
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ snapshot.snapshot_id }}"
when: inventory_snapshotname: output snapshot details to screen
- "snapshot_id: {{snapshot.snapshot_id}}"
- "owner_id: {{snapshot.owner_id}}"
- "start_time: {{snapshot.start_time}}"
- "progress: {{snapshot.progress}}"
- "state: {{snapshot.state}}"
- "encrypted: {{snapshot.encrypted}}"
- "volume_id: {{snapshot.volume_id}}"
- "volume_size: {{snapshot.volume_size}}"
- "description: {{snapshot.description}}"
loop: "{{ all_snapshots_within_region.snapshots }}"
loop_var: snapshot
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ snapshot.snapshot_id }}"
when: inventory_snapshot and verbose#output volume information
name: get a list of all volumes in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
- gp2
- io1
- st1
- sc1
- standard
register: all_volumes_within_region
when: inventory_volumename: output volume details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ volume_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{volume.id}};{{volume.type}};{{volume.size}};{{volume.iops}};{{volume.encrypted}};{{volume.status}};{{volume.region}};{{volume.zone}};{{volume.create_time}};{{volume.attachment_set.attach_time}};{{volume.attachment_set.instance_id}};{{volume.attachment_set.device}};{{volume.attachment_set.delete_on_termination}};{{volume.attachment_set.status}}"
loop: "{{ all_volumes_within_region.volumes }}"
loop_var: volume
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ volume.id }}"
when: inventory_volumename: output volumes details to screen
- "volume_id: {{volume.id}}"
- "volume_type: {{volume.type}}"
- "size: {{volume.size}}"
- "iops: {{volume.iops}}"
- "encrypted: {{volume.encrypted}}"
- "status: {{volume.status}}"
- "region: {{volume.region}}"
- "zone: {{volume.zone}}"
- "create_time: {{volume.create_time}}"
- "attach_time: {{volume.attachment_set.attach_time}}"
- "attached_to: {{volume.attachment_set.instance_id | default('')}}"
- "attached as: {{volume.attachment_set.device | default('')}}"
- "delete_on_termination: {{volume.attachment_set.delete_on_termination}}"
- "volume_status: {{volume.attachment_set.status}}"
loop: "{{ all_volumes_within_region.volumes }}"
loop_var: volume
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ volume.id }}"
when: inventory_volume and verbosename: get a list of all security groups in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_securitygroups_within_region
when: inventory_securitygroupname: output security group details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ securitygroup_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ securitygroup.group_name }};{{ securitygroup.group_id }};{{ securitygroup.vpc_id }};{{ securitygroup.description }};{{ securitygroup.ip_permissions }};{{ securitygroup.ip_permissions_egress }}"
loop: "{{ all_securitygroups_within_region.security_groups }}"
loop_var: securitygroup
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ securitygroup.group_id }}"
when: inventory_securitygroupname: output security group details to screen
- "group_name: {{ securitygroup.group_name }}"
- "group_id: {{ securitygroup.group_id }}"
- "vpc_id: {{ securitygroup.vpc_id }}"
- "description: {{ securitygroup.description }}"
- "ingress: {{ securitygroup.ip_permissions }}"
- "egress: {{ securitygroup.ip_permissions_egress }}"
loop: "{{ all_securitygroups_within_region.security_groups }}"
loop_var: securitygroup
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ securitygroup.group_id }}"
when: inventory_securitygroup#output EC2 information
name: get a list of all ec2 instances in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_ec2_instances_within_region
when: inventory_ec2name: output ec2 instance details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ ec2_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ ec2instance.instance_id }};{{ ec2instance.tags.Name | default('') }};{{ ec2instance.instance_type }};{{ ec2instance.image_id }};{{ ec2instance.private_ip_address }};{{ ec2instance.placement.availability_zone }};{{ ec2instance.public_ip_address | default('') }};{{ ec2instance.subnet_id }};{{ ec2instance.source_dest_check }};{{ ec2instance.security_groups }};{{ ec2instance.vpc_id }};{{ ec2instance.launch_time }};{{ ec2instance.state.name }}"
