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Working from home

Noah Kreiger nkreiger

Working from home
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nkreiger /
Created February 3, 2025 19:15
Fianu - Install Dependencies
# bashsupport disable=BP5006
set -euo pipefail
# Global Script Variables
SCRIPT="$(command -v "$0")"
if [[ ! "$SCRIPT" =~ ^/ ]]; then SCRIPT="$PWD/$SCRIPT"; fi
const config = (() => {
return {
"TEST_ONE": "hello",
"TEST_TWO": "world"
import (
// Merge fans multiple error channels in to a single error channel
func Merge(errChans ...<-chan error) <-chan error {
mergedChan := make(chan error)
var errors []error
nkreiger / main.go
Created June 24, 2021 00:48
final go url
func main() {
conn := weatherAPI{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Endpoints: weatherEndpoints{
Forecast: endpoint{
Path: "/forecast.json",
Method: "GET",
Sports: endpoint{
nkreiger / main.go
Last active June 23, 2021 02:34
dynamic url simple example
type Formatter func() (string, *url.URL)
func (w *weatherAPI) ForecastURL(date, region string) Formatter {
return func() (string, *url.URL) {
u := &url.URL{
Scheme: w.Scheme,
Host: w.Host,
Path: w.Endpoints.Forecast.Path,
nkreiger / main.go
Created June 23, 2021 02:16
url basic
package main
import (
type endpoint struct {
Path string `yaml:"path"`
Method string `yaml:"method"`
nkreiger / config.yaml
Created June 22, 2021 02:16
Boiler plate weather api config.yaml
scheme: https
path: /forecast.json
method: GET
path: /sports.json
method: GET
nkreiger / main.go
Created June 22, 2021 02:09
go-urls basic
// main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
nkreiger / graceful.go
Created December 29, 2020 17:49
graceful listen and serve
func GracefullyListenAndServe(ctx context.Context, servePort string, rtr *mux.Router) {
http.Handle("/", rtr)
h := &http.Server{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf(":%v", servePort),
Handler: handlers.CORS()(rtr),
sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
var ReadCollectionPayload = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
(w).Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
var payload mongo.QueryInputs
// Try to decode the request body into the struct. If there is an error,
// respond to the client with the error message and a 400 status code.
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&payload)
if err != nil {
writeStatus(&w, http.StatusBadRequest, "invalid query payload")