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Created December 7, 2017 02:23
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Falcon API gateway for a simple machine learning API
import falcon
import json
from data_handler import invoke_predict
# Falcon follows the REST architectural style, meaning (among
# other things) that you think in terms of resources and state
# transitions, which map to HTTP verbs.
class InfoResource(object):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
"""Handles GET requests"""
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 # This is the default status
resp.body = ('\nThis is an API for a deployed Datmo model, '
'where it takes flower lengths as input and returns the predicted Iris species.\n'
'To learn more about this model, send a GET request to the /predicts endpoint or visit the repository online at: \n\n'
class PredictsResource(object):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
"""Handles GET requests"""
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 # This is the default status
resp.body = ('\nThis is the PREDICT endpoint. \n'
'Both requests and responses are served in JSON. \n'
'INPUT: Flower Lengths (in cm) \n'
' "sepal_length":[num] \n'
' "sepal_width": [num] \n'
' "petal_length":[num] \n'
' "petal_width": [num] \n\n'
'OUTPUT: Prediction (Species) \n'
' "Species": [string] \n\n')
def on_post(self, req, resp):
"""Handles POST requests"""
raw_json =
except Exception as ex:
raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400,
result_json = json.loads(raw_json.decode(), encoding='utf-8')
# For Python 2.x, replace with
# result_json = json.loads(raw_json, encoding='utf-8')
except ValueError:
raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400,
'Malformed JSON',
'Could not decode the request body. The '
'JSON was incorrect.')
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
resp.body = json.dumps(invoke_predict(raw_json))
# For Python 2.x, replace with
# resp.body = json.dumps(invoke_predict(raw_json), encoding='utf-8') encoding not necessary in python3.
# falcon.API instances are callable WSGI apps. Never change this.
app = falcon.API()
# Resources are represented by long-lived class instances. Each Python class becomes a different "URL directory"
info = InfoResource()
predicts = PredictsResource()
# things will handle all requests to the '/things' URL path
app.add_route('/info', info)
app.add_route('/predicts', predicts)
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