loop: "{{ all_ec2_instances_within_region.instances }}"
loop_var: ec2instance
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ ec2instance.instance_id }}"
when: inventory_ec2
ignore_errors: truename: output ec2 instance details to screen
- "instance_id: {{ ec2instance.instance_id }}"
- "instance_name: {{ ec2instance.tags.Name | default('') }}"
- "instance_type: {{ ec2instance.instance_type }}"
- "image_id: {{ ec2instance.image_id }}"
- "private_ip_address: {{ ec2instance.private_ip_address }}"
- "availability_zone: {{ ec2instance.placement.availability_zone }}"
- "public_ip_address: {{ ec2instance.public_ip_address | default('') }}"
- "subnet_id: {{ ec2instance.subnet_id }}"
- "souce_dest_check: {{ ec2instance.source_dest_check }}"
- "security_groups: {{ ec2instance.security_groups }}"
- "vpc_id: {{ ec2instance.vpc_id }}"
- "launch_time: {{ ec2instance.launch_time }}"
- "state: {{ ec2instance.state.name }}"
ignore_errors: true
loop: "{{ all_ec2_instances_within_region.instances }}"
loop_var: ec2instance
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ ec2instance.instance_id }}"
when: inventory_ec2 and verbose#output vgw information
name: get a list of all vgw in {{ aws_region }}
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_vgws_within_region
when: inventory_vgwname: output vgw details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ vgw_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ vgw.vpn_gateway_id }};{{ vgw.state }};{{ vgw.type }};{{ vgw.attachments | default('') }};{{ vgw.tags }}"
loop: "{{ all_vgws_within_region.virtual_gateways }}"
loop_var: vgw
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ vgw.vpn_gateway_id }}"
when: inventory_vgwname: output vgw details to screen
- "vpn_gateway_id: {{ vgw.vpn_gateway_id }}"
- "state: {{ vgw.state }}"
- "type: {{ vgw.type }}"
- "attachments: {{ vgw.attachments | default('') }}"
- "tags: {{ vgw.tags }}"
loop: "{{ all_vgws_within_region.virtual_gateways }}"
loop_var: vgw
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ vgw.vpn_gateway_id }}"
when: inventory_vgw and verbose#output application ELB information
name: get a list of all application elb in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_app_elbs_within_region
when: inventory_elbname: output application elb details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ elb_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};application;{{ elb.load_balancer_name }};{{ elb.dns_name }};;;;;;{{ elb.security_groups }};;{{ elb.state }}"
loop: "{{ all_app_elbs_within_region.load_balancers }}"
loop_var: elb
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ elb.load_balancer_name }}"
when: inventory_elbname: output application elb details to screen
- "elb_type: application"
- "elb_name: {{ elb.load_balancer_name }}"
- "elb_dns_name: {{ elb.dns_name }}"
- "elb_instances:"
- "elb_scheme:"
- "elb_security_groups: {{ elb.security_groups }}"
- "elb_listeners:"
- "elb_state: {{ elb.state }}"
loop: "{{ all_app_elbs_within_region.load_balancers }}"
loop_var: elb
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ elb.load_balancer_name }}"
when: inventory_elb and verbose#output RDS instance information
name: get a list of all rds instances in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_rds_instances_within_region
when: inventory_rds_instancename: output rds instance details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ rds_instance_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{rds_instance.db_instance_identifier}};{{rds_instance.availability_zone}};{{rds_instance.allocated_storage}};{{rds_instance.auto_minor_version_upgrade}};{{rds_instance.availability_zone}};{{rds_instance.backup_retention_period}};{{rds_instance.db_instance_class}};{{rds_instance.db_instance_port}};{{rds_instance.db_instance_status}};{{rds_instance.db_parameter_groups}};{{rds_instance.db_security_groups}};{{rds_instance.db_subnet_group}};{{rds_instance.engine}};{{rds_instance.engine_version}};{{rds_instance.preferred_backup_window}};{{rds_instance.preferred_maintenance_window}};{{rds_instance.publicly_accessible}};{{rds_instance.storage_type}};{{rds_instance.vpc_security_groups}};{{rds_instance.tags}}"
loop: "{{ all_rds_instances_within_region.instances }}"
loop_var: rds_instance
