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Created January 22, 2019 19:58
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from astroquery.jplhorizons import HorizonsClass
HorizonsClass.vectors_async = vectors_async_full
Horizons = HorizonsClass()
def vectors_async_full(self, get_query_payload=False, refplane='ecliptic',
closest_apparition=False, no_fragments=False,
get_raw_response=False, cache=True):
URL = conf.horizons_server
# check for required information
if is None:
raise ValueError("'id' parameter not set. Query aborted.")
if self.location is None:
self.location = '500@10'
if self.epochs is None:
self.epochs =
# assemble commandline based on self.id_type
commandline = str(
if self.id_type in ['designation', 'name',
'asteroid_name', 'comet_name']:
commandline = ({'designation': 'DES=',
'name': 'NAME=',
'asteroid_name': 'ASTNAM=',
'comet_name': 'COMNAM='}[self.id_type] +
if self.id_type in ['smallbody', 'asteroid_name',
'comet_name', 'designation']:
commandline += ';'
if isinstance(closest_apparition, bool):
if closest_apparition:
commandline += ' CAP;'
commandline += ' CAP{:s};'.format(closest_apparition)
if no_fragments:
commandline += ' NOFRAG;'
if isinstance(self.location, dict):
raise ValueError(('cannot use topographic position in state'
'vectors query'))
# configure request_payload for ephemerides query
request_payload = OrderedDict([
('batch', 1),
('OUT_UNITS', 'AU-D'),
('COMMAND', '"' + commandline + '"'),
('CENTER', ("'" + str(self.location) + "'")),
('CSV_FORMAT', ('"YES"')),
('REF_PLANE', {'ecliptic': 'ECLIPTIC', 'earth': 'FRAME',
'body': "'BODY EQUATOR'"}[refplane]),
('REF_SYSTEM', 'J2000'),
('LABELS', 'YES'),
('OBJ_DATA', 'YES')]
# parse self.epochs
if isinstance(self.epochs, (list, tuple, ndarray)):
request_payload['TLIST'] = "\n".join([str(epoch) for epoch in
elif type(self.epochs) is dict:
if ('start' not in self.epochs or 'stop' not in self.epochs or
'step' not in self.epochs):
raise ValueError("'epochs' must contain start, " +
"stop, step")
request_payload['START_TIME'] = self.epochs['start']
request_payload['STOP_TIME'] = self.epochs['stop']
request_payload['STEP_SIZE'] = self.epochs['step']
# treat epochs as a list
request_payload['TLIST'] = str(self.epochs)
self.query_type = 'vectors'
# return request_payload if desired
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
# set return_raw flag, if raw response desired
if get_raw_response:
self.return_raw = True
# query and parse
response = self._request('GET', URL, params=request_payload,
timeout=self.TIMEOUT, cache=cache)
self.uri = response.url
return response
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