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Created July 17, 2012 19:27
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Compile-time hashed strings with unit test
#include <cstdint>
// if HASHEDSTRING_USE_CONSTEXPR is defined, a recursive constexpr hashing algorithm will be used.
// otherwise, an iterative runtime hashing algorithm will be used.
// do not touch this block of preprocessor.
namespace vik
// encapsulates hashed strings
// will try to remember the original string in debug builds.
// in release builds, will not store the string at all.
// strings are hashed at compile time whenever possible using constexpr, if the HASHEDSTRING_USE_CONSTEXPR flag is defined.
class HashedString
typedef uint32_t HashType;
friend HASHEDSTRING_CONSTEXPR_IMPL HashType _hashString(const char* str);
friend HASHEDSTRING_CONSTEXPR_IMPL HashType _hashStringRecursive(HashType hash, const char* str);
// Hashes the passed in string and stores the hash
// in debug builds, the original string pointer will also be stored to be accessed with getDebugString()
inline explicit HASHEDSTRING_CONSTEXPR_IMPL HashedString(const char* str);
// in debug builds, will return the originally hashed string.
// in debug builds, causes undefined behaviour if the string originally used to construct the hash no longer exists.
// in release builds, will return an empty string. Should not call this function in release builds.
inline const char* getReverseHash() const;
// compares hash by equality
inline constexpr bool operator==(const HashedString& other) const;
inline constexpr bool operator!=(const HashedString& other) const;
// compares hash in terms of order to allow efficient use with std::less<T> as a Compare function in std::maps
inline constexpr bool operator<(const HashedString& other) const;
// add more comparison operators as they are needed. Always compare with the hash, not the reverse hash.
// reverse hash only exists in debug build
#ifdef _DEBUG
const char* debugReverseHash;
HashType hash;
// performs a compile time recursive string hash using the djb2 algorithm explained here:
// To hash a string, do not call these functions. Instead, construct a HashedString with the string passed as an argument to the constructor.
HASHEDSTRING_CONSTEXPR_IMPL HashedString::HashType _hashStringRecursive(HashedString::HashType hash, const char* str)
return ( !*str ? hash :
_hashStringRecursive(((hash << 5) + hash) + *str, str + 1));
// performs a compile time string hash
HASHEDSTRING_CONSTEXPR_IMPL HashedString::HashType _hashString(const char* str)
return ( !str ? 0 :
_hashStringRecursive(5381, str));
HashType hash = 5381;
int x;
while ( (x = *str++) )
hash += ((hash << 5) + hash) + x;
return hash;
HASHEDSTRING_CONSTEXPR_IMPL HashedString::HashedString(const char* str):
#ifdef _DEBUG
const char* HashedString::getReverseHash() const
#ifdef _DEBUG
return debugReverseHash;
return "";
bool constexpr HashedString::operator==(const HashedString& other) const
return hash == other.hash;
bool constexpr HashedString::operator!=(const HashedString& other) const
return hash != other.hash;
bool constexpr HashedString::operator<(const HashedString& other) const
return hash < other.hash;
} // end namespace vik
static_assert(vik::HashedString("foo") != vik::HashedString("bar"), "compare different hashed string by key");
static_assert(vik::HashedString("foo") == vik::HashedString("foo"), "compare identical strings by key");
static_assert(vik::HashedString("bar") < vik::HashedString("foo"), "compare strings by key ordering");
int main()
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compiles with gcc 4.6.3 with "g++ HashedString.cpp -std=c++0x"

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