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ rds_instance.db_instance_identifier }}"
when: inventory_rds_instancename: output rds instance details to screen
- "{{ all_rds_instances_within_region }}"
- "db_instance_identifier: {{rds_instance.db_instance_identifier}}"
- "availability_zone: {{rds_instance.availability_zone}}"
- "allocated_storage: {{rds_instance.allocated_storage}}"
- "auto_minor_version_upgrade: {{rds_instance.auto_minor_version_upgrade}}"
- "availability_zone: {{rds_instance.availability_zone}}"
- "backup_retention_period: {{rds_instance.backup_retention_period}}"
- "instance_class: {{rds_instance.db_instance_class}}"
- "db_instance_port: {{rds_instance.db_instance_port}}"
- "db_instance_status: {{rds_instance.db_instance_status}}"
- "db_parameter_groups: {{rds_instance.db_parameter_groups}}"
- "db_security_groups: {{rds_instance.db_security_groups}}"
- "db_subnet_group: {{rds_instance.db_subnet_group}}"
- "engine: {{rds_instance.engine}}"
- "engine_version: {{rds_instance.engine_version}}"
- "preferred_backup_window: {{rds_instance.preferred_backup_window}}"
- "preferred_maintenance_window: {{rds_instance.preferred_maintenance_window}}"
- "publicly_accessible: {{rds_instance.publicly_accessible}}"
- "storage_type: {{rds_instance.storage_type}}"
- "security_groups: {{rds_instance.vpc_security_groups}}"
- "tags: {{rds_instance.tags}}"
loop: "{{ all_rds_instances_within_region.instances }}"
loop_var: rds_instance
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ rds_instance.db_instance_identifier }}"
when: inventory_rds_instance and verbose#output RDS snapshot information
name: get a list of all rds snapshots "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_rds_snapshots_within_region
when: inventory_rds_snapshotname: output rds snapshot details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ rds_snapshot_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{rds_snapshot.db_snapshot_identifier}};{{rds_snapshot.snapshot_create_time}};{{rds_snapshot.snapshot_type}};{{rds_snapshot.db_instance_identifier}};{{rds_snapshot.encrypted}};{{rds_snapshot.percent_progress}};{{rds_snapshot.allocated_storage}};{{rds_snapshot.availability_zone}};{{rds_snapshot.tags}}"
loop: "{{ all_rds_snapshots_within_region.snapshots }}"
loop_var: rds_snapshot
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ rds_snapshot.db_snapshot_identifier }}"
when: inventory_rds_snapshotname: output rds snapshot details to screen
- "db_snapshot_identifier: {{rds_snapshot.db_snapshot_identifier}}"
- "snapshot_create_time: {{rds_snapshot.snapshot_create_time}}"
- "snapshot_type: {{rds_snapshot.snapshot_type}}"
- "db_instance_identifier: {{rds_snapshot.db_instance_identifier}}"
- "encrypted: {{rds_snapshot.encrypted}}"
- "percent_progress: {{rds_snapshot.percent_progress}}"
- "allocated_storage: {{rds_snapshot.allocated_storage}}"
- "availability_zone: {{rds_snapshot.availability_zone}}"
- "tags: {{rds_snapshot.tags}}"
loop: "{{ all_rds_snapshots_within_region.snapshots }}"
loop_var: rds_snapshot
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ rds_snapshot.db_snapshot_identifier }}"
when: inventory_rds_snapshot and verbose#output s3 information
name: get a list of s3 buckets in "{{ aws_region }}"
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
register: all_s3_buckets_within_region
when: inventory_s3name: output s3 bucket details to file
state: present
create: yes
path: "{{ s3_outputfile }}"
line: "{{ aws_region }};{{ s3.name }};{{ s3.creation_date }}"
loop: "{{ all_s3_buckets_within_region['buckets'] }}"
loop_var: s3
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ s3.name }}"
when: inventory_s3name: output s3 bucket details to screen
- "s3_name: {{ s3.name }}"
- "s3_creation_date: {{ s3.creation_date }}"
loop: "{{ all_s3_buckets_within_region['buckets'] }}"
loop_var: s3
label: "{{ aws_region }} {{ s3.name }}"
when: inventory_s3 and verbose
ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'ec2_vpc_net_facts'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to be in '/***/inventory/ansible-aws-inventory-worker.yml': line 39, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
#output vpc information
name: get a list of all vpc in {{ aws_region }}
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as: