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vodik /
Last active December 11, 2024 16:20
_Never_ -Sy when installing!

Once upon a time there was a user that wanted to install firefox.

The user tried to do pacman -S firefox but it didn't work. The all mighty pacman reported that firefox-3.2.4-1.i686.pkg.tar.gz could not be found on his mirror. So the user tried pacman -Sy firefox. It worked and the user rejoiced since he could once again go and troll /h/.

But all was not good. The user had made a grave error!

See, when the user told the almighty pacman to -Sy firefox, pacman did

dtakahas / babby.rb
Last active December 28, 2021 03:56
How is babby formed in Rails?
class Babby < PragnentGirl::GetPragnent
attr_accessible :name, :mother, :location, :pragnent_girl_id
belongs_to :pragnent_girl
before_save :destroy_instain_mothers
after_save :pary_for_father
#How is babby formed?
nixpulvis / Custom.css
Last active December 15, 2015 13:59
Fuck with chrome <3 - Thanks to: for the css.
body{-webkit-animation: spin 30s linear infinite;}
p:before {content: "Code in Ruby! ";}
body, p, body p, body div p {font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', cursive !important;}
html {-webkit-animation: rainbow 8s infinite;}
@-webkit-keyframes blur {
0% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px); }
49% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px); }
50% { -webkit-filter: blur(1px); }
51% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px); }
100% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px); }
brandonb927 /
Last active February 10, 2025 17:30
OSX for Hackers: Yosemite/El Capitan Edition. This script tries not to be *too* opinionated and any major changes to your system require a prompt. You've been warned.
# SOME COMMANDS WILL NOT WORK ON macOS (Sierra or newer)
# For Sierra or newer, see
# Alot of these configs have been taken from the various places
# on the web, most from here
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active February 28, 2025 14:14
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
chetan /
Last active January 30, 2025 05:41
YARD cheatsheet