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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Generating Coverage Reports with Xcode 5.1.1
If you need to test using the IOS 6.x simulator due to
testing in-app purchases, for example, you won't be able to use
the new XCTest library as those are IOS >= 7. The apple store
(simulator) is only available in the IOS 6.x simulators.
The notes below use GTM UnitTesting which are extensions
of SenTestingKit instead of XCTest.
This is an example of targets built for an older Xcode project that
I keep adapting to the newer IDE builds. There are many ways
to build your testing targets, so this is just one working
The main target is the source target and is built using defaults
provided by the Xcode IDE.
The testing target is duplicate of the source target. You have
to remove main.m from "Build Phases" "Compile Sources".
Then to include GTM testing for GTMTestCases,
I used the older configuration instructions still present in their wiki,
but you should be able to use the simpler instructions at
the top of the page.'s_support/Xcode_integ
(1) configure XCode 5.1.1 to generate gcno files
(2) then to generate gcda files from your GTMTestCase unit tests
you can either add to each unit test source file
extern void __gcov_flush();
and a __gcov_flush(); to the tearDown method,
or you can add a few files from the google-toolbox-for-mac
(which adds a listener to do invoke __gcov_flush()) and a
pre-processer macro to include the code.
Instructions for the later are at:
To generatee reports for the gcda files:
you can use, but there is a problem if your code uses
block variables or block arguments to functions, such as is common
with NSOperationQueue.
For _blocks there are errors such as ".gcno no lines for '__copy_helper_block_'"
and ".gcno:no lines for '__destroy_helper_block_'".
This might be due a mix of gcc and clang tools producing and expecting different names.
So the alternative is to use 2 more tools:
(3) use llvm-gov to generate each gcov file (gcov file is a readable ascii text
file of the source code with left edge markings for covered and not for each line of code)
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/llvm-cov -a -o gcda_directory a_gcda_file_path
(4) use lcov to create html files from the gcov files
lcov -t 'report_title' -o -c -d gcov_directory
genhtml -o output_dir
More details if needed:
After varying the coverage configuration, these are the build settings I now use:
Source target:
Generate test coverage files: YES for debug and debug device. NO for release
Instrument program flow: YES for debug and debug device. NO for release
Preprocessor Macros: GTM_IS_COVERAGE_BUILD=1 for debug
Other C Flags: -DDEBUG
Test target:
Generate test coverage files: YES for debug and debug device. NO for release
Instrument program flow: YES for debug and debug device. NO for release
My unit test files include the extern void __gcov_flush(), and then a __gcov_flush()
in the tearDown method because I'd already done that before finding the above.
There's room to simplify these instructions and the files included, but I haven't
take the time to do that yet. This working configuration might be helpful if
you're testing with IOS 6.
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nking commented Jul 13, 2014

Thanks for this - just now seeing your comment. If gist has notifications, I must not have it configured to on.